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1、1米斯小宁2012年新视野大学英语学习笔记新视野大学英语读写教程4Unit 1 (Section A)1. chase vt. 追逐 追赶 My dog likes chasing rabbits. 我的那条狗喜欢追逐兔子。2. cruelty n. 残酷 残忍 The book tells readers the cruelty of the slave trade at that time. 这本书告诉了读者在那个时候奴隶买卖的残忍。3. pessimistic adj. 悲观的 The tone of the meeting was very pessimistic. 该会议的气氛非常悲

2、观。 The doctors are pessimistic about his chances of recovery. 医生们对他康复的可能性感到悲观。4. conquest U 征服 控制 攻占 The conquest of inflation has been the Governments economic priority. 控制通货膨胀一直是政府经济工作的重点。 He finally made the conquest of the disease come true. 他最后战胜了那疾病。 The empire had expanded largely through mil

3、itary conquest. 帝国的扩张主要是通过军事占领。5. bankrupt adj. 破产的 The company was declared bankrupt. 这家公司被宣布破产。 Five years ago she was a successful actress, but now she is bankrupt. 五年前她是一个成功的演员,可是现在她一贫如洗了。6. motive n. 动机 Why would she have killed him? She has no motive. 她为什么会杀他呢?她没有任何动机。 What is the motive behin

4、d the bombing? 爆炸背后有什么动机?7. worship vt. 崇拜 敬重 仰慕 He worshipped his wife. 他很崇拜妻子。 He was amused by the way younger actors worshipped and copied him. 年青演员崇拜他、模仿他的方式使他感到很有意思。8. spur vt. 鼓励 刺激 Her difficult childhood spurred her on to succeed. 她艰难的童年激励她去取得成功。 My trainer spurred me to keep up a pace of f

5、our miles an hour. 我的教练鼓励我保持每小时4英里的节奏。9. lure n. 诱惑Few can resist the lure of adventure.几乎没有人抵挡得住历险的吸引力。It is the lure of money that brings them to the city.是金钱的诱惑使他们来到了这城市。10. drown v. 沉浸于 (使)淹死I felt as if I were drowning in sleep.我感到自己好像沉浸在睡眠之中。Many people drowned when the boat overturned.翻船时有许多人

6、淹死了。11. imperial adj. 壮丽的 宏大的 帝国的 皇帝的The house is huge and almost imperial.房子很大,极其壮丽。It is said that few places on earth offer such imperial scenic beauty as this.据说世界上很少有地方像这里有如此壮观的美景。the decline of an imperial power强盛帝国的衰败12. agent n. 经纪人 代理人 代理商A best-selling writer needs a good agent.畅销书作家需要好的经纪

7、人。My agent has a new script for me to look at.我的经纪人有一个新剧本要我看一看。Our agent in New York deals with all US sales.我们在纽约的代理商处理所有的美国销售业务。13. hasten vt. 加快 加速The treatment she received may, in fact, have hastened her death.实际上她接受的治疗加速了她的死亡。14. elevator n. 电梯Its on the sixth floor lets take the elevator.它在六层

8、,让我们坐电梯吧。Some people were trapped in the elevator.有些人被困在了电梯里。15. blur n. 模糊的记忆 模糊不清的事物The events of that day were just a blur.那天所发生的事情简直就是一片模糊,记不清楚。My memory of my childhood days is only a blur.我对童年只有些模糊的记忆。16. idle adj. 不工作的 闲着的The workers have been idle for the last six months.在过去的六个月,这些工人们都闲着没事干。

9、The machine stood idle for two months.机器闲置了两个月。17. bore vt. 使厌烦He bores everyone with his stories about his girlfriends.他老讲自己女朋友的故事,使每个人都感到厌倦。Being alone with a baby all day bored her to death.整天一个人和一个婴儿在一起使她厌倦死了。18. bored adj. 厌倦的It was a cold, wet day and the children were bored.那天很冷,又潮湿,孩子们都烦闷了。H

10、e was getting bored with dong the same thing every day.每天都做同样的事,他变得厌倦了。19. continuity n. 连贯性 连续性 The novel fails to achieve narrative continuity. 这部小说在叙述的连贯性上是失败的。His speech lacks continuity in logic.他的演说缺乏逻辑的连贯性。20. sustain vt. 维持 使持续She managed to sustain everyones interest until the end of her sp

11、eech.她设法使得每个人的兴趣都保持到她演讲结束。21. minute adj. 极小的Her writings so minute that its difficult to read.她的字迹太小了,很难认。22. discount vt. 忽视 低估 降低价格 打折 n. 折扣You shouldnt discount the possibility of him coming back.你们不应该不相信他回来的可能性。Much of what he says must be discounted.他说的很多话不可信。The store discounts all its mercha

12、ndise.这家商店的所有商品都打折。He asked to discount 15% from the price.他要求打八五折。They offer a 10 percent discount on rail travel for students.他们向乘火车旅行的学生提供九折优惠。23. plot n. 情节 阴谋 密谋The film has a very simple plot.这部电影的情节非常简单。The plot was discovered before it was carried out.这密谋还没进行就已被发现。24. moviemaker n. 电影制作人Its

13、about time a few moviemakers with original ideas were given a chance.该是给那些具有新见解的电影制作人机会的时候了。25. distinct adj. 明显不同的 独特的 清晰的 清楚的 明显的The two concepts are quite distinct from each other.这两个概念是有明显区别的。The learning needs of the two groups are quite distinct from each other.这两个组的学习需要是相当不同的。The outline of t

14、he ship became more distinct.船的轮廓变得更清楚了。As night fell, the outline of the mountain became less distinct.夜幕降临,山峦的轮廓变得不那么清楚了。26. spotlight n. 聚光灯She stood alone on stage in the spotlight.她独自一个人站在舞台的聚光灯下。27. jungle n. 热带丛林The lakes are certainly there but they are hidden in dense jungle.湖肯定在那儿,不过是隐藏在密林

15、之中。When the police hit the shore, they fled into the jungle.当警察到达河岸时,他们逃进了丛林。28. fraud n. 欺骗 欺诈She was charged with credit card fraud.她被指控用信用卡诈骗。29. contaminate vt. 污染 弄脏Much of the coast has been contaminated by nuclear waste.那海岸的许多地方已被核废料污染了。The food which had been contaminated was destroyed.被污染的食品已经被销毁了。30. underline vt.


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