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1、英语万能动词do用法点滴Do 是英语中最常见的动词之一,搭配能力强,用法多,被称为英语的万能动词,几乎可以代替英语中的任何动词。do与名词连用时,会产生很多意义,表示“产生、制作、进行、学习、从事、对待”等等。现收集部分典型例句,与大家一起分享,揣摩do的意义和用法。1.do hair / teeth/nail等物品 洗漱、整理She did her hair ,and then did the flowers. 她梳好头发,然后把花插好。Who does your hair?平时是谁帮你做头发的?You take such a long time to do your face.你化妆的时间

2、可真长啊!The flowers are done very beautifully. 那些花插得很漂亮。Ill do the dishes,Mummy.妈妈,我来洗盘子。Go and do your room.去整理你自己的房间。You do omelets very well.你很会煎蛋卷。2.do + 地方: 参观、观光旅游They did Oxford in three days .他们花了三天时间游览牛津。He did Europe on 100 dollars a day. 他在欧洲旅游,一天花100美元。Do five countries in a week 一星期游览五个国家L

3、ets do Eiffel Tower today and the Pompidou Center tomorrow.咱们今天去参观埃菲尔铁塔,明天游览逢皮杜中心。3.do + 由动词变来的动名词(Ving)He does cooking and she does washing.他来做饭,她负责洗衣服。Its teaching that he does. 他的工作是教书。4.do + 人物、戏剧:演出(戏剧等)、扮演(人物)、模仿He did the main character in the play. 他在剧中饰演主角。Our class is doing The Merchant of

4、 Venice tomorrow.我们班明天将演出威尼斯商人。He did Clinton very well .他把克林顿模仿得惟妙惟肖。5.do + 人,表示“服务、招待、款待、惩罚”:The hairdresser will do you next.理发师下一个就给你理。They did me very well at that hotel (with their good food and clean rooms).那家旅馆服务得很周到(提供可口的饭菜好整洁的房间)。Your dadll do you when he finds out.要是你爸知道了,他会揍你的。I got done

5、 for speeding yesterday.我昨天因超速行驶被罚了。They do you very well at that hotel.那家宾馆服务得很周到。6.do + 学科名等:学习、研究 、进行She is doing economics at Shenyang university. 她在沈阳大学学习经济学。I did French for five years.我了五年法语。Do ones lessonsDo a Math problem 做数学题Do an article 写论文7.do + 距离,表示“走完”:The car can do 120 mph.这辆汽车时速度能达到120英里。We did 300miles on the first day.第一天我们走完了300英里的路程。8.do + 时间长度:表示“花费 (时间)”:I did two years of teaching before that.在那之前,我教了两年书。



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