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1、Rregulation of Construction Temporary Power施工临时用电管理制度Index目录1.0 Scope 范围 2.0 Basis Management Principles 基本管理原则 3.0 Temporary Power Supply 临时用电 1. Scope 范围 1.1. This document specifies TEMPORARY POWER supply management standards within the Castrol project site. 本文件规定了嘉实多施工现场内的临时用电的管理标准。 1.2. The doc

2、ument shall be followed by all construction contractors using temporary electrical power within the site. 现场内所有使用电力的施工承包商都应遵守此文件。 2. Basic Management Principles 基本管理原则 2.1. Contractors will comply with all relevant rules as issued by local authorities, such as “Site Safety Technical Specifications f

3、or Temporary Power Supply” JGJ462005. 承包商们应遵守由当地政府部门颁发的相关规定。例如:施工现场临时用电安全技术规范 JGJ462005。 2.2. Before any temporary electrical supply equipment can be established on the site, it must be inspected and approved by a representative of the site Castrol Sanbei seeds HSE Team who will attach the appropria

4、te identification tag approval. 所有的临时用电设备在进入之前,必须经过嘉实多现场HSE小组的检查和批准,并做上标签。 2.3. Anybody wanting to utilize a temporary power source must apply thorough the Castrol Sanbei seeds Site HSE team using the Temporary Power Request form. 需要使用临时电源的任何人都应通过嘉实多现场HSE小组申请“临时电源申请表”。 2.4. All electricians working

5、on or with a temporary power source must passes the necessary certification as issued by the government. The certification document must be reviewed and approved by the Site HSE Department before beginning any job on the Castrol Sanbei seeds site. A copy of the certificate will be retained by the Ca

6、strol Sanbei seeds HSE Department. 所有为临时电源工作或使用临时电源的电工应持有由政府颁发的证书。在开始工作之前,该证书必须经过嘉实多现场HSE人员检查并批准。证书的复印件由嘉实多HSE 部门保存。 3. Temporary Power临时用电 All of the electrical equipment and wiring on the construction site that connects to temporary electrical power source should be in the scope. 现场所有的电气设备和电线都属于临时

7、电源的范围。 3.1. Flows in Granting Temporary Power Form 申请临时电源许用证的流程 3.1.1. The installation of a Temporary Power Supply must be approved by the contractors HSE Manager. 临时用电供应的建立必须得到承包商安全经理的批准。 3.1.2. A request for Temporary Power Permit form will filled out and submitted to the project electrical engin

8、eer for review and approval. Before approving any request for a Temporary Power Supply, the project electrical engineer is responsible to ensure that the cable is placed in a safest possible location and that the cable will be safeguarded during use from potential hazards such as people, vehicle and

9、 equipment traffic and water. The project electrical engineer will determine if the cable must be buried, shielded or otherwise protected based on an assessment of the potential hazards involved at the location. 申请临时用电要填写临时用电许可证,由项目电气工程师检查和批准。在批准任何临时用电申请前,项目电气工程师要负责确保电缆安放在一个最安全的位置,并确保电缆在使用期间不受到来自于人员

10、、车辆、交通设备和水的潜在危险。项目电气工程师将根据包括对所在位置的潜在危险评估决定电缆是否需要采取埋地、隔离或其它的保护措施。 3.1.3. The project electrical engineer will then take the request to the project safety engineer who will endorse the request for Temporary power supply permit if the necessary safety precautions have been met. 如果遇到必须要处理的安全问题,项目电气工程师要向

11、项目安全工程师提出签署临时用电许可的请求。 3.1.4. The contractors electrician can install and operate the temporary power supply equipment only after obtaining the approved Temporary power supply permit. 只有在得到临时用电供应许可的批准后,承包商电工才能建立和操作临时用电供应设备。 3.1.5. All temporary power supply permits shall be retained by the HSE Dept.

12、for a period of one (1) year from the date of issuance. 所有临时电源许可应从签发之日起在HSE部门保存一年。 3.1.6. The original copy of temporary power supply permit, along with the copies held by the project electrical engineer and the contractors HSE manager shall be returned to the safety engineer at the end of the time

13、limit indicated on the Permit. 临时用电许可证的复印件分别由电气工程师和承包商HSE经理持有,且在许可证的最后时限之后应全部交还给安全工程师。 3.2. Time Limit for Temporary power supply permits 临时电源供应许用证的时限 3.2.1. The time limit for any temporary power supply permit from any branch substation to an electrical cabinet will be one (1) month. 从每个配电站到电气柜的每一个

14、临时电源供应许可证时限为一个月。 3.2.2. If any problems or defects are found during the period of use of any temporary power supply, related parties shall take immediate action to correct and rectify the situation. If the problems or defects represent a significant risk to human safety, the temporary power supply s

15、hall be immediately isolated and de-energized and will remain out of service until such time as the causes of the problems or defects discovered and the necessary repairs have been made 在使用临时电源过程中如果发现任何问题和缺陷,相关各方应立即采取措施修复。如果发现的问题和缺陷对人员安全有重大危险的,那么应立即切断临时电源,停止(设备的)服务,直到问题或缺陷的原因被发现并得到必要的修复。 3.2.3. When

16、 work is suspended or the construction staffs are preparing to leave the site, for example, at the end of the working day, the contractor shall ensure that the temporary power supply has been isolated and made safe by turning off the switches or opening the breakers at the power source. 当工作暂停或施工人员准备离开现场,如每天工作结束时,承包商要关闭开关或打开电源的断路器确保切断临时电源。 3.2.4. Before start



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