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1、Unitl (M3)1. hearing(n.)听力,听觉 the sense of hearing/sight/taste/smell/to uch2. raised(adj.)凸起的3. dot(n.)点,小圆点4. sign(n.)符号,标志;迹象 (v.)签字 sign language road signs 路标 no sign of lifeHe signed his name on the cheque.sign up for sth5. confuse(vt.)使糊涂,使 迷惑;混淆confusing(adj.) confused(adj.) confusion(n.)困惑;混

2、淆 confuse A and/with B=mix up A with B6. vase(n.)花瓶7. fog(n.)雾 foggy(adj.) 有雾的,雾茫茫的8. mist(n.)薄雾;水汽9. forecast(vt.)/(n.)预报) 预测forecast-forecast-forecast foresee v.the weather forecast10. conductor(n.)(公交车) 售票员;(乐队)指挥conduct (v).实施,执行;指挥;引导conduct a survey/an experiment11. fare(n.)车费 taxi fares12. ob

3、serve(vt.)观察;注意 至U;评论;遵守;庆祝n.observation observer n.observe sb do/doingobserve stars/traffic rules/Christmas13. overcoat(n.)长大衣14. glance(vi.)/(n.)瞥一眼,匆匆看glance at: to look quickly at sb/sth15. nowhere(adv.)无处,至U处都不My camera is nowhere to be found.16. footstep(n.)脚步(声) follow in the footsteps of sb1

4、7. wherever(adv.)/conj.无 论哪里18. in sight看得见,在视 力范围内Out of sight, out of mind.at the sight oflove at first sight19. narrow (adj.) 狭窄的;勉强的 v.narrow-minded 小心眼的, 狭隘的,气量小的a narrow escape/victory narrow the generation gap be beaten narrowly20. approach(v.)靠近;着 手处理(n.)靠近;方法; 路径with the approach of winter=

5、with winter approach ingWhats the best way of approaching this problem?a different approach to_ sth/doingwinter approach ed, the weather became colder.winter approach ing, the weather became colder.21. wish for盼望,企盼 wish for sth=hope for sth We tend to wish for what we dont have.22. darkness(n.)黑暗23

6、. hesitate(vi.)犹豫,迟疑 不决 hesitation(n.)i If you get into trouble, dont hesitate to ask for help.He agreed to do it without hesitation.24. reach out 伸出(手) reach out for sth reach into one s pocket within one s reach beyond/out of one s reach 25. grasp(vt.)抓紧,抓牢;领会grasp an opportunityI grasped the main

7、 point of the speech.26. stare(vi.)凝视,盯着看 stare at =look at sb/sth for a long timeglare at =look at sb/sth in an angry way27. beard(n.)胡须,络腮胡 子28. watch out for 留心,密 切注意=look out for29. crossroads(n.)十字路 口at a/the crossroads (人生或发展)处于关键时刻30. anxious(adj.)焦急的,忧虑的;渴望的 anxiety(n.)be anxious about sth=b

8、e worried about sthbe anxious to do/for sth=be eager to do/for sth 31. firmly(adv.)牢牢地,坚定地I firmly believe that 32. grateful(adj.)感激的,表示感谢的 gratituden.be grateful to sb for sth33. helper(n.)帮助者34. aid(n.)/(vt.)帮助first aidwith the aid/help of come to one s aid35. relief(n.)轻松,宽慰 relieve(v.) 缓 解 relie

9、ved adj.to one s (great) relief, =much to ones relief, What a relief!relieve pain/stress feel relieved36. lorry(n.) 卡车 =truck37. pavement(n.)(马路边 的)人行道=sidewalk38. reduce(v.) 减 少 reduction n.39. volunteer(n.)志愿者 (v.)自愿做,义务做volunteer to do40. sniff(v.)(吸着气)嗅, 闻41. analyse(vt.) 分 析 =analyze analysis(n

10、.)42. recognize(vt.)认识,辨认出;意识到;(正式)承认recognition(n.)get sth recognizedchange beyond recognition43. puzzle(n.)谜,疑问(vt.)迷惑,使困惑puzzling(adj.) puzzled(adj.) a expression 困惑的表情44. ignore(vt.)忽视;对-不予理会ignorant adj.无知的ignorance(n.) 无知 ignore/overlook/neglect We should not ignore the fact that 45. pole(n.)地

11、极;柱子,棍, 杖the North Pole 北极46. boot(n.)靴子(通常用复 数 boots)47. sweat(vi.)流汗 (n.) 汗水48. distance(n.)是巨离,远处 distant(adj.)遥远的;冷淡 的in the distance 在远处 a distance of 200 km keep sb at a distance 49. thunder(n.)雷,雷声 50. light ning(n.)闪电 51. tri angle(n.)三角形;角形体tricycle52. wave(n.)波浪(v.)挥 手;摆动micro wave oven wa

12、ve goodbye to53. overhead(adv.)在头上方54. tap(n.)/(v.)轻拍,轻敲 tapped tapping55. suit(n.)套装 (vt.)适 合,满也需要 suitable adj.56. attach(vt.)使 连在一 起,把附在上;认为 -重要attach A to B把 附在上attach great importance to be attached to 喜欢)依恋; 附属于This high school is attached to the university. Mary was attached to her mother.57.

13、 disability(n.)缺陷;伤 残peoplewithdisabilities=the disabled(adj.)58. hopeful(adj.)抱有希望59. whisper(v.)小声说;私 下说60. bite(v.)咬 -bit -bittenOnce bitten, twice shy.61. shark(n.)鲨鱼62. jaw(n.)颌63. bull(n.)公牛64. contrary(adj.)相 反 的(n.)相反的事实或情况on the contrary, .His opinion is contrary to mine.65. flesh(n.)(动物或人的

14、)肉your (own) flesh andblood亲骨肉,亲人66. jewellery(n.)珠宝 Ujewel(n.)宝石 C a piece of jewellery67. attract(vt.) 吸 引 attraction(n.) attractive(adj.)68. calm(adj.)镇静的,沉 着的,平静的(v.)使平 静,镇静69. panic(vi.)/(n.)惊慌,恐 慌panickedpanickedin panic处于恐慌中70. fist(n.)拳头71. likely(adj.)可能的It slikely/possible/probable that sb/sth be likely to do72. pigeon(n.)鸽子73. soldier(n.) 士兵74. roll(v.)卷起来;(使)滚动roll up one s sleeves75. loose(adj.)松动的,松开的;宽松的 (vt.)松开,释放76. employ(vt.)使用;雇佣 employ a different methodemployerand employ ee the unemployed unemployment rates77. compass(n.)罗盘;指南78. unlike(prep.)不像;与不同


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