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1、三年级英语2012年春期期末试卷Name:_一、按字母表顺序默写26个大小写字母。二、将下列句子抄写在四线格上。Heres your present. Point to your arm and your leg. 三、单词。1、将单词填入相对应的图片下的括号。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )book bag school policeman driver 2、选出下列单词的汉语意思,将序号填入单词前的括号内。( )classroom ( )family ( ) body ( )cake ( )arm 身体 胳膊 教室 家庭 蛋糕四、单选题。( )1、大明早上看到Ms Smart,他应

2、该说:A. Good afternoon, Ms Smart. B. Good morning,Ms Smart.( )2、班上来了一位新同学,你想问他的名字,你应该说:( )A. How old are you? B. Whats your name?( )3、你去参加Amy的生日聚会,看到Amy时你应该说:A. Happy birthday, Amy . B. How old are you, Amy?( )4、你带新同学参观校园,遇到Mr Zhang,你向新同学介绍Mr Zhang,应该说:A. This is Ms Smart. B. This is Mr Zhang.( )5、你向朋

3、友介绍自己的妈妈,你应该说:A. This is my father. B. This is my mother.( )6、你看到一只没有见过的动物,你想问爸爸这是什么,应该怎么说:A. Whats this? B. I dont know.( )7、你想问玲玲,这是一只龙吗?应该怎么问:A. Is it a kite? B. Is it a dragon?( )8、你想问同学我的铅笔在哪儿?应该怎么问:A. Where is the pen? B. Where is the pencil?( )9、你向同学介绍自己的爸爸是一名医生,可以这样说:A. My father is a farmer

4、. B. My father is a doctor.( )10、This _ my English teacher.A. am B. is C. are( )11、Im _ pupil. A. / B. a C. a( )12、Whats this?A. Its bag B. Its a bag C. Its dogs( )13、How are you? A. Im fine, thank you. B. Im five.( )14、It _ a desk. A. s B. is C. are( )15、This is_ grandpa. A. I B. me C. my( )16、Is i

5、t a dragon?A. Yes, is it B. Yes, it is C. No, it is.( )17、_ the bird? Its in the green bag.A. Whats B. Where ( )18、Is it in the yellow bag? No,_.A. is it B. it is C. it isnt( )19、This is _ nose. A. he B. her C. she( )20、_ your eyes. A. Point B. Point to C. point to五、选出下列句子的汉语意思。Whats that? Is it a black chair? Its a red pen. This is his head. Shes a nurse. A:那是什么? B:它是一把黑色的椅子吗? C:它是一支红色的钢笔 D:这是他的头。 E:她是一位护士。


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