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1、北京语言大学21春汉语写作离线作业1辅导答案1. 小小说环境描写的要求是明概括。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A2. 补叙应用的情况是( )A.文章最后,对影响事件发展的关键伏线予以披露B.围绕主题拓展作者的思路C.对叙述中提到的主要事件和人物作补充交代D.揭示文章思想参考答案:AC3. 汉字的特点主要有哪几方面?( )A.本身有表意作用,容易引起意象B.丰富的材料与单一的立意相相结合C.一字一音,可以摹写客观声音和主观感情方面的声音D.都带声调,富于音乐性参考答案:ABCD4. Jane always enjoys _ to popular music at home on Friday

2、evenings. A) listening B)Jane always enjoys _ to popular music at home on Friday evenings.A) listeningB) being listeningC) to be listeningD) to listenAenjoy通常后接名词、动名词和代词,C和D选项排除。B选项being listening表示的是现在进行时态,而句中有always一词,表明这个动作是惯常的动作,所以只能选A。5. Maggie Banes looked _26_at her watchas she had done every

3、 few minutes for the lastMaggie Banes looked _26_at her watchas she had done every few minutes for the last three hours. _27_ it was nearly eight oclock. Where on earth is Jill? she thought.It isnt like her to be so late._28_,she picked up the plate of sandwiches shed made for tea and went to the ki

4、tchen. _29_the door opened and Jill walked into the house. She looked tired. What a relief! Are you OK? said Maggie loudly. Yes, Im fine, Auntie,replied Jill. Im so sorry Im late, but something strange happened on the way here._30_,Jill explained that, in her hurry to get through the woods, she had

5、tripped and knocked herself unconscious. When she woke up, she realised she was lost. I walked around for ages until I found the right path. Then I ran alt the way here.A. ReluctantlyB. Just thenC. anxiouslyD. To her aunts amazementE. She was dismayed to see that参考答案:26.C27.E28.A29.B30.D6. 下列不属于文章社会

6、作用的是( )。A.认识B.世界C.审美D.娱乐参考答案:D7. 解说词的特点有哪些( )A.附着性B.拓展性C.审美性D.分合性解说词有分有合,合中有分,分中有合,节段分明参考答案:ABD8. The ( )scheme is destined to fail from the very beginning.A.foolishB.foolC.fooledD.follyThe ( )scheme is destined to fail from the very beginning.A.foolishB.foolC.fooledD.folly答案:C9. 我们同意将即期信用证付款方式改为即期付

7、款交单。我们同意将即期信用证付款方式改为即期付款交单。Well agree to change the terms of payment from L/C at sight to D/P at sight.10. He is _ university student and he is _ honest person Aa/an Ban/a Can/an Da/aHe is _ university student and he is _ honest personAa/anBan/aCan/an Da/aA用a还是an主要看单词开头的音标,而不是字母。11. 鲁迅的一件小事采用的叙述方式是(

8、 )。A.顺叙B.材料C.插叙D.平叙参考答案:A12. _,all the people in the country should be responsible for present crisis.A.In a_,all the people in the country should be responsible for present crisis.A.In a certain extentB.To a certain extentC.For a certain extentD .At a certain extent正确答案:B解析:固定搭配:To a certain extent

9、 :在一定程度上13. We should clean _ twice a day. Aour tooth Bour tooths Cour teeth DteethWe should clean _ twice a day.Aour toothBour toothsCour teethDteethC14. 对比式导语是指开始便得出结论,把事件的意义和结果揭示给读者,然后再叙述事实。接着用较大的篇幅叙述了这一世人关注的事件。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A15. Taiwan lies _ the southern coast of China, and its really _ islan

10、d. Is thatTaiwan lies _ the southern coast of China, and its really _ island. Is that soA、in, aB、in, anC、on ,anD、off ,an正确答案:D16. PARISAn energy watchdog is alarmed about the threat to the environment from the soaring ePARISAn energy watchdog is alarmed about the threat to the environment from the s

11、oaring electricity needs of gadgets like MP3 players, mobile phones and flat screen TVs. In a report today, the Paris-based International Energy Agency estimates new electronic gadgets will triple their energy consumption by 2030 to 1 700 terawatt(太瓦)hours, the equivalent of todays home electricity

12、consumption of the United States and Japan combined. The world would have to build around 200 new nuclear power plants just to power all the TVs, IPods, PCs and other home electronics expected to be plugged in by 2030, when the global electric bill to power them will rise to $ 200 billion a year, th

13、e IEA said. Consumer electronics is the fastest growing area and its the area with the least amount of policies in place to control energy efficiency, said Paul Waide, a senior policy analyst at the IEA. Electronic gadgets already account for about 15 percent of household electric consumption, a sha

14、re that is rising rapidly as the number of these gadgets multiplies. Last year, the world spent $80 billion on electricity to power all these household electronics, the IEA said. Most of the increase in consumer electronics will be in developing countries, where economic growth is fastest and owners

15、hip rates of gadgets is the lowest, Waide said. This will jeopardize efforts to increase energy security and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, blamed for global warming, the agency said. Existing technologies could cut down gadgets energy consumption by more than 30 percent at no cost or by more than 50 percent at a


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