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1、九年级全一册 Unit11+Unit12 双单元综合测试题一 单项选择1. The teachers encouragement gave Jenny great _ to face the difficulties.A. difference B. pride C. courage D. attention2.- I am just going to the_. Do you want anything? -Yes, a bag of rice.A. market B. classroom C. library D. park3.We have to_ the picnic because

2、of the heavy rain.A. have B. hold C. enjoy D. cancel4.- How do most young people dress at present? - Most people dress in a way that_ their personality.A. puts off B. gives off C. falls off D. shows off5. You can lose_ by eating less and taking more exercise.A. weight B. money C, mind D. race6. In a

3、ncient times, emperors asked the workers to build great _ for them to live inA. museums B, gardens C. palaces D. libraries7. - The professors speech about the environment protection won most peoples support-Yes, they all_ to show their agreementA. shocked B, nodded C. doubted D. missed8. Taking some

4、 exercise every day will_ the fat and make you fitA. turn to B. sell out C. burn off D. put on9. - I wore sports shoes to the dancing party yesterday evening by mistake!-Oh, dear, you must be very_ at the party!A, tired B. satisfied C, embarrassed D. angry10.In every_ there has to be some give-and-t

5、ake.A. friendship B. instrument C. attention D. blackboard11.By the time I locked the door, I realized I _ my keys at home.A. left B. had left C. have left D. leave12.The country is rich in oil. And most of its_ comes from oilA. wealth B. health C. culture D. lifestyle13.- Hurry up. The bus is comin

6、g. -Wait a minute. We can only cross the street_ the traffic lights turn greenA. before B. till C. though D. since14. As we all know, a dragon is regarded as the symbol of_ in ChinaA. mind B. power C. stress D. interest15.-I think the characters in the film are not_. They are far away from the real

7、life.-I dont agree. Art comes from daily lifeA. available B. believable C. impossible D. enjoyable16.Its reported that the_ rain had caused great loss and trouble for the local peopleA. unexpected B. exciting C. necessary D. weak17.You cant expect to succeed if the goal you set is_ your ability. Tak

8、e your time and movetowards your goals step by stepA below B. above C. against D for18. I tried to make the baby_ crying by singing a song, and that worked very wellA. to stop B, stopping C. stopped D. stop19. Lily was made_ the task before 9: 00 pmA. finish B. finishing C. to finish D. finished20.

9、Mr. Green would rather_ the old bike than buy a new one.A repairing B, to repair C repair D repaired二完型填空A teacher was giving a talk to his students on stress( 压力)management. He raised a glass of water and asked them, “How 1_ do you think this glass of water is?The students began to think and 2_. Th

10、eir answers were different, from 20g to 500g.“It does not matter on the real 3_. It depends on how long you hold it. If I hold it for a 4_ , it is OK. If I hold it for an hour, I will have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you will have to call a 5_ . It is the exact same weight, but

11、the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes. What we have to do is to put the glass down, 6_ for a while before holding it up again.”“If we carry our burdens(负担)7_, sooner or later, we will not be able to carry on. The burden will become increasingly heavier. We have to 8_ the burden every now and

12、then, so that we can be refreshed and are able to carry on.”So 9_ you return home from work tonight, put the burden of work down. Dont carry it back home. You can pick it up tomorrow.Whatever burdens you have, let them down for a moment if you can. And learn to 10_ yourselves.Life is short but amazi

13、ng. Enjoy it!1. A heavy B full C. much D long2. A read B watch C guess D. listen3. A glass B, weight C water D height4. A minute B night C day D week5. A mother B teacher C doctor D friend6. A rest B shake C look D work7.A.this time B, some other time C next time D. all the time8.A give up B put dow

14、n C. pick up D think about9. A. after B since C before D until 10.A save B help C. care D relax三阅读理解AAs two women walked into a New Jersey hospital, they laughed. It showed the love that had held them together for forty years as best friends. Although they were laughing, one of these ladies would soon put her life in danger to save her best friend.Patty Hurley and Eileen Riley met at high school and have been close friends ever since. But when Eileen, a nurse, became ill with her



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