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1、A lingua franca:A lingua franca is a language or way of communicating which is used between people who do not speak one anothers native language. (讲不同母语的人之间的)通用语Argument论元:In logic,an argument is a stem which refers to some entity about which a statement is being made.Applied linguistics应用语言学:Applie

2、d linguistics is the research associated with language teaching in its narrow sense.In its broad sense it refers to the research regarding means of application of linguistics in other disciplines.Bound root:Bound root are those which cannot occur alone.They must appear with at least another morpheme

3、.Such as -ceive in receive,perceive,and conceive.Bilingual双语现象:Bilingual means involving or using two languages.Connotation内涵: Philosophers use connotation,opposite to denotation,to mean the properties of entity a word denotes.Creole混合语:Creole is a Pidgin that has become the primary language of a sp

4、eech community and is acquired by the children of that community as their native language.Cooperative Principle:Cooperative Principle(CP for short )was proposed by Paul Grice.It suggests that in making conversation the participants must be willing to co-operate,otherwise it would not be possible for

5、 them to carry on the conversation.To specify the CP further,Grice introduced four Maxims:Maxim of Quality,Maxim of Quantity,Maxim of relevance,Maxim of Manner.The significance of Grices CP lies in that it explains how it is possible for speaker to convey more than what is literally said.Context语境:T

6、he notion of context is essential to the pragmatic study of language. Generally speaking, it consists of the knowledge that is shared by the speaker and the hearer. Converse antonymy反向反义:Converse antonymy is a special type of antonymy in that the members of a pair do not constitute positive-negative

7、 opposition.They show the reversal of a relationship between two entities. Co-hyponym:several members of the same superordinate.Complementary distribution互补分布:The different allophones of the same phoneme never occur in the same phonetic context.When two or more allophones of one phoneme never occur

8、in the same linguistic environment they are said to be in complementary distribution.Complementary antonymy互补反义词:Means the members of a pair in this type are complemtary to each other. That is they divide up the whole of a semantic field completely. Displacement:Displacement means that human languag

9、e enable their users to symbolize objects,events and concepts which are not present at the moment of communication.Dialect方言:a form of a language that is spoken in a particular area.Diacritics变音符: a mark, point, or sign added or attached to a letter or character todistinguish it from another of simi

10、lar form, to give it a particular phonetic value, to indicate stress,etc., as a cedilla, tilde, circumflex, or macron.Diachronic linguistics:Diachronic linguistics is the study of a language through the course of its history;therefore, it is also called historical linguistics.Derivational affixes派生词

11、缀:refer to affixes that are added to words in order to change its grammatical category or its meaning.Descriptive study描述性研究:is a linguistic approach which studies what language ought to be and it tries to find the rules that the members of a language community actually conform instead of imposition

12、 on other rules,norms.Esperanto世界语:is the most widely spoken constructed international auxiliary language.Equivalence对等:refers to the extent which the source language is similar to the target language in terms of form and meaning or stylistic features.Entailment衍推:is a logical relationship between t

13、wo sentences in which the truth of second necessarily follows from the truth of the first,while the falsity of the first follows from the falsity of the second.Inflectional affixes屈折前缀:such as number,person,finiteness,aspect and case,which do not change the grammatical class of the stems to which th

14、ey are attached.Grimms law格林法则: (also known as the First Germanic Sound Shift or the Rasks-Grimms rule), named for Jacob Grimm, is a set of statements describing the inherited Proto-Indo-European(PIE) stops as they developed in Proto-Germanic(PGmc, the common ancestor of the Germanic branch of the I

15、ndo-European family) in the 1st millennium BC. It establishes a set of regular correspondences between early Germanic stops and fricatives and the stop consonants of certain other centum Indo-European languages (Grimm used mostly Latin and Greek for illustration). As it is presently formulated.Gramm

16、atical marker语法标记:Grammatical relations语法关系:the structural and logical function relation of constituents are called grammatical relation.The grammatical relation of a sentence concern the way each noun phrase in the sentences relates to the verb.In many cases,grammatical relations in fact refer to who does what to whom.Gradable language:qualitative adjectives that vary the adjectives grade or intensity.General linguistics普通语言学:The study


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