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1、牛津小学英语5B基础知识Unit 1单词:Sunday星期日/sndeI/ Monday星期一/mndeI/ Tuesday星期二/tju:zdeI/Wednesday星期三/wenzdeI/Thursday星期四/:zdeI/ Friday 星期五/fraIdeI/Saturday星期六/stdeI/Chinese语文/,taIni:z/ Maths数学/m/English英语/IlI/ Science科学/saIns/ Social/sl/ Science社会Art艺术/a:t/ PE体育 Computer Studies微机 week周/wi:k/ interesting有趣的/Intr

2、IstI/词组:a new term一个新学期 have a lesson上一堂课 at once立刻,马上the first lesson of the new term 新学期的第一节课 eight subjects八门课程this ter m这学期 in a week在一周内 on Monday在星期一 an interesting book一本有趣的书句型:1、I hope we have more. 我希望我们有更多的。2、A:What day is it today? B:Its . .A:今天星期几? B:今天.3、A:What lessons do you have .? B:

3、We have . and .A:你们在.有什么课?B:我们有.和.4、A:What subject do you like?B:I like.How about you?A:你喜欢什么课程? B:我喜欢.你呢?Unit 2单词:toothache牙痛/tu:eIk/earache耳痛/IreIk/ backache背痛/bkeIk/headache头痛/hedeIk/ stomach/stmk/ ache胃痛 fever发烧/fi:v/cold感冒/kld/ cough咳嗽/k:f/ lunch午饭/lnt/speak说/spi:k/ bad坏的/bd/ get得到/et/ feel感觉/f

4、i:l/词组:a telephone call一个电话 at school在学校 be ill生病call sb. 给某人打电话 after lunch午饭后 be absent缺席a bad cough一次严重的咳嗽speak to. 跟.说话 some fruit一些水果 stay in bed卧病在床 take some medicine吃一些药open your mouth张开你的嘴 have a lot of rest多休息 a high fever高烧 feel better感觉好点了 see a doctor看医生 wrong number错误的号码句型:1、Why are yo

5、u absent today? 你今天为什么缺席?2、See you soon. 一会见。3、I hope you get better soon. 我希望你尽快好起来。4、A:How do you feel now? B:I feel. A:I can get a /an some . for you. A:你现在觉得怎么样啊? B:我觉得. C:我能给你一/ 一些.。5、A: Whats wrong with you? B:Ive got a/an. A:Im sorry to hear that.A:你怎么了? B:我得了. A:听到这我感到很抱歉。Unit 3单词:beautiful漂

6、亮的/bju:tIfl/(an) animal动物/nIml/hobby爱好/hDbI/ ship船/Ip/ classmate同班同学/kl:smeIt/ collect收集/klekt/ stamp邮票/stmp/ coin硬币/kIn/词组:take photos拍照 go shopping去购物 collect stamps集邮collect coins集硬币 grow flowers种花 keep goldfish养金鱼make model ships制作模型船 make clothes做衣服many beautiful stamps许多漂亮的邮票 collect Chinese s

7、tamps集中国邮票cook nice food 煮可口的食物 his classmate他的同班同学们grow beautiful flowers种漂亮的花 make pretty dresses做漂亮的连衣裙make a T-shirt做一件T恤衫 her family她的家人 every day每天water the trees and flowers浇树和 look after照看,照顾 the same hobby同样的爱好句子: 1、A:Do you have any hobbies? A:你有些爱好吗?B:Yes, I do. I like . / No, I dont. B:是

8、的,我有。我喜欢./ 不,我没有。2、He / She likes . 他 / 她喜欢.3、He / She doesnt like.他 / 她不喜欢.4、. hobby is collecting stamps. .的爱好是集邮。5、A:Whats .s hobby? B:.s hobby is . A: .的爱好是什么? B:.的爱好是.Unit 4单词:busy忙的/bIzI/ high高地(的)/haI/ town镇/tan/ well好地/wel/usually通常/ju:lI/ age年龄/eId/ loudly大声地/ladlI/beautifully漂亮地/bju:tflI/

9、fast快的(地)/fa:t/ quietly静静地/kwaItlI/ carefully小心地/keflI/词组:speak loudly大声地说话 dance beautifully舞跳得漂亮jump high跳得高 run fast跑得快sit quietly静静地坐着 walk carefully小心地走an English friend一位英国朋友write an e-mail to sb.给某人发一封电子邮件live in London住在伦敦 the same age同龄a small town一个小镇 surf the Internet上网浏览his English frien

10、d他的英国朋友 play well玩得好swim well游泳得好 from Monday to Friday从星期一到星期五a letter for me一封给我的信want to想要 play table tennis with sb.和某人打乒乓study Chinese学汉语句型:1、Im busy. 我忙的。2、Were the same age.我们是同龄人。3、A: Do .(第一、二人称或复数) jump high(.)?A:.(第一、二人称或复数)跳得高(.)吗?B: Yes, . do./No, .dont. B:是的。/不。 4、3、A: Does . (第三人称单数)

11、jump high(.)?A:. (第三人称单数)跳得高(.)吗?B: Yes, . does./No, .doesnt. B:是的。/不。5、A: What do . (第一、二人称或复数) usually(often/always/.) do .?A: . (第一、二人称或复数)通常(经常/总是/.)在.做什么?B: . (第一、二人称或复数) usually(often/always/.) . B: . (第一、二人称或复数)通常(经常/总是/.).6、A: What does . (第三人称单数) usually(often/always/.) do .?A: . (第三人称单数)通常

12、(经常/总是/.)在.做什么?B: . (第三人称单数) usually(often/always/.) . B: . (第三人称单数)通常(经常/总是/.).Unit 6单词:foot脚/ft/ time时间,次/tam/ turn转/t:n/ left左/left/ right右/rat/ hand头/hnd/ leg腿/leg/ arm手臂/:m/follow服从,跟随 /fl/ order命令/:d/ lin排/lan/ exercise锻炼,练习/ekssaz/ stop停止/st/ lie躺/la/ back背/bk/ lift抬起/lft/ touch碰,摸/tt/ with用/w/everybody每人/evrbd/ neck脖子/nek/ shoulder肩膀/ld/finger手指/fg/ knee膝盖/ni:/ toe脚趾/t/词组: in the sports hall在体育馆 have a PE lesson上一堂体育课give orders发命令 try to. 试着.follow the orders服从命令 do some exercise做一些运动listen



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