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1、摘 要随着社会的不断发展前进,人们的消费理念也随着社会的进步不断改观,人们享受的不仅仅是物质上的追求,而更高的去追求一种精神上的满足。本文界定化妆品的特点,对网络营销进行深入的研究,从企业传统营销到企业(品牌)网站和行业网站的相关营销规则到未来发展前景,包括了化妆品网络营销的现状和特点,以一些案例来分析和研究化妆品网络营销的现状和将来,并把化妆品的网络营销和传统营销作对比,旗帜鲜明地提出了网络营销是互联网时代企业融入知 识经济的基本管理工具和思维方法,传统企业只有充分利用网络营销,及时该市场营销策略,实现以消费者为战略性转变,才能免遭时代淘汰。通过1989年国务院批准颁布的化妆品卫生监督条例可


3、病毒等一些因素,网络营销实施起来很困难,这样就必须对网络营销方案及实施程序要有明确的了解。通过一些产品策略、定价策略、推广策略,来进一步发展网络营销,利用网上营销的客户管理回报客户,鼓励忠诚度。所以说网络营销越来越重要,也是未来最主要的销售渠道,它将是未来市场发展的一个新趋势,所以,网络营销对化妆品的发展有更好的前景。关键词:网络营销 论文 企业 化妆品 人们AbstractWith the continuous development of society, peoples consumption concept also with social progress continuously

4、improved, people enjoy is not only the physical pursuit, and higher to pursue a spiritual satisfaction. Based on defining characteristic of cosmetics, network marketing research, from the traditional marketing to enterprise (brand) website and the related websites to future prospect marketing rules,

5、 including cosmetics network marketing situation and characteristics in some cases, to research and analysis of network marketing cosmetics, the status quo and future of cosmetics and traditional marketing network marketing and contrast, puts forward the network marketing is the Internet era in gene

6、ral economic basic knowledge management tools and thinking methods, the traditional enterprise only make full use of network marketing, the marketing strategies, and to realize the strategic shift to customers from The Times.Approved by the state council promulgated by 1989, the cosmetics, health su

7、pervision and regulation can see not hard, this luxury is like cosmetics accepted by people, With the international Internet application and popularization of the Internet to become the largest shopping on the Internet, people can be simple and quick buy need products, and compared with the traditio

8、nal marketing and traditional marketing market, customer groups of smaller, less factors in the fierce competition, the network marketing become enterprise in the fierce competition in the marketing mode of victory. Based on April 2002 deadline Chinese cosmetics nets observation data available, the

9、cosmetics in network marketing, can greatly improve the cosmetics enterprise sales people to understand more of the network, the network marketing in different levels for different customer needs and provide services, customer satisfaction through network at any time until the consultation and under

10、standing. Facing the network marketing network has some advantages in some shortcomings, for some of the Internet, network maintenance and technical support, network virus, some factors of Internet marketing, it would be difficult to the network marketing plan and implementation procedures should ha

11、ve clear understanding. Through some product strategy, pricing strategy, promotion strategy, to the further development of network marketing, using the Internet marketing customer management return customers, encourage loyalty. So that more and more importantly, network marketing is the future sales

12、 channel, it will be the future trend of development of a new market, so, the development of network marketing cosmetics has better prospects.Key words:network marketing ,business people,Dissertation cosmetics 目 录摘 要IAbstractII第一章 绪言2第二章 从传统营销到网络营销42.1网络带来的影响52.2解铃还须系铃人62.3网络营销理论7第三章 化妆品网络营销的现状93.1化

13、妆品行业互联网的基本状况93.1.1中国互联网络信息中心的调查93.1.2中国美容化妆品网的调查103.2化妆品业的网络发展状况103.2.1国际化妆品业的网络发展103.2.2国内化妆品业的网络发展113.3化妆品业网络化的特点123.3.1企业网站以展示形象为主,存在诸多缺陷123.3.2网络美容教育蓬勃发展,时尚主张层出不穷133.3.3网上销售方兴未艾,营销观念存在误区13第四章 营销的实现:创造价值144.1例解网络营销144.2网站是网络营销的基础154.3如何建设企业网站16第五章 营销的策略:商业联盟185.1价值的新理念185.1.1为什么要建立行业网站185.1.1中国美容

14、化妆品网的实践195.2重建商业模式205.2.1重建商业模式的原因205.2.2重建商业模式的策略20第六章 化妆品网络营销进一步发展的对策226.1充分利用化妆品网站,加深与网上消费者的互动226.1.1产品策略226.1.2定价策略226.1.3渠道策略226.1.4推广策略226.2利用网上营销的客户管理回报客户,鼓励忠诚度22第七章 总 结24致 谢25参 考 文 献26第一章 绪言根据1989年国务院批准颁布的化妆品卫生监督条例,化妆品是指以涂擦、喷洒或者其他类似的方法,散布于人体表面任何部位(皮肤、毛发、指甲、口唇等),以达到清洁、消除不良气味、护肤、美容和修饰目的的日用化学工业

15、产品。其中对化妆品的各种使用方法的演绎,形成了一个称之为美容业的服务行业。至于美容业,此期间也同样迅猛发展,据不完全统计,目前国内已拥有100多万家美容美发厅。在过去的3年间,我国美容院的增长幅度几乎达到200,城市消费者在此类服务上的花费每月从100元到800元不等。例如大连人的美容美发消费,每年已达到4亿元,人均支出达到300元。目前,大连市有美容美发企业近3000家,平均2000人拥有1家美容美发店。而在香港、上海等大城市的美容消费水平更高,例如香港,每500人中就拥有1家美容美发店。另外,与美容化妆品行业相关的产业还包括:原材料、包装、设备、仪器、供销商业等上游和下游企业。 可以这样说

16、,广义的美容化妆品业是一个年创值超千亿元的朝阳产业,在中国的日用化学工业和服务业市场上具有举足轻重的地位,其增长速度远高于国民经济的增长速度,有着巨大的发展潜力和前景。 中国的化妆品业在改革开放以来得到了迅速的发展,化妆品市场销售额平均以每年23.8%的速度增长,最高年份达41%。目前全国有化妆品生产企业近3000家,其中包括美国宝洁、日本资生堂等外资企业约500家,从业人员约24万人。2000年化妆品市场的销售额为350亿元,2001年为400亿元,预测到2010年,国内化妆品市场销售总额将达到800亿元。进入二十一世纪,随着国际互联网络的普及和应用,美容化妆品业又面临着新情况和新挑战。首先是互联网络正在不断改变着



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