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1、编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第1页 共1页分论坛1:财税政策与经济发展Session 1: Chinas Tax Policies and Economic Development工作语言:U英语Working Language: UEnglish主席: 黄朝翰,新加坡国立大学东亚研究所Chair: Wong, John, Research Director, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore1 “分析中国当前财政政策的稳定性:代际核算方法”“Analyzing the Susta

2、inability of the Present Fiscal Trends in China: A Generational Accounts Approach”主讲人:胡永泰,美国布鲁金斯研究所Presenter: Woo, Wing Thye, Brookings Institution, USA. 评论人:杨大利,芝加哥大学Discussant: Yang, Dali L., University of Chicago. 2 “估测中国基础设施投资的社会回报:一项自然实验”“Measuring the Social Return to Infrastructure investment

3、 in China: A Natural Experiment”主讲人:黎志刚,香港大学财经学院Presenter: Li, Zhigang, School of Economics and Finance, The University of Hong Kong.评论人:倪金兰,美国内布拉斯加大学Discussant: Ni, Jinlan, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA. 3 “公共政策改革与中国劳动力市场一体化”“Public Policy Reforms and the Integration of Chinas Labor Markets”

4、主讲人:杨涛,弗吉尼亚理工大学经济学系Presenter:Yang, Dennis T, Department of Economics, Virginia Tech评论人:赵耀辉,北京大学经济研究中心Discussant: Zhao, Yaohui, CCER, Peking University.4 “中国公共财政改革的案例研究” “The Case Studies of Reforming Public Finance in China”主讲人:毕克茜,旧金山大学工商管理学院Presenter: Bi, Keqian, School of Business and Management,

5、 University of San Francisco. 评论人:郑永禄,韩国首尔国立大学Discussant: Cheong, Young-rok, Seoul National University, Korea分论坛2:财政改革与中国平衡发展Session 2: Fiscal Reforms Needed for Rebalancing Growth主席:王燕,世界银行高级经济学家Chair: Wang, Yan, Senior Economist, the World Bank工作语言:U英语UWorking Language: UEnglishU1 “财政政策与和谐社会”Fisca

6、l Policies for a Harmonious Society主讲人:霍夫曼,世界银行北京代表处首席经济学家Presenter: Hofman, Bert, Lead Economist and Chief of Economic Unit, World Bank Office Beijing评论人:刘国恩,北京大学光华管理学院卫生经济与管理学系主任Discussant: Liu, Guo-en, Chair, Department of Health Economics and Management, Guanghua School of Management, Peking Uni

7、versity2 “地方政府债务与政策含义”Local Government debt and Policy Implications”主讲人:王梅,世界银行高级经济学家Presenter: Wang, Mei, Senior economist, WBOB.评论人:吴文波,国立新加坡大学李光耀公共管理学院Discussant: Wu, Wenbo, Li Guangyao School of Public Administration, National University of Singapore3 “教育不平等和中国经济增长的质量”Inequalities in Education i

8、n China and the Quality of Growth主讲人:王燕,世界银行高级经济学家Presenter: Yan Wang, Senior economist, World Bank.评论人:陈爱民,四川大学副校长Discussant: Chen, Aimin, Vice-president of Sichuan University, Sichuan University.4 “政府间支付及其在中国财政改革中的激励效应:是否公平?”“Equalizing or not? Assessing the Intergovernmental Grants and their Ince

9、ntive Effects in Chinas Fiscal Reform”主讲人:姚奕,康奈尔大学应用经济与管理系Presenter: Yao, Yi, Department of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University评论人:董晓园,温尼泊格大学,Discussant: Dong, Xiaoyuan, University of Winnipeg分论坛3:政府支出与债务Session 3: Government Expense, Debt and Government Functions主席:白永秀,西北大学经济学院院长Ch

10、air: Bai, Yongxiu, Dean, School of Economics, Northwestern University1. “对当前财政结构性赤字的认识”“On Current Structural Budget Deficits”主讲人:吕旺实,财政部财政科学研究所外国财政研究室主任Presenter: Lv, Wangshi, Research Director of Fremd Public Finance, Research Institute for Fiscal Science, Ministry Of Finance, P.R. China. 评论人:平新乔,

11、北京大学中国经济研究中心Discussant: Ping Xinqiao, CCER, Peking University2. “我国国债、国债负担与经济增长关系的计量分析”“An Econometric Analysis of the Relationship between Government Debt and Economic Growth”主讲人:王维国和杨晓华,东北财经大学Presenter: Wang, Weiguo and Xiaohua Yang, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics评论人: 倪晓宁, 中国人民大学信息学院D

12、iscussant: Ni Xiaoning, School of Information, Renmin University of China3. “中印两国财政预算约束监督的比较研究”“A Comparative Research on the Supervision of National Budget in China and India”主讲人:刘五书, 财政部中国财政经济出版社经济理论中心Presenter: Liu, Wushu, Center of Economic Theory, China Financial and Economic Publishing House评论

13、人:付文林,南京大学经济系Discussant: Fu, Wenlin, Department of Economics, Nanjing University.4. “国库现金管理的国际比较与中国选择”“A Comparison on Cash Management of National Treasury and Chinas Choice”主讲人:马洪范, 财政部财政科学研究所金融研究室Presenter: Ma, Hongfan, Lab of Finance, Research Institute for Fiscal Science, Ministry Of Finance, P.

14、R.China评论人: 张亚维,江苏扬州大学Discussant:Zhang, Yawei, Yangzhou University, Jiangsu分论坛4:中央与地方政府关系Session 4: Relationships between Central and Local Governments主席:雎国余,北京大学经济学院Chair: Ju, Guoyu, Professor, School of Economics, Peking University1. “事权与财权统一驳论”“An Argument on Governance and Property Rights Unifyi

15、ng Principle”主讲人:倪红日,国务院发展研究中心Presenter: Ni, Hongri, Development Research Center of State Council P .R. China评论人: 沈坤荣,南京大学经济系主任Discussant: Shen, Kunrong, Chair, Department of Economics, Nanjing University.2. “关于省直管县财政体制的思考”“Thinking Public Financial Relationship between Province and County Governments”主讲人:朱柏铭, 浙江大学财政研究所所长Presenter: Zhu, Boming, Research Institute for Public Finance, Zhejiang University评论人:张林秀,中国科学院农业政策研究中心Discussant: Zhang, Linxiu, CCAP, Chinese Academy of Sciences3. “



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