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1、BEC词组总结U1Awork towards a common objective 朝同一个目标share information 共享信息different points of view 不同的观点(be) under pressure 有压力toiletries 化妆品厂,清洁、化妆品公司major brand 主导品牌sales department 销售部门sales staff 销售人员company culture 公司文化expatriate 旅居海外的(a.); 侨民(n.)management consultant管理顾问managerial skills 管理技能 创新技能

2、creative thinking 团队建设team building 有效的管理方式effective management style 生存技巧培训课程a survival course 食宿food and accommodation 简介,小传,概况profile董事会(管理层)竞赛游戏board game 模拟训练simulation营销激情marketing mania 追求利润go for profit 进度落后计划behind schedule 严格按照计划进行stick to the schedule 齐心协力的co-operative交流有困难have communicat

3、ion problems重视团队建设attach importance to team building开拓团队协作develop team work精锐的团队an effective team高效的团队a high-performance unit交流看法exchange of views强调团队精神emphasize team spirit具有相同的价值观share the same value共同的努力 collective effortsBinternational communication 国际交流 official language 官方、正式语言 language skills

4、 语言技能 over-estimate vt超越、胜过 manageable adj便于管理的 understate vt打着折扣说、轻描淡写地说 culture-specific 某一文化所特有的 work environment 工作环境 the business world商界 seminar semn:(r) n研讨会、讨论会 management n 管理人员、经理部follow-up evaluation 后续评估供应商 nsupplier部门培训预算department training budget最终期限 ndeadline语音信息voice mail录音电话answerin

5、g machine半年度销售报告half-year sales report免费赠送的票complimentary ticket时间安排表time schedulesnail-mail 传统的信件(因其投递速度慢而以“蜗牛”snail喻之)time-consuming 费时save time/trouble 省时间,不麻烦raise the efficiency in your work 提高工作效率in written form 以书面的形式refer to it time you like 你随时可拿来参考U2Acustomer satisfaction form 顾客满意调查问卷comp

6、lete the form 填表格questionnaire 调查问卷criteria kratr 标准atmosphere情调,气氛attentiveness 周到value for money物有所值objective 目标 enhance 提高 mezzanine 中层楼(指介于一层和二层之间)reasonable prices合理的价格室内装修interior design团体用餐group dining团体用餐菜单group menu 用餐要求catering requirement 公司社交活动corporate events品酒会wine tasting 公司业务报告会compa

7、ny presentation 商务旅行business tripBcorporate hospitality 商务接待,企业社交tip 技巧,窍门,忠告to be in need of 需要business objectives 商务目标social setting 社交场合training consultants 培训咨询corporate events 商务活动a social event 社交活动accommodation 住处poor timing时间不当销售数字sales figure成功秘诀the recipe for success 建立良好的商务关系establish/bui

8、ld a good business relationship 贸易会trade fair 运动时装fashion sportswear 少年teenage 生产方式production methods 总部head office 设计小组design team 营销和销售部门的主管marketing and sales directors 经过一段时间,到适当的时候in due timebuild a good business relationship 建立良好的商务关系establish rapport with clients 与客户建立联系enhance mutual underst

9、anding 增进相互理解a more colorful life 更为丰富多彩的生活work and play are one 工作与休息融为一体difficulty of swapping roles 角色交换的困难forget your role 忘记自己的角色too preoccupied with your work 对工作过于专心from tour groups with only an hour to spare before going on to the theatre, when speed of service along with the quality of food

10、 is of the greatest importance, to more informal and relaxed birthday parties, or even corporate events, wine tastings and company presentations. 包括一个小时后就要赶往剧院看戏,在此匆匆逗留吃饭的旅游团,对他们来说,保证服务速度和饭菜质量尤其重要此外; 还包括轻松随意的生日聚会,以及公司社交活动、品酒会和公司业务报告会等。U3Aplace an order 发出订单cancel an order 取消订单confirm an order 确认订单su

11、pplier 供应商mail order company 邮购公司headquarters (公司)总部catalogue 商品目录单summer collection 夏季时装采购summer catalogue 夏季时装商品目录recommendation 推荐信item 产品in standard length标准长度article商品measurements charts尺寸图knitted skirts针织裙子vendor销售商人quantity数量standardise使符合标准Asap尽快可靠的供应商reliable supplier具有诚实,正直,责任心以及可靠等基本品德pos

12、sess basic qualities of honesty, integrity, accountability, and dependability 提供品质优良的商品provide good quality merchandise质量稳定的商品goods of consistent quality对新的/额外的需求有灵活性have flexibility toward new/additional requirements礼貌和合作也很重要courtesy and co-operation are also important 能够提供高质量的产品或服务。can provide a q

13、uality product or service及时送货和售后服务timely delivery and after-sale service依照准时送货的方针运营operate in just-in-time delivery policy有吸引力的/竞争力的价格have attractive / competitive priceBcash flow 现金流向,现金流量,现金流动cash flow gap 现金流量差额case study 案例分析final payment 最后付款bar chart 柱形图total sales prices 总售价down payment 订金bil

14、l 要求支付的费用(动词)remainder剩余物computer network 电脑网络系统early settlement discount 提前付款折扣labor cost劳动力成本信用期限,信用条件credit terms剩余的;未完成的 outstanding剩余金额outstanding balance订货本order books现金短缺a shortage of cash平均月营业额average monthly turnover融资成本financing cost货到付款cash on delivery利润margin处罚penalty 库存inventory激烈的竞争sha

15、rp/ intense competition没有能力树立自己的品牌inability to brand themselves资金缺乏lack of capital不成熟的商业计划unsound business plan没有能力做市场调查unable to do market research不当的管理技能poor management skills家族继承的企业,而目前的管理人缺乏必要的专业技能inherited company where the present owner doesnt have the necessary expertise没有能力获得足够的资金来扩展业务 inability to get sufficient capital



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