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1、一.介词到目前为止,我们学过得介词有: in ,at, for, to ,of , about .含有这些介词的短语或句子有:in spring, 在春季,in summer , 在夏季,in autumn,在秋天in winter 在冬季, come in 进来 ,in the zoo 在动物园look at,看;看一看,be good for ,对有益,on the farm 在农场Happy birthday to you !祝你生日快乐!be afraid of,害怕, a cup of tea 一杯茶, What about you?你呢?训练题( )1.In winter, I l

2、ike sleeping _ home.A.in B. at C. on( )2. I like swimming _ summer. Its fun.A.in B. at C. on( )3. We can see some tigers,lions,elephants ,monkeys_.A.in the zoo B. at home C. on the farm( )4.Look _ the monkey. Its very cute.A.in B. at C.for( )5.The mouse is afraid _ the cat.A.of B. at C. for( )6.Here

3、s a cup of tea _ you, Mum.A.in B. for C. about( )7.What do we have _ breakfast,Mum ?A.of B. at C. for( )8.- Happy birthday _ you , Joe . -Thank you.A.in B. to C. for二.不定代词some的考查 some意为“一些”,它后面须接可数名词的复数,或不可数名词.常用在肯定句中.( )1.I have_ milk and bread for breakfast.A.a B. an C. some( )2.I have_noodles and

4、 for breakfast.A.a B. some C. an三.冠词 a , an, the 的考查以元音音标开头的单词前面要用冠词an ,如:an egg, an apple ,an orange, an elephant , an idea , an ice cream等。“the” 是表特指,指说话人和听话人都知道的人或事物,或用在固定短语中,如in the morning, Open the door,please. in the zoo, 等。( )1.I have some noodles and_ egg for breakfast.A.a B. an C. some( )2

5、.I can see three tigers and _ elephant in the picture.A.some B. a C.an( )3Heres _ cup of tea for you,Dad.Happy Fathers Day!A. a B. an C. some有时也把some 和冠词合在一个题中考( )1.I have_ bread and_ ice ream for breakfast.A.some, a B. some ,an C. a, an所选答案要同时符合两个空格才行。四.be 动词的考查。一般现在时中,be动词有am , is, are三种变化,由句子的主语决

6、定。单数is,复数are,不可数名词也用is,I要对应am.( )1.I _ a monkey. I have a long tail.A.is B. am C. are( )2.Look at the panda. Its lovely. Its eyes_big.Its tail_short.A.are, is B. is, are C.are, are( )3.Here _ some bread for you,children.A.are B. is C. am( )4.Here _ some biscuits and apples for you ,children.A.are B.

7、 is C.am( )5. Milk_ nice, Ilike it .A.am B.is C. are五.可数名词单复数、不可数名词的考查有关可数名词复数的变化、已经学过的不可数名词,都在“三年级下册知识归纳”中,请自己理解并牢记在心。训练题( )1.-Listen! What can you hear ?- I can hear a _.A. buses B. cars C. plane( )2.-Listen! What can you hear ?- I can hear some _.A.buses B. car C. plane( )3.I have a farm. I have

8、five ducks three _and six _.A.cow,sheep B. cows, sheep C. cows,sheeps( )4.Im Beebo. I have two big _A.foots B. foot C.feet( )5.Here is _ for you,MumA.a cup of tea B. a tea C. tea( )6.Here are _ for you,Mum.Happy Mothers Day!A.a cup of tea B.some flowers C. a card( )7.- What toys do you like ? - I li

9、ke _.A.kites B.horses C. toy bear( )8.Look! These are my_.They like _.A.sheeps,bread B. horse ,grass C. sheep,grass六.形容词的考查本学期课本上出现的形容词有:1.描述事物颜色的black, white, red, yellow, blue, green, greypurple, violet, pink,2.描述事物味道的sweet, sour , nice ,3.描述动物、玩具等事物特征的cute,lovely,strong,fun ,funny , super,cool,be

10、autiful,bad, great, clever4.描述事物外形的long, short , big ,small, fat ,thin 5.描述天气的cold,hot, cool , warm( )1.Look at the robot. Its _. I like it.A.cool B. bad C. short( )2.Here is a lemon.Taste it. How is it ? - Its _.A.yellow B. sour C. sweet( )3.My house is very _.You cant come in ,big bad wolf.A.stron

11、g B. small C. lovely七.表达自己的爱好目前只学了一种表达自己爱好的句型:I like + V-ing.like 后面必须用动词的“v-ing”形式。( )1. - I like _.What about you ?Me too.A.swim B. swimming C. swiming表达不喜欢时要说: I dont like ( )2.I like reading ,but I _ like singing.A.not B. cant C. dont八.制定规则时要用否定祈使句:Dont + 动词原形。Dont litter .不要扔垃圾。 Dont throw ston

12、es.不要扔石头。 Dont open the gate.不要打开大门。 Dont pick flowers. 不要摘花。 Dont walk on the grass.不要踩草坪。 Dont touch the eggs.不要摸鸡蛋。 Dont feed the animals.不要给动物喂食。Dont swim here.不要在这里游泳。( )1.Children, dont _ here.A.swim B. swimming C. swiming九.特殊疑问词的考查到目前所学过的特殊疑问词:How怎样 , how many 多少(数量),how much多少(价钱), how old多少

13、岁(年龄),what 什么, who 谁, Where 哪里训练题( )1.- _ are you? Im fine.A.How old B. How C. What ( )2.- _are you? Im nine. A.How old B. How C. What ( )3.- _ is your ball ? Its red and whiteA.How B. What C. What colour ( )4.Listen! _ can you hear ? I can hear a train.A.What B. How C. What colour( )5.-_ is the orange ? Its sweet and sour.A.What B. What colour C.How( )6.-_ is it ? Its an ice cream.A.What B. What colour C.How十.口语交际( )1.Thank you . _.A.Great! B. Youre welcome. C. Welcome !( )2.- Dont litter.


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