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1、摘 要全景图(Panoramic Image)是近来出现在Internet上的另一种新的交互式的虚拟场景表示方式,它基于图绘制IBR(Image-Based Render)的方式再现了三维场景,可用浏览器实现虚拟场景的漫游,同时也详细介绍了这种全景图浏览器的实现原理。本文在总结已有技术的基础上,提出一个基于全景图的虚拟现实系统模型,并改进算法实现了高效的拼接,全景图是一种能覆盖大范围场景的宽视角图像。除了用特殊的相机获取外,目前多采用图像拼接技术,即将普通相机拍摄的两幅或多幅来自同一场景的有重叠区域的图像拼合成为一幅宽视角的高质量图像。这是当前图像处理的一个热门研究课题,也是基于图像绘制的一部


3、保准确地定位出重叠区域;在图像融合方面,对原亮度调和处理算法进行了改进,消除了拼接图像中存在的亮度差别,然后采用渐入渐出算法和最佳缝合线算法消除了拼接图像中的拼接接缝和鬼影问题。实验结果显示,上述算法可以实现待拼接图像的准确配准和拼接图像中接缝和鬼影等砌象的消除。最后,用Microsoft Visual C+6.0开发了一套较完整的全景图自动拼接系统。关键词:全景图;Microsoft Visual C+6.0;虚拟现实;图像拼接;AbstractPanoramic (Panoramic Image) is a recently emerged in the Internet, another

4、 new interactive virtual environment that way, it is based on mapping IBR (Image-Based Render) way reproduce three-dimensional scene, the browser can be used to implement virtual scene roaming, as well as details of this panorama of Realizing the browser. This paper summarizes the existing technolog

5、y is proposed based on a panoramic image based virtual reality system model, and improve the efficiency of the splicing algorithm, panorama is a wide range of scenarios that can cover wide viewing angle image. In addition to using a special camera to obtain, the currently used image stitching techno

6、logy, about two ordinary camera, or pieces of the same scene from the overlapping region of images put together into a wide viewing angle, high-quality images. This is the current image processing of a hot research topic, is also part of image-based rendering, the applicability of a strong, used in

7、virtual reality, satellite photos of the processing and medical image processing and other fields. This paper summarizes the existing technology, based on a comprehensive summary of research Panorama Stitching in the key technology issues in their work. Include the following: the traditional templat

8、e matching algorithm for the problem, this paper proposes an adaptive template matching algorithm, that is, before a match, the first LED based on local edge density and characteristics of fuzzy clustering algorithm locate object region then to the region as a template to calculate the local entropy

9、 difference, an image in another search to find the best match point; in feature-based image matching algorithm, the use of multi-scale Harris corner detection algorithm for feature point extraction , with a robust feature point matching strategy to match on the filter, to guarantee the accuracy of

10、the feature points after purification data do point transformation is estimated to be spliced to determine transformation parameters between the images to ensure accurate position of overlapping region ; in image fusion, the brightness of the original harmonic treatment is improved to eliminate the

11、mosaic image brightness differences exist, then gradually out of use gradually into the suture method and the best method to eliminate the mosaic image stitching seams and ghosts shadow problem. Experimental results show that the algorithm can achieve accurate images to be spliced registration and s

12、titching in the seams and the ghost image as the elimination of such puzzle. Finally, Microsoft Visual C + +6.0 has developed a more complete panorama mosaic system. Keywords: panorama; Microsoft Visual C + +6.0; virtual reality; image mosaic; 毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指

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