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1、二轮拔高卷04-【赢在高考黄金20卷】备战2022年高考英语模拟卷(上海专 用)(原卷版)I. Listening ComprehensionSection A (1()分)Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spok

2、en only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is die best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. By car.B. By subway.C. By shuttle bus.D. By air.2. A. The mans university tour.B. The mans university life

3、.C. The mans tour to a lake.D. The mans impression of a university.3. A. The woman wants to go hiking again.B. The woman took her pct to the hiking.C. The womans kitchen needed cleaning.D. The womans cat was ill.4. A. He will graduate from a university in Nantong.B. He conies from Nantong.C. He has

4、got a job in Nantong.D. He has been seeking a job in Nantong.5. A. Pitiful.B. Relieved.C. Indifferent.D. Grateful.6. A. He prefers a smaller house.B. He prefers warm days.C. He may like a garden and a garage.D. He may like a balcony.7. A. Her son reads fast.B. Her son reads slowly.C. Her son loves r

5、eading.D. Her son often visits the library.8. A. The man can buy the model car with no worries.B. This model car has some new functions.C. The man can have his money back if the model car is undamaged.D. The man will definitely like the model car.9. A. The project is actually essential to the compan

6、y.B. Their efforts wont pay off.C. It took them eight months to finish the project.D. The drainage system of their company had to be upgraded.10. A. He has left some food for his daughter.B. His daughter shouldn,t have come back late.C. There isnt much for his daughter to eat.D. He has set aside som

7、e butter for his daughter.Section B (15 分)Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and a longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of them. The passage and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a qu

8、estion, read the tbur possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.1 l.A. Negative effects of eating too many snacks.B. The differences between snacks and meals.He said he came from Se

9、negal. Muhammad asked Deo the agents questions and also some questions of his own. For the agents, he asked Deo, Where are you coming fVom? When Deo said he had conic from Burundi, Muhammad made a pained face and said to him in French, How did you get out?There was no time even to attempt an answer.

10、 The agents were asking another question: Deos visa said he was here on business. What business?Selling coffee beans, Deo told them through Muhammad. Just keep smiling, Deo told himself.How much money did he have?Two hundred dollars, Deo said with pride. The cash had been a gift from Jean. Exchanged

11、 for Burundian francs, it could have bought a lot of cows. But neither Muhammad nor (he agents looked impressed.Where was he staying?Jean had told him hed be asked this. A hotel, he said.The agents laughed. A week in a hotel on two hundred dollars?In 1994, airport security wasnt what it soon would b

12、e. Muhammad said something in English to the agents. His words must have been the right ones, because after a few more questions, the agents shrugged at each other and let him through, into America.He had no idea what hed do next. After six months on the run, he was in the habit of not looking ahead

13、. And what was there to fear? What could the man in the booth up ahead do to him? Whatever it might be, hed already seen worse. God had taken care of him so far. And still was taking care of him, it seemed. As this serious-looking stranger, Muhammad, walked him out of Customs, he said (hat Deo could

14、 stay with him in New York City. But Deo would have to wait here for three hours. Muhammad worked al the airport as a baggage handler. He had to finish his shift. Could Deo wait three hours?Only three hours? said Deo. Of course!63. Which of the following is the reason why Deo left his hometown?A. Je

15、an persuaded him to go to New York.B. Jeans father paid for (he plane tickets for him.C. He was an employee on a business mission to America.D. He wanted to flee his home town to seek shelter in New York.64. How did the woman help Deo?A. She arranged a seat for him.B. She did the interpreting for hi

16、m.C. She asked the policeman to show mercy lo him.D. She talked with him which made him feel less lonely.65. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 most probably mean?A. God is toying withhim.B.God is takinghimunder hiswing.C. He is a( (he mercy of God.D.He canH break awayfromGod.66. Hearing that Deo came from Burundi


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