Unit 4 A visit to the moon教案

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《Unit 4 A visit to the moon教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4 A visit to the moon教案(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 A visit to the moon教学设计教材分析:本课是人教版新课标模块3 Unit 4 AstronomyScience of the stars的using language部分,本文是一篇科幻游记,属于记叙文。文章记述了作者与朋友去月球旅行的全过程。从出发前朋友向作者解释万有引力的三次变化,到飞行过程中作者的感受及其作者与朋友的对话,到作者在月球上的所做所感,到返回地球时作者的发现与想法,给学生留下深刻的印象,让他们对太空充满无限的遐想。学生分析:教学对象为高一学生,他们的认知能力比初中阶段有了进一步的发展,渐渐形成用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题与解决问题的能力,

2、在课堂上教师应该多关注他们的思维与表达能力。通过任务型课堂活动让他们学会阅读技巧,提高阅读能力, 也让学生能给主动参与到活动中去,表达学生的主体性并加强合作与交流的能力。教学目标: 1.To help them learn some important words and expressions,such as:gravity, float, spaceship, pull, lessen, get the hang of.2.To improve their reading, speaking and writing skills.3.To help them cooperate with

3、each other and inspire their interest in space.教学重难点:1. To let the students use the useful words and expressions.2. To improve their reading and writing skills.3. To help them improve their ability of cooperation.教学辅助:A computer, A video, pictures, ppt教学过程:Step I Warming up (5 minutes)Teacher: With

4、so many teachers in our classroom, do you feel nervous Students: yes!Teacher: so today I prepare a short video for you to make you relaxed, do you want to see itBut I have a request, after you seeing it, please tell me what can you see in this video(after the video)Teacher: so can you tell me what c

5、an you see in this videoStudents: I can see many students put forward a lot of questions about the space. I can see one of the astronauts Wang Yaping gave them a lesson in space. Many students were very excited about the experiments done by Wang Yaping. Many students wanted to visit other plants, es

6、pecially the moon. Teacher:at the end of the vedio, many students wanted to visit the moon, and were eager to know what will happen in space, right Do you want to visit the moon【设计意图】由于教室里教师较多,为了缓解学生紧张的情绪并且为了引出本节课的中心,特意找了一个有关于太空授课的一个视频,不仅仅与主题相关,还能激发学生的好奇心,为母校感到骄傲,从情感上达到一个深化!也为接下去的话题做好铺垫作用。Step2 Fast

7、-reading:(5minutes)Teacher: Now lets follow an astromer, Li Yanping and his friend, they were lucky enough to have a chance to visit the moon, lets see what will happen during their visit?lets read the passage quickly and then find out some answers to these questions:1). How did they traveled to the

8、 space2). How many times would the force of gravity change on their journey3).Which change would be the most powerful【设计意图】此部分的设计目的是在快读阅读的基础上,让学生锻炼阅读与快速捕捉有用信息的能力。要求学生回答相关简单的题目,目的是这些题目本身表达了文章主要内容,而想照顾全体学生,几乎每个学生都可以脱口说出答案,从而形成一种自信。这样,既给好学生提供了表现与榜样的机会,又给基础较差的学生提供了学习参考的机会,从而使所有学生在这一环节充分发挥自己的能力。同时问题的设置由浅

9、入深,为接下去的细读做好铺垫。Step3 Careful reading ( 20minutes )Teacher: then lets deal with the changes of gravity. Now read Para 2 carefully and then describe how the gravity changed for them. Please fill this form. The changes of gravityLeft the earthIn spaceOn the moon【设计意图】通过阅读第二段落,让学生能够体会到万有引力随着不同的情况发生了不同的变

10、化,提高学生寻找信息与概括的能力。Teacher:from this form, we can the the gravity changed a lot, as the gravity changed, do you think their weight will change or not Lets deal with the changes of their weight. Read para2-3 then finish this form. The changes of weightLeft the earthIn spaceOn the moon【设计意图】通过让学生阅读第二至第三

11、段,帮助学生找出关键句子,领会随着重力的变化,他们的体重也随之而改变。Teacher: when they were on the moon, their weight less than on the earth, if I were on the moon, I would be very happy, because my weight could less, what about the authors feelings, do you think they were happy or not If so, do you think their feelings are always

12、the same Then lets deal with the changes of feelings.The changes of feelingsBefore they leftAs the rocket rose into the airWhen they get closer to the moonWhen they get to the moonWhen they returned to the earth【设计意图】通过让学生阅读第第二至第四段,让学生能够根据不同的情景找出关键句,并分析他们的心情的变化。提高学生的分析能力与合作能力。Step4. Further reading:

13、Teacher:Fom here, we have learned the changes of gravity, weight and feelings according to the different situations. Can you find out the main idea of each para.Para1: Last month they visited the moon.Para2: How the force of gravity changed when they traveled from the earth to the moon.Para3: The th

14、ings the author did on the moon.Para4: They returned to the earth.【设计意图】通过上面的表格,可以帮助学生对每一段进行一个总结,找出每一段的中心句,并通过组织自己的语言,得出结论。这样做的目的:第一可以帮助学生巩固课文的内容;第二可以让学生通过交流与合作找到文本中心,提高他们的阅读能力。Step5 Consolidation:Teacher: now I believe most of you have a better understanding of this passage, lets finish the conclus

15、ion about this passage, pay attention to the tense and the correct form about the verb.Last month I 1_(visit) the moon with my friend. 2_ we left, I was told the force of gravity would 3_three times on our journey. Then we 4_off. As we left the earth, I became very heavy. 5_the weight lessened. When I was in space, it disappeared. We floated weightlessly 6_(watch) the earth become smaller. When I was on the moon, I was surprised to find out even walking needs lots of practice now that gravity changed. The returning of the earth was very 7_ (frighten). We


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