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1、Part I Listening Comprehension (20 points, 1 point each)Section A Statements (10 points, 1 point each)Directions: In this section you will hear 10 statements. Each statement will be read only once. Then there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the two suggested choices marked A and B,

2、and decide which is closer in meaning to the sentence you have just heard. 1. A. In a minute.B. For a loaf of bread. 2. A. You cant buy the boat. B. The boat is very expensive. 3. A. John and Betty killed the snake. B. John killed the snake. 4. A. Mr. Brown walked to work because it was a nice day.

3、B. Mr. Brown walked to work because his car couldnt start. 5. A. He likes beer better than juice. B. He likes coffee best. 6. A. You and I can go as soon as you get ready. B. We must go at once. 7. A. John is not going to go to Detroit. B. John may go to Detroit. 8. A. Well go out if it stops rainin

4、g. B. We want to go out unless it stops raining. 9. A. He has $10.00. B. He has $40.00.10. A. I always watch TV. B. I watch unless the show is bad. Section B Short Conversations (10 points, 1 point each)Directions: Listen to the following 10 short conversations. Each conversation is followed by ONE

5、question. After you hear the question, therell be a break of 15 seconds. During the break, youll read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. 11. A. At home. B. In the restaurant. C. On a bus. D. In the street. 12. A. The new apartment is cheaper. B. He likes to p

6、lay guitar. C. He needs a quieter place. D. The present one is too expensive. 13. A. People have to strive for a living. B. Its easy to make a living. C. People prefer working to suffering from hunger. D. People have to decide whether they will work or not. 14. A. In a hospital. B. At a bank. C. In

7、a restaurant. D. At a post office. 15. A. To work for a small company. B. To graduate. C. To start a company. D. To be independent. 16. A. Cream and sugar. B. Nothing. C. Cream. D. Sugar.17. A. He knows all his friends well. B. He writes a lot. C. He has a lot of time. D. He has a lot of friends. 18

8、. A. A shop assistant. B. The mans wife. C. The mans secretary. D. A shopper. 19. A. The first speaker. B. Jane. C. Anne. D. The second speaker. 20. A. In a restaurant. B. On a farm. C. In a clinic. D. In an office.Part II Reading Comprehension (30 points, 2 points each)Directions: There are three p

9、assages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Passage OneScientists

10、and engineers always express their ideas in the form of equation(方程式)because they need to know the exact values of quantities. But for the rest of us, a qualitative(定性的)grasp(领会)of scientific concepts(概念)is enough, and this can be expressed by words and pictures, without the use of equations.The sci

11、ence people learn in school can provide the basic rules and ideas. But the speed of scientific progress is now so rapid there are always new developments that have appeared since one was at school or university. I never learned about molecular biology(分子生物)or transistors(晶体管)at school, but genetic e

12、ngineering(遗传工程)and computers are two of the developments most likely to change the way we live in the future. Popular books and magazine articles about science can help to put across new developments, but even the most successful popular book is read by only a small number of the population. Only t

13、elevision can reach a truly mass(大量)audience. There are some very good science programs on TV, but others present scientific wonders simply as magic(魔法), without explaining them or showing how they fit into the scientific ideas. Producers of television science programs should realize that they have

14、a duty(职责)to educate(教育)the public, not just provide fun.The world today is filled with dangers, hence(因此)the sick joke that the reason we have not been called upon by an alien civilization(地外文明)is that civilizations always destroy themselves when they reach our stage. But I have enough belief in th

15、e good sense of the public to believe that we might prove this wrong. 21. For the people other than scientists and engineers, is enough. A. expressing ideas in the form of equations B. knowledge(知识)of the exact values of quantities C. a qualitative grasp of scientific ideas D. having both qualitative and quantitative(定量的)knowledge22. Whats the authors opinion of science teaching in school? A. It cant catch up with the scientific progress. B. It is completely useless as what is learne


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