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1、-【资料】Windows Update 自动更新错误代码大全在使用Windows Update更新时,时常会遇到过这样的情况:升级没有成功,只给出一段不知其意的代码如*!让人无从下手,特将这些错误提示的代码的整理出来供大家参考!Windows Update 错误 51F如果在尝试安装更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 51F,则 Microsoft Office 2003 产品的本地安装源 (LIS) 已损坏。LIS 是 Office 2003 产品用来安装程序和 Office 程序更新的软件。Windows Update 错误 52F如果在尝试安装更新时收到 Windows Up

2、date 错误 52F,说明 Microsoft Office 2003 产品的本地安装源 (LIS) 已损坏。LIS 是 Office 2003 产品用来安装程序和 Office 程序更新的软件。Windows Update 错误 80070070如果在尝试安装更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80070070,请释放计算机上的磁盘空间,然后重新尝试。Windows Update 错误 80070002如果在检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80070002,需要删除 Windows 用于确定计算机更新的临时更新文件。假设要删除这些文件,请完成下面的所有步骤,

3、然后重新尝试检查 Windows 更新。Windows Update 错误 80070003如果在检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80070003,则需要删除 Windows 用于识别计算机更新的临时文件。假设要删除这些临时文件,请完成下面的所有步骤,然后重新尝试检查 Windows 更新。Windows Update 错误 80070422如果在下载更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80070422,可能需要更改 Windows Update 效劳设置,然后重新启动该效劳。Windows Update 错误 80070643如果在安装 Microsoft O

4、ffice 2003 的更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80070643,可能需要重新启动 Office Source Engine (OSE) 效劳。如果该效劳设置为默认的手动设置,Windows Update 可以自动启动该效劳为 Office 产品安装更新。如果该效劳已禁用,则需要重新启动它,然后重新尝试为 Office 产品安装最新的更新。Windows Update 错误 80072ee2如果在检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80072ee2,可能需要将 Windows Update 下载更新的地址添加到防火墙例外或允许列表中。Windows Up

5、date 错误 80072ee7如果在检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80072ee7,可能需要更改或删除 Windows Update 效劳的静态 IP 地址。地址保存在一个名为 Hosts 的操作系统文件中。每次检查更新时 Windows Update 效劳的 IP 地址都可能会改变,但是 Windows 的*些附加程序会将静态地址条目添加到 Hosts 文件中。Windows Update 的静态 IP 地址将会使计算机无法获取更新。Windows Update 错误 80072efd如果在检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80072efd,可能需要

6、将 Windows Update 下载更新的地址添加到防火墙例外或允许列表中。Windows Update 错误 8024001F如果在检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 8024001F,需要连接到 Internet。确保网线电缆已插入并结实连接到计算机。假设要查看 Internet 连接是否能够正常工作,请尝试翻开 Web 浏览器,然后访问经常访问的。当确认已连接到 Internet 之后,请重新尝试检查更新。Windows Update 错误 8024402C如果在检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 8024402C,需要将 Internet E*plor

7、er 设置为自动检测局域网 (LAN) 设置,这样 Windows Update 便可以联机获取更新。Windows Update 错误 80246007如果在下载或检查更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80246007,可能需要更改或重新启动后台智能传送效劳 (BITS)。该效劳允许 Windows Update 将更新下载到您的计算机。Windows Update 错误 80246008必须以管理员身份进展登录,才能执行这些步骤。如果在下载更新时收到 Windows Update 错误 80246008,可能需要更改后台智能传送效劳 (BITS) 或 Windows 事件日志

8、效劳设置,然后重新启动每项效劳。=以下为 【英文】版 - 错误代码=Error Description Details8007042b ERROR_PROCESS_ABORTED The process terminated une*pectedly80072733 DLOAD_FAILURE A non-blocking socket operation could not be pleted immediately.8007001e AN ERROR OCCURED CALLING DLLREGISTER SERVER NULL80070001 An error occurred duri

9、ng transmission: A network connection with the remote server could not be established. NULLffffffff Cancel The user canceled the transaction800704c7 Cancelled by user NULL800703fd Cannot create a stable subkey under a volatile parent key. Cannot create a stable subkey under a volatile parent key.800

10、c0008 Cannot download the information you requested. NULL80070570 Cannot open file NULL80070015 Cannot open please verify the path and file are correct or The_device_is_not_ready NULL80070017 Data error (cyclic redundancy check). Data error (cyclic redundancy check).80004004 E_ABORT Operation aborte

11、d error80004005 E_Fail General error or Unknown Error80070006 E_Handle Handle not valid error80070057 E_INVALIDARG One or more arguments are not valid error.800705aa Error loading resources NULL80070005 ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED Access is denied. The authentication method is not supported.800703f5 ERROR_C

12、ANTWIRTE The configuration registry key could not be written.e000022b ERROR_DI_DONT_INSTALL NULL8007045a ERROR_DLL_INIT_FAILED NULLe0000234 ERROR_DRIVER_NONNATIVE NULL800700ff ERROR_EA_LIST_INCONSISTENT The e*tended attributes are inconsistent.80072f76 ERROR_ _HEADER_NOT_FOUND The requested header c

13、ould not be located80072f78 ERROR_ _INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE The server response could not be parsed.80072f7c ERROR_ _REDIRECT_FAILED NULL80072efd ERROR_INTERNET_CANNOT_CONNECT Cannot connect to the Internet server80072efe ERROR_INTERNET_CONNECTION_ABORTED The connection with the server has been term

14、inated.80072eff ERROR_INTERNET_CONNECTION_RESET The connection with the server has been reset.80072ee4 ERROR_INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR An internal error has occurred.80072ee7 ERROR_INTERNET_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED The server name could not be resolved. DNS Error. Please try a different root DNS (Like UUNET)

15、80072ee2 ERROR_INTERNET_TIMEOUT The request has timed out. The connection to this Internet site took longer than the allotted time.e000020d ERROR_INVALID_CLASS_INSTALLER NULL800701a9 ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION NULL8007051b ERROR_INVALID_OWNER This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object.8007045d ERROR_IO_DEVICE The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.800703e5 ERROR_IO_PENDING NULL


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