Unit 2Working the land 阅读课教学反思 - 教学反思

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《Unit 2Working the land 阅读课教学反思 - 教学反思》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2Working the land 阅读课教学反思 - 教学反思(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Working the land 阅读课教学反思 - 教学反思 Unit 2Working the land 阅读课教学反思导入:教师先呈现一张种植水稻的图片,然后提问题,What are they doing ? 从而进入农民们如何种植水稻-how to grow rice ? 教师呈现种植水稻的各个步骤。水稻的重要性,如果一天没有水稻,人们会怎么样?进而呈现袁隆平的图片。从而进入课文:课文阅读的教学步骤:Task 1 Skimming1.When and who became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to gro

2、w rice thathas a high output?2. What did Yuan Longping invent?Main idea ;The text is about _ who made a great contribution to (对做奉献producing better _.Task 2 ScanningFind out the main idea of each paragraph.Para 1A. Dr Yuans dreams. Para 2B. Dr Yuans personality. Para 3C. Dr Yuans biography(传记. Para

3、4D. Dr Yuans appearance and his achievement Task 3 Careful readingPara 1Q1: What does Dr Yuan look like?Q2: What is his achievement?Para 2His biography传记Timeinformation19301953As a young manIn a recentharvestnowPara. 3 Dr Yuans personalityWhich of the following description about Dr Yuans personality

4、 is not true?A . He is satisfied with his life because he is now rich and famous.B. He cares little about money and fame.C. He would rather work than lead a comfortable life.D. He enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people.Paragraph 4 : His dreamsGet students to find out his dreams .教学反思:本堂课设计流程清晰,教学目标明确,由浅到难,学生容易掌握,从整体理解到细节一段段对课文的理解,让学生很清楚了袁隆平的生平,为人,不图名利,只为实实在在生活,工作,在训练练习时对袁隆平生平情况,性格的讲解详细,学生可以对此了如指掌。教学永远是一门遗憾的艺术,在时间把握上不够好。


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