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1、telephone的用法总结大全telephone的意思n. , 机,( 机的)话筒,受话器vt.- vi. 以 传送(消息),给(某人)打 ,用 与(某人)交谈变形:过去式: telephoned; 如今分词:telephoning; 过去分词:telephoned;telephone用法telephone可以用作名词telephone表示“ ”,指利用电流使两地的人互相交谈的技术或装置,用作不可数名词; 也可指“ 机”,用作可数名词。telephone还可表示“ 听筒”。telephone用作动词的根本意思是“打 给(某人)”“用 通知”,常可缩写成phone。telephone用作名词的

2、用法例句Let me note down your address and telephone number.让我记下你的地址和 号码。He put the telephone bill down as a business cost.他把 费用作为办公费记下。You can telephone your order through to the shop.你可以打 向商店购货。telephone可以用作动词telephone用作动词的根本意思是“打 给(某人)”“用 通知”,常可缩写成phone。telephone既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、that

3、从句作宾语,也可引出直接宾语,还可接双宾语,其直接宾语可由名词、代词或that从句充当,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语,还可接由动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。telephone sb 和 telephone to sb 意思均是“给某人打 ”。telephone用作动词的用法例句You can telephone your order through to the shop.你可以打 向商店购货。Telephone me when you get through.你的工作完成以后打 告诉我。telephone词组 | 习惯用语telephone number n. 号码on the te

4、lephone 在通 by telephone 通过 ;用 over the telephone 通过 telephone call 呼叫mobile telephone n. 手机;挪动 ;大哥大telephone work 网络telephone interview 面试, 访问telephone line 线路telephone system n. 系统telephone service 效劳; 业务public telephone n. 公共 telephone directory 簿telephone conversation 打 telephone munication 通信tel

5、ephone pany 公司telephone exchange 局; 交换台telephone operator 话务员telephone conference 会议cellular telephone 挪动 ;蜂窝 telephone英语例句库1.The telephone directory gives peoples names, addresses, and telephonenumbers. 号码薄中列有 用户的姓名、住址和 号码。2.Our product series include designing puter,BMC, Alloy,Washingmachine,Toy,

6、mobile telephone mould, transparent series, manifdder,telephone.本公司专业设计制造电脑系列、BMC重电系列、合金系列、洗衣机系列、玩具系列、手机模具、透明系列、复印机系列、 机系列。3.Where can I find a telephone booth?我在哪儿可以找到 亭?4.The telephone rang continuously for five minutes. 铃声连续响了五分钟。5.A kite dangles from a telephone wire.一只风筝悬挂在 线上晃来晃去。6.There are t

7、elephone extensions in every room.每个房间都有 分机。7.Graham Bell was the father of telephone.格雷汉姆 贝尔是 的创造人。8.The telephone and the gramophone were contemporary. 和留声机是同一时代的产物。9.Let me know it immediately by telephone.马上打 通知我。10.First underseas telephone cable, England to France.第一根海底 电缆连接英国和法国。11.She has a

8、cellular telephone in her car.她的汽车里有一部无线通讯 机。12.All telephone reservations must be confirmed inwriting.所有的 预约必须以书面形式确认。13.Her name is listed in the telephone directory.她的名字被列在 簿上。14.He had the wit to telephone the police.他机智地给警察打了 。15.Mary accidentally let out that her mother hadtelephoned.玛丽无意中说出她的

9、母亲来过 。16.The telephone munications were knocked out by thestorm.风暴使 通讯中断了。17.How long will the connection of the telephone take?接通 需要多长时间呢?18.A cordless telephone has been installed in the house.这房子里已安装了一部无绳 。19.They were unable to run the telephone workeconomically.他们未能经济地经营 网络。20.We telephoned her a greetings on her wedding day.她结婚那天,我们打了 祝贺她。第 页 共 页


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