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1、(必修一) MODULE 5 . 单词荟萃1._n混合物 mix v. 混合_ adj. ( 男女 )混合的2._n电 electrical adj. 与电有关的,用电的 electric adj. 电的, 发电的3._n结论 conclude v推断出,断定, 作结论4._ n. 目标, 对准 v. 对准目标;打算aimless adj. 没有目标;无目的的5. reaction n反应, 回应_ v反应, 作出回应6.equipment n设备, 装备 _ v. 装备,配备7._ adj. 吃惊的;惊讶的_ adj. 令人吃惊的 astonish v使惊讶 astonishment n.

2、惊讶 .短语检测1使 有条理7安静点2想起, 考虑8过去常常3弄清楚,弄明白9在过去的二十年里4把 加到 10要么 要么 5使不进入,防止进入11为 感到骄傲6开始做,着手干, 进行吧12理应, 应当 .佳句再现1 _ the earth s surface is water.地球表面三分之二是水。2 The earth is _ the moon.地球是月球的五十倍。3 It is hard _ a world without metals.很难想象一个没有金属的世界。4 Im going to _ Montreal _ Ottawa University, as both_have goo

3、dPhysics Department.我要么去蒙特利尔大学,要么去渥太华大学,因为两个大学都有不错的物理系。 .单元语法1.expandv.(cause sth. to) become greater in size, number or importance膨胀,扩大,增强;扩展,展开expansion n. 扩张,扩展,膨胀【易混辨析】expand 和 extend(1)expand vt.&vi.强调“使 (尺寸、数字或数量等)扩大,增加,扩大 (活动范围 )”。如:A tyre expands when you pump air into it.如果你往轮胎里充气,它就会膨胀。Our

4、 foreign trade has expanded greatly in recent years. 我国的对外贸易近年来已有极大发展。(2) extend vt.& vi. 强调“时间、空间等的延伸、延展” 。如:The road extends for miles and miles.这条路向远处绵延伸展。Can you extend your visit a few days longer?你能多停留几天吗?【情景记忆】【活学活用】(1) Why not try to _ your story into a novel?你为什么不把你的故事扩展成小说呢?(2) Metal _ whe

5、n it is heated.金属加热之后就会膨胀。(3) The headmaster _ our holiday by four days.校长将我们的假期延长了 4 天。2.conclusionn.结论,推论;结尾,结束(1) conclude v 推断出, 断定, 做结论; (使) 结束(2)come to/draw/reach a conclusion得出结论jump to a conclusionin conclusion匆匆忙忙作出结论最后,总之【活学活用】I _that he d been lying.我断定他是在说谎。3.balancen. 平衡 v. 平衡; 权衡, 使保持

6、平衡(1)keep/lose one s balance保持 /失去平衡keep the balance of nature/one s mind 保持自然界 /心态的平衡(2)balance A against B权衡A与 B的重要性balance A with/and B平衡好 A与B【活学活用】(1) We must learn to _.我们必须学会平衡好工作与休息。(2)You have to _of living in a big city _the disadvantages.你必须权衡住在大城市的利与弊。4.equipmentn. U 设备,装备(1)a piece of eq

7、uipment(2)be equipped forbe equipped with一件设备准备好,装备有,配备有对 有准备【易混辨析】equipment 和 facilityequipment 和 facility都可译作“设备” , “器材”。(1)equipment 是不可数名词,指用于某一特殊目的的东西供给品,装备等(the tools,machines, clothes, etc. that you need to do a particular job or activity) 。如:medical equipment(2) facility 是可数名词, 常用复数形式。 facil

8、ities 指为特殊活动或目的所提供的种种便利,包括设备、建筑物和服务等 (rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose)。如:sports/leisure facilities【活学活用】(1).The government has given a lot of _ to our school.政府已为我们学校配备了很多设备。(2).The room _air conditioners.(3).This is a five - star hotel with fantastic _.5.ord

9、inaryadj.普通的,平常的;平淡无奇的这个房间装有空调设备。这是一家五星级饭店,设施完善。【易混辨析】ordinary, common, usual 和 normal四个词都含“普通的”意思。(1).ordinary( 与众多同类的东西相比)强调“普通的” , “平淡无奇的” 。 如:ordinary people like you and me 像你我一样的普通人(2).common 强调“因为常见而普通”, 也可指“共同的,common sense 常识common efforts共同的努力共有的”。如:have sth. in common (with sb./sth.)和 有共同

10、之处in common (with sb./sth.)共同,共有,与 一样Snow is common in cold countries.在寒冷的国家雪是常见的。(3).usualas usual通常的,像往常一样惯常的,强调“经常性或与习惯有关”。She arrived later than usual.她到得比平常晚。As usual, there weren t many people at the meeting.像往常一样,来开会的人不多。(4)normal 正常的,常态的,往往指“合乎某种标准的,normal temperature 正常体温 / 温度above/below no

11、rmal标准以上 / 下或在正常情况下应有的”。如:return to normal恢复正常【活学活用】(1) We were dressed up for the party but she was still in her _ clothes.我们都为聚会乔装打扮,但她仍然穿着平常的衣服。(2) It s _ to feel tired after such a long trip.长途旅行之后感到累是正常的。(3) Smith is a very _ last name in England.在英国史密斯是很常见的姓。(4) Shall we meet at the _ time and place?我们在老地方老时间见面好吗?(5) _ many people, he prefers classical music to pop.和许多人一样,和流行音乐相比,他更喜欢古典音乐。 .短语学习1 add to把 加到 add toadd sth. upadd up toadd that增加把 加起来总计为,总数达;结果是补充说【温馨提示】add to 表示“增加了 ”时,后面常跟抽象名词,如: add to our difficulties增加了我们的


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