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1、初中毕业英语作文篇一:初中毕业英语作文多彩的初中生活就要过去了,回首往日,一切就像是在昨天。三年的初中生活,无尽的酸甜苦辣,在这即将告别的日子,一起涌上心头 初中生活很甜。同学间三年的友谊浓郁醇香,甜进心坎。从刚入学时的互不相识,到逐渐无所不谈,甜,就像蜜糖吃进嘴,一点点地甜到心里。我们在一起读书、写字、高谈阔论;我们在一起打篮球、踢足球,满场飞奔。快乐,大家分享;困难,一起担当。幸福就是这样吧!真的,初中生活很甜。初中生活有酸。每当考试不及格,我会恨自己不争气,流下后悔的眼泪;偶尔老师轻声的诘责,我也会觉得委屈而心酸。但是,酸却是一份真挚的馈赠,每当我因考试不好而心酸的时候,我就会明白:成绩

2、需要付出,努力才会得到回报。每当我受批评而心酸的时候,我会告诉自己:自作自受,决不能再犯。就是这样,每一次的酸楚,都会给我一次警示 “酸,我不怕!”初中生活很苦。为了最终的目标,为了未来的梦想,我们需要付出艰辛的劳动。天刚亮就要起床为的是抓紧时间背诵;晚 10 点了还不肯休息,为的是不把今日的工作留到明天。白天,“语、数、政、外、理、化、生”,课课都有作业;晚上,秉烛夜读,只因明天老师要将作业检查。唉,累死了!想想电视上的世界杯,却也只好无奈地面对那一大摞作业摇摇头。初中生活,真累!初中生活,让我品尝人间的酸甜苦辣,也态百味。又酸又苦却又有甜,付出总会有回报。当我轻松地将试卷答完,为自己的初中

3、生活画上一个句号时,暮然回首,原来一切都那么值得回味。我亲爱的初中生活,再见!The colorful life of junior high school is about to pass,and looking back, it was like yesterday. Three years ofjunior high school life, the endless sour and sweetbitterness, in the day of the farewell, together in theheart.Junior high school is sweet. The thre

4、e years offriendship between my classmates are full-bodied, sweet andsweet. From the strangers who were first in school, to thegradual and undiscussed, sweet, like honey to the mouth, alittle bit sweet to the heart. We read, write and talk. Weplayed basketball, played football, and ran all the way.H

5、appy to share; Difficult, bear together. Thats the way tobe happy! Really, middle school life is sweet. Middle schoollife is sour. Every time I fail in the exam, I will hatemyself for not being angry and tears of regret. Theoccasional teachers soft voice, I will feel aggrieved.However, the acid is a

6、 sincere gift, every time I am sadbecause of the exam bad, I will understand : the result needsto give, the effort will be rewarded. Every time I feel badabout being criticized, I tell myself that I cant do itagain. Thats it, and every time its sour, it gives me awarning - sour, Im not afraid!Middle

7、 school life is hard. In order to achieve theultimate goal, we need to work hard for future dreams. Towake up in the morning to recite in a hurry; At ten o clockI will not rest so that I will not leave todays work tilltomorrow. During the day, language, number, politics,external, rational, student.

8、In the evening, read the candleat night because tomorrow the teacher will check the homework.Alas, dead! Think of the World Cup on TV, but you have toface the pile of homework and shake your head. Junior middleschool life, really tired!Middle school life, let me taste the sour and sweetbitterness of

9、 the world, also the state of the state. Thebitter and the bitter are sweet, and the reward is alwaysthere. When I finished the exam with ease and drew a fullstop for my middle school life, I looked back and said thateverything was worth recalling. My dear middle school life,goodbye!篇二:初中毕业英语作文不知不觉,

10、我初中毕业了,这个原本我会非常开心的时候,心情却非常的复杂。初三下学期就这样平淡地结束,这意味着我们要永远告别陪伴我三年的学校,告别三年来朝夕相处的同学。而迎接我们的是一个未知的世界。在以前总是听父母说珍惜美好青春,时间不等人之类的话,心里总是不以为然,。到了现在,我才深深的体会到时光如水的含义。夜里无人,四周一片寂静,学校的一幕幕经常会浮现在我的的眼前。锦州军训、五里河运动会、沃尔玛岗位体验、参观海城少管所 这个切还向刚刚发生过那样清晰。但是已经离我们很遥远了。过去的用换不回再回来,正如张老师说的一样,不会有人两次同时踏入同一条河里。能留给我们的也仅仅是回忆。每当回忆起那些和我一起哭、一起笑

11、过的同学,那一件件学校中发生的小事,再想到这些永远也不会再回来,不禁让我为之落泪。初中毕业了,我将读高中,在那里,我会理解新的朋友,不过,我不会忘记我的初中生活的。Before I knew it, I had graduated from junior high school.This is the end of the first trimester, which means thatwe have to say goodbye to my three years of school and thestudents who have spent three years together.

12、And we aregreeted by an unknown world.In the past, always listening to the parents say thatcherishing the good youth, the time waits for the words, themind always not to think,. Now, I am deeply aware of themeaning of time. There was no one in the night, and there wassilence all around, and the curt

13、ain of the school oftenappeared before my eyes. The golden state military training,the wuli river games, the wal-mart post experience, the visitto the juvenile canal in the sea. Its all just as clear asit has been. But its far from us.In the past, I would not return again, as Mr Zhang said,but no on

14、e would step into the same river twice. The onlything that can be left for us is memory. Every time Iremember those who cried and laughed with me, the littlethings that happened in the school, and the thought of nevercoming back, I cried for it.I will go to high school. I will meet new friends there,but I will not forget my junior high school life.


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