2022年高考英语总复习实用精品学案 SBIA Unit 10 The world around us 新人教版

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《2022年高考英语总复习实用精品学案 SBIA Unit 10 The world around us 新人教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年高考英语总复习实用精品学案 SBIA Unit 10 The world around us 新人教版(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2022年高考英语总复习实用精品学案 SBIA Unit 10 The world around us 新人教版 麋鹿的保护 素材新挖掘考点1. measure n. 尺寸;措施vt. 测量;测度 If we know more about what causes endangerment, we may be able to take measures before it is too late. Now is the time to take measures.现在是时候采取预防措施了。measure n. 量度;度量衡制;计量单位take measures to do 采取措施 meas

2、ure vt. 测量;仔细考虑 measure vi. 有的尺寸maketo ones measure 根据某人的尺寸定做(1)What _(措施)shall we take to find out the thief?(2)The room _(尺寸)five metres across.(3)She works hard and doesnt _(考虑)the cost to her health.(4)他量了房间的长度。(写作小练笔:主谓宾;length) _measures measures measure He measured the length of the room.考点2.

3、 devote vt. 投身于;献身 Professor Stevenson, who has devoted himself to protecting the milu deer, gave a talk to Chinese college students in Beijing. He devoted his life to the study of science.他把毕生献给科学研究。devote to 献身;专心于devote vt. 生僻义:专门刊载devote vt. 对忠诚devote vt. 花钱(1)_(专心于)to his job (Devoting himself

4、to his job), he is always busy.(2)He _(花钱)a great sum of money to books.(3)He has _(献出)his whole life to benefiting mankind.(4)Devoted to music, she gave up work. (用devote的-ing形式替换)_ (5)他专心写作。(写作小练笔:主谓宾+介词;write) _Devoteddevoteddevoted Devoting herselfHe devoted himself to writing.考点3. organize vt.&

5、 vi. 组织;组织起来 Organize the information. Decide what the main message is.To write a good essay you must first organize your ideas logically.要写出好文章, 必须先从逻辑上理顺思绪。organize vt. 组织;构成,组成organization n. 组织;机构;团体organized adj. 井井有条的;有组织的(1)The school _(组织)trips to various places of interest during the summer

6、 vocation.(2)Jane _(组织)the party. She asked people to e and bought the food and drinks. (3)He formed an _ (组织)to lead the struggle.(4)俱乐部组织了一次舞会。(写作小练笔:主谓宾;club, dance) _organizesorganized organization The club has organized a dance.考点4. die out 灭绝;逐渐消失Why is it important to make sure that animals d

7、o not die out?No one have e up with a convincing explanation of why dinosaur die out.尚未有人能对恐龙的灭绝作出一个令人信服的解释。die out 灭绝;熄灭die away逐渐停止,逐渐消失die down逐渐减弱,逐渐模糊die off 相继死去(1)This kind of bird has _(灭绝)in the world. (2)After the excitement of the audience _(平息), the speaker restarted his speech.(3)The cu

8、stom of wearing vests seems to _ (正逐渐消失). (4)许多鸟兽现已绝种。(写作小练笔:主谓; animal) _died outdied downbe dying outA lot of animals has died out.考点5. adapt to适应(新环境等)When the habitat of a species is changed or destroyed, the animal or plant has to either adapt to the change or find a new home. Can you adapt to

9、your new job?你能适应新的工作吗?adapt() to适应get adapted to : 习惯于adjust to 调整; 调节adapt vt. 改编;改装;改造fit vt. 大小、尺寸适合suit vt.合乎要求、 口味、性格、情况match vt.大小、色调、形状、性质等相配(1)When he moved to Canada, the children _(适应)to the change very well.(2)He _(适应了)himself to the cold weather. (3)This novel has been _(改编)for radio fr

10、om the Russian original.adaptedadaptedadapted(4)No dish _(适合)all tastes.(5)我的眼睛已经慢慢适应了黑暗的环境。 (写作小练笔:主谓+介词;slowly, dark) _考点6. make a difference有关系;有影响 There are many things we can do to make our world better. Even small things can make a big difference. A few degrees can make a big difference when i

11、t es to food storage.当提到食物贮存之时,仅仅几度就能够让食物发生很大变化。make a difference 有关系;有影响; 很重要make no difference to对没有关系 (1)If you do so it will _(影响就很大了). (2)A year or two will _(有很大区别)to us. (3)We can _(使这光境变得不同), if we try.(4)How do I know if I _(取得了进步)?suits My eyes have slowly adapted to the dark.make a great

12、difference make a great differencemake a differencehave made a difference考点7. But we dont always do as we say. 但是我们并不是总是按我们说的做。Very well, I will do as you say.好吧,我就按你说的去做。as 依照;像那样(引导方式状语从句)as if /though 好像like prep. & conj. 像那样(1)Ill do _(按照你的建议去做). (2)When at Rome do as the Romans do.(英译汉) _ (3)Sh

13、e spoke to me _(好像)she knew me. (4)I did _ he asked and put the paper in his pocket. A. as B. though C. like D. as though A。as “依照;像那样”,引导让步状语从句。考点8. We human beings could not survive without all plantsand animals around us. 没有我们周围的动植物,人类就不能存。as you advise 入乡随俗。as if Without air and water, we could not exist.要是没有空气和水,我们就无法生存。此句是虚拟语气,介词短语without 相当于but for, 代替if条件句(1)We couldnt _(succeed) without your help. (2)We wouldnt _(finish) the task ahead o


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