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1、.写出下列必考单词1. 日常饮食n._2. 叹气v.& n_3. 纤维, 纤维制品n._4. 咨询, 请教n._5. 债务, 欠款 n_6. 果仁n._7. 研究, 调查n._8. 均衡膳食n._9. 怒目而视 v. _10.苗条的, 减肥adj._11. 女主人n._12. 生的adj._ 13. 顾客n._14. 折扣n._.写出下列单词的变化形式1. (使)联合; (使)结合v._; 联合n._2. 好奇心n._; 好奇的adj. _; 好奇地adv._ 3. 力量; 强项n._; 强壮的adj._; 加强v._4. 限制v._; 限度n._; 有限的adj._; 无限的adj._5.

2、有利v. & n_; 有益的adj. _6. 消化,摘要v._; 消化n. _; 有助消化的adj. _7. 缺点,虚弱n. _; 虚弱的adj._Exercise: 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. I have _ what he said for you:as a babys ability of _ food is rather poor, you should give her some porridge to eat because porridge is good for _.(digest)2. The boy was _ about everything he saw. (cur

3、iosity)3. Despite mistakes and _, it did a great deal of good work inside the trade unions. (weak)4. This food will _ you up after your illness. (strength) 5. He considered that the change would be _ to his health. (benefit)6. The _ of the 50 states forms the United States of America. (combine).翻译下列

4、必背短语1. 扔掉; 丢弃_2. 被放过; 不受惩罚_3. 谋生_4. 欠债_5. 对厌倦、厌烦_6. 对感到惊讶_7. 说谎_8. 发觉自己 _9. 削减_10. 让做; 允许做_11. 增加体重_12. 减肥, 减轻体重_13. 赢回, 重新获得_14. 不久以后_Exercise: 根据括号中的解释,用适当的短语完成句子1. Nowadays quite a few people _ (show no interest in) living in big cities.2. She _ (support herself) by selling vegetable and fruits.3

5、. Obviously, the man _ (not telling the truth) about the agreement.4. I always try to avoid being _ (owing much money to others) to anyone.5. It took the workers 2 hours to _ (to bring down by cutting) the trees.6. Not many criminals _ (not be punished) their crimes at that time.7. _(not long after) the baby could walk by itself.用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文人们知道没有什么比健康更重要,可是他们发觉他们更容易发福了,于是健康饮食就成了热门话题。事实上,随着人们变得更富裕,他们就喜欢去昂贵的餐馆吃饭,点许多能量食物,以为口袋里的钱多了,就应该想吃什么就吃什么。所以他们就享受大鱼大肉、饭后甜点等等,这就吃进了太多的脂肪和糖分。幸运的是,人们已经知道有些食物对人体有害,过多进食某种食物会导致许多疾病。不幸的是,为了减肥,越来越多的人在节食,有些人甚至不吃早餐。我想对那些担心自己身材的人说:“请保持良好的饮食习惯, 坚持均衡饮食吧, 你会从中受益的。”


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