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1、西医综合-生理学-5(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Section I Use of English(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Strange things have been happening to England. Still (1) from the dissolution of the empire in the years (2) World War n, now the English find they are not even British. As the cherished United Kingdom breaks into its (3) parts

2、, Scots are clearly (4) and the Welsh, Welsh. But who exactly are the English? Whats left of them, with everything but the (5) half of their island taken away? Going back in time to (6) roots doesnt help. First came the Celts, then the Romans, then Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes. Invasion after invasi

3、on, until the Norman Conquest. English national identity only seemedto find its (7) later, on the shifting sands of expansionism, from Elizabethan times onwards. The empire seemed to seal it. But now theres just England, (8) of a green island in the northern seas, lashed by rain, scarred by two (9)

4、of vicious industrialization fallen (10) dereliction, ruined, as D. H. Lawrence thought, by the tragedy of ugliness, its abominablearchitecture.Of all English institutions, the one to (11) on would surely be the pub. Shelter to Chaucers pilgrims, hometo Falstaff and Hal, throne of felicity to Dr. Jo

5、hnson, the pub- that smoky, yeasty den of jollity-is the wombof (12) , if anywhere is. Yet in the midst of this national (13) crisis, the pub, the mainstay of English life, a staff driven (14) into the sump of history, (15) as theSaxons, is suddenly dying and evolving at (16) rates. Closing at somet

6、hing like a rate of more than three a day, pubs have become (17) enough that for the first time since the Domesday Book, more than half the villages in England no longer have one. Its a rare pub that still (18) , oreven limps on, by being what it was (19) to be: a drinking establishment. The old (20

7、) of a pub as a place for a session, a lengthy, restful, increasingly tipsy evening of swigging, is all but defunct.(分数:10.00)(1) .A reeling B struggling C running D passing(分数:0.50 )A. VB.C.D.解析:从本句后面的“ now the English find they are not even British ”切入,加上“ the dissolution of the empire ”,可以知道句意是说英

8、国现在仍沉浸在自己的帝国迷梦中,A项和B项比较切合,但是 B与介词from不搭配,故选 Ao.A before B followed C following D with(分数:0.50 )A.B.C. VD.解析:根据前面给出的本句句意,可以知道大英帝国的没落是从二战后开始的,故排除A和D; B和C中应当选following ,因为该句已经有谓语“find ,故排除B。.A comprising B constituent C form D ingredient(分数:0.50 )A.B. VC.D.解析:根据前一句大英帝国没落的句意,再加上后面的Scottish和Welsh,可以判断出是说

9、联合王国分解为其组成部分,故选 B。form应为forming parts方为正确。comprise不用于此类表述。(4).A Scotland B Scotch C Scottish D Irish(分数: 0.50)A.B.C. VD.解析:结合本句句意,根据后半部分的“ Welsh, Welsh,可以判断Scots应对应Scottish。(5).A northern B western C eastern D southern(分数: 0.50 )A.B.C.D. V解析:前一句说 English ,那么考虑英伦三岛的地理分布,“英格兰人还有什么呢,除了那个岛的部分,全都被拿走了 ?”。

10、英格兰位于南部,故是southern 。(6).A look B trace C search D hunt(分数: 0.50)A.B. VC.D.解析:本句后面几句均在讲述历史, 故可以推断出这一句是说“去历史中寻根究底无济于事”。 因此 trace 和 search 比较合适, look 需要与 for 搭配方满足语法要求,而 trace 更有追溯的意味,故选B。(7).A feet B resources C core D reflection(分数: 0.50 )A. VB.C.D.解析: 前文说到“英格兰人到底是谁 ?”, 是说英格兰对自己的身份认同有疑惑之处,历史之前都是各外来 民

11、族的侵略,只有到了伊丽莎白时代,“ English national identity ”才得以确立,故应该是那时出现的 根源, feet 。 resource 做“资源”讲,意思不符; core 为“核心”,若选择 core 则说明在伊丽莎白时代 之前已确立,与句意不符; reflection 为“反映”,这显然不是说只有在那个时候才有,而是一直反映在 英国人的日常生活当中。(8).A full B little C half D all(分数: 0.50)A.B.C. VD.解析:和第五题类似。英格兰是在大不列颠岛的南部,占据大约一半的面积,故选择half(9).A years B dec

12、ades C centuries D periods(分数: 0.50 )A.B.C. VD.解析:关键点在于 industrialization在 200 多年了,应该是 two centuries(10) .A from B out C away D into,工业化,工业革命。英国的工业革命从。 decade 是十年,时间上不符合。(分数: 0.50 )18 世纪后半叶开始,到现A.B.C.D. V解析:前述 industrialization ,后述 dereliction 和 ruined ,从这些词判断是一个衰败没落的过程,也和前文意思契合,故应当是fallen into,进入某种

13、状态。fall away,有“消失、离开的意思;fall out做“发生”讲, fall from 无此搭配。(11) .A remember B count C raise D differentiate(分数: 0.50 )A.B. VC.D.解析: count on 是指依靠、依赖和信赖。其他三个动词与 on 均不能搭配。(12) .A Englishness B Britishness C Scottishness D Welshness(分数: 0.50 )A. VB.C.D.解析:“这是个孕育的地方”。根据前文所述英格兰身份认同的问题,再加上乔叟、福斯塔夫等英国文学 作品中人物的出

14、现,故可以判断为 Englishness 。(13) .A identity B financial C economic D political(分数: 0.50 )A. VB.C.D.解析:同样根据前文判断, 英格兰身份认同的问题, 又有“ English national identity only seemedto find its feet later ,故可以判断为national identity crisis。故答案为 A。后面三个选项在文中未有提及。(14) .A up B down C right D left(分数: 0.50)A.B. VC.D.解析:“一根插进历史污水

15、坑的杖”。关键点在于sump,意为“污水坑;聚水坑”,那么和选项中的介词搭配,只能是下,而非上和左右。故答案为B。(15) .A historical B barbarian C old D remote(分数: 0.50 )A.B.C. VD.解析:这里的“as Saxons是修饰“ Sump of history 的,意当为久远,remote和old应该都可以,但是 remote 完全不带感情色彩,仅仅强调时间上的距离,而 old 有强调传承的意思,故 old 更佳。(16) .A equal B different C unprecedented D fast(分数: 0.50 )A. VB.C.D.解析:本句前面的 dying 和 evolving 是两个意思相反的动词,一个是消亡,另一个是进化,故在此强调二 者步


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