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1、电大动画视听语言期末重点复习题参考资料一、选择题1追述动画发展的历史,动画的技艺是从下述哪一项开始的?( )A.影院动画 B.实验动画C.电视动画 D.叙事动画2.下列哪位人物绘制了人类历史上第一部动画片一只小鹿?( )A.温瑟麦凯 B.迪斯尼公司C.埃米尔雷诺 D.宫崎骏3.利用轴线表现对话的难度在于角色并不总是面对面谈话,角色不会也不应当在对话中总保持一个位置,走动、转身、换位都很常见。在此情况下可以利用下述哪一项原理?( )A.动接动 B.头部原理C.轴线规则 D.三角形原理.下列哪一个概念使电影彻底脱离了最初的“活动照相”阶段,从简单的记录生活的工具演变为一门新兴的艺术形式?( ).镜

2、头 B.景别C.色彩 D.灯光5.场面调度的目的是什么?( )A.让演员随心所欲地移动B.让摄影机随心所欲地移动C.把剧情的涵义和情感内容传达给观众D.让演员和摄影机都随心所欲地移动6.以下哪项不属于通常影片营造的气氛( )A.恐怖气氛 B.悲剧气氛C.壮观气氛 D.喜剧气氛7.通过视听介质有效的引导,观众的心理会产生连续性的认同感,这就是( )A.库里肖夫效应 B.记忆表象C.心理认同 D.视觉心理补偿8.下列关于变形说法,错误的是( )。A.有些写实片夸张幅度较小,就不必过于变形B.变形的幅度要与夸张的幅度相吻合C.有时为了强调某一动作,必须变形D.变形可以自由地变形9.拉片记录单一般不包

3、含( )A. 焦距B.拍摄方法C.声音内容 D. 景别10.以下不属于音效类别的是( )A.动作音效 B.自然音效C.有源音乐 D.特殊音效11.以下不属于镜头拍摄角度的是( )镜头拍摄角度可分为平拍、俯拍、仰拍。A.斜拍 B.平拍C.俯拍 D.仰拍12.以下不属于动画纸的是( )A.素描纸 B. 原画纸C. 傍形纸 D.动画纸二、填空题1有严谨的故事结构,明确的主人公,明确的时空关系以及明确的因果关系,一定模式的开头、情节的展开、起伏、高潮以及较为明确的结局的动画片被称为_。2在一部影片中,_景别所占的比例较大。3焦距越_,视角越宽阔。所以广角镜头能够在较近的距离,拍摄比较大的范围。4.将摄

4、影机转到轴线的另一侧去拍摄称为_。5.取景范围至少要包括到人物足下,因而可以使观众看清人物的形体动作以及人物与环境的关系的是_景别。6.当我们用极广的镜头近距离拍摄建筑物的时候,建筑物上垂直线条会因为透视的关系而被弯曲成弧线,这就是我们说的广角镜头的_。7.“闪摇镜头”就是指_,指速度极快地摇摄镜头。8.由被摄对象的运动方向构成的轴线叫做_。9.骑轴镜头可以重新建立人物之间的_,一般骑轴镜头将摄影机放在轴线上,两个人物之间拍摄。10.腋部或两肩以上人物的头像或者其他使主体景物细部占满画面的景别被称为_。 11.在设计动画造型的动作时,需要严谨地依照人体结构的 _来产生运动。 12.光线聚合的一

5、点或光线由此发散的一点被称为_,是使画面清晰的重要环节。 13.在录制对白的时候要特别注意声音的_和距离感。14. _是指摄象机镜头画面中各个物体的配置。15. 在记录一名动画角色的连贯动作的两个衔接镜头中,动作方向要_。16.背景的_可以产生纵深的错觉。17.电影摄影有_五种主要形式。18.传统对抗分为三类:_、主角与环境的对抗、主角与超自然的对抗。19.电影中的声音可以划分为三大类别_。20.拉片就是对一部影片_。21.动画的基本原理与电影一样,都是利用了人类天生所具有的_特性。22. _是我国动画片所使用的专有名词。三、名词解释1视听语言2卡通片3记忆表象4长镜头5分镜头四、简答题1.视

6、听语言的特性。2.请说出5种场景匹配技巧。3请简述动画电影的工艺流程。4动画电影与电影的区别。5简要说明常规的拍摄三人对话的方法。 五、论述题1结合千与千寻具体的电影片段,分析各种景别运用的特点。2分析公民凯恩的视听语言特点。请您删除一下内容,O(_)O谢谢!2015年中央电大期末复习考试小抄大全,电大期末考试必备小抄,电大考试必过小抄Shanghais Suzhou Creek has witnessed much of the citys history. Zhou Wenting travels this storied body of water and finds its most

7、fascinating spots. Some lucky cities can boast a great body of water, like London with the river Thames and Paris with the river Seine. Shanghai is privileged enough to have two great bodies of water: Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek.Huangpu River became famous when colonists established clusters of g

8、rand buildings on its banks on what became known as the bund. Today, the bund overlooks the breathtaking skyline of Lujiazui financial district. Shanghais other body of water, however, Suzhou Creek, has been somewhat overshadowed. Suzhou Creek links the inland cities of Jiangsu province with Shangha

9、i. When the British colonists, who arrived in the city after it was opened as a commercial port in 1843 found they could reach Suzhou, Jiangsu province, via the creek, they named it Suzhou Creek. Thanks to its location, a large amount of cargo and travelers were transported via the creek before rail

10、 links were established. But after a century of being utilized as a waterway to transport goods and labor, the creek grew dark and smelly. Industrial factories were established along the banks. In the 1990s it became a key task of the city government to clean the creek. Suzhou Creek, which snakes 17

11、 km from the iconic Waibaidu Bridge downtown to the outer ring road in west Shanghai, maps the changing periods of the citys history, including the imprints of the concessions, the beginning of industrialization and the improvement in peoples living conditions. Where the Bund began In-between the sh

12、opping street of East Nanjing Road and the Bund, are a cluster of streets that give me the illusion that I am no longer in modern Shanghai. The streets are narrow and old and criss-cross each other. Any old residential house may turn out to be a former office of the British, constructed in the 1880s

13、. Pawnshops and hardware stores that are hard to find elsewhere, are plentiful here. This area, at the confluence of Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek, is called the Bund Origin. Countless tour buses stop at the site every day and visitors from around the world get off to see this place, the starting p

14、oint of the concessions in the city. It all started in 1872, when the former British Consulate General was constructed and the Bund began its transformation into an the financial street of the East. Now the site of the former consulate is called “No 1 Waitanyuan”, which translates to “the Bund Origi

15、n”, to honor its beginnings. The entire complex of this historical site comprises of five buildings, the former British Consulate General, the official residence of the consul, the former Union Church, the church apartments and the former Shanghai Rowing Club. The size of the courtyard is equivalent to that of four standard soccer fields. The building of the former consulate is a two-storey masonry building on an H-shaped p


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