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1、 Unit 9 What color is this?教学过程:Step1.Warm up. Greeting.(Free talk)T: HelloT: Good morningT: Hello , whats your name? (三个同学)T: Hello , nice to meet you! (三个同学)T: Whats this? (四个同学)T:Whats his name?T: Whats her name?T: How are you?(Good ,very good)Step2.Review.(实物:apple orange) (图片:fish carrot)1. 利用图

2、片或实物复习句型:Whats this? Its2. 在复习句型:Whats this? Its的基础上引出句型:What is this?Its并进行操练。Step3. New lessons.(Now open your book and turn to page ,today we learn Unit 9 what color is this?)reda afer me :color what color is this?(一)揭示课题。1. 结合板书句型:What is this?Its an orange.拿着桔子问: What color is this? Its orange.

3、(教师自问自答)2. 比较以上两个句子,理解课题并学习新单词:color(Whats “color” meat? 对,color就是颜色)(二)学习新内容。(apple carrot banana pear )1. 利用实物或图片结合句型:T: Whats this?Ss: Its an apple.T: What color is this?Ss:Its red.学习新单词:red(rr.red red read afer me rrred red )开火车的形式:redT: Whats this?Ss: Its a banana.T: What color is this?Ss:Its y

4、ellow.学习新单词:yellow(jjyellow read afer me jjyellow)(开火车的形式:yellow)T: Whats this?Ss: Its a fish.T: What color is this?Ss: Its blue.学习新单词:blue(bbblue read afer me bbblue)(开火车的形式:blue)2. Ask and answer:What color is this? Its或进行猜测性活动,加深学生对这三种颜色的单词记忆。3.(准备:用一次性塑料杯装着红水、黄水、蓝水)(第一次:老师将红水+黄水=橙色 red+yellow=or

5、ange) 在此基础上引导学生猜测其他两种颜色的混合色。叫学生上讲台,让他们自己动手混色,体会黄和蓝、红和蓝混合后它们会成为什么颜色呢?)4. 通过实验演示的方法,进行直观教学。(在颜料混合的过程中,教学生学会新单词:green、orange、purple)Step4.Practices.T:(OK , now listen to the tape , this time listen and reapect,OK?)T: Give you 5 minute ,practices in your partner)(学生自由朗读新单词和新句型,教师来回巡视,并给个别辅导。)检查朗读情况。2.听听

6、、做做、说说。(1)准备:要学生准备一些有颜色的卡纸,老师读颜色,由学生站起来举起有颜色的卡纸T: What color is this? Ss: Its(学生做好后并迅速大声读出单词。)(2)两人运用句型进行语言交际活动。(利用颜色卡纸或者身上的衣服进行新句型操练。)Step5. taget: (老师拿起萝卜,要学生根据这个萝卜来组织一个对话,叫三对同学来表演Step6.Song(Now lets listen a song “Red、Yellow and Green”,the first:read afer me Just now listen to the tape (学生边听边拍手,第二次就轮到学生唱歌了)Step7. Today we learn some new words:Red yellow blue orange green puroleStep8.Homework.1. 课外调查任务:调查你的家人最喜欢哪种颜色。2. 用你自己喜欢的颜色来布置你的房间。板书: Unit 9 What color is this?red. yellow blue orange green What color is this? purple Its orange/ 2


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