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1、2022年考博英语-中国农业科学院考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 不定项选择题D. H. Lawrence was the fourth child of Arthur Lawrence and Lydia Beardsall, and their first to have been born in Eastwood. Ever since their marriage in 1875, the couple had been on the move: Arthurs job as a miner had taken them where the best-paid work

2、had been during the boom years of the 1870s, and they had lived in a succession of small and recently built grimy colliery villages all over Nottinghamshire. But when they moved to Eastwood in 1883, it was to a place where they would remain for the rest of their lives; the move seems to have marked

3、a watershed in their early history.For one thing, they were settling down: Arthur Lawrence would work at Brinsley colliery until he retired in 1909. For another, they now had three small children and Lydia may have wanted to give them the kind of continuity in schooling they had never previously had

4、. It was also the case that, when they came to Eastwood, they took a house with a shop window, and Lydia ran a small clothes shop: presumably to supplement their income, but also perhaps because she felt she could do it in addition to raising their children. It seems possible that, getting on badly

5、with her husband as she did, she imagined that further children were out of the question. Taking on the shop may have marked her own bid for independence. Arthurs parents lived less than a mile away, down in Brinsley, while his youngest brother Walter lived only 100 yards away from them in another c

6、ompany house, in Princes Street. When the family moved to Eastwood, Arthur Lawrence was coming back to his own familys center: one of the reasons, for sure, why they stayed there.Lydia Lawrence probably felt, on the other hand, more as if she were digging in for a siege. East wood may have been home

7、 to Arthur Lawrence, but to Lydia it was just another grimy colliery village which she never liked very much and where she never felt either much at home or properly accepted. Her Kent accent doubtless made Midlands people feel that she put on airs.56. This passage is mainly about the introduction o

8、f( ).57. Which of the following is NOT the reason for D. H. Lawrences family settling down in East wood?58. Which of the following might be an image of D. H. Lawrences mother in other peoples mind?59. The family had been on the move, because( ).60. Which of the following statement is NOT true?问题1选项A

9、.D. H. LawrenceB.D. H. Lawrences parentsC.D. H. LawrenceB. D. H. Lawrences parentsC.D.H. LawrenceB. D. H. Lawrences parentsC. D. H. Lawrences residenceD. D. H. Lawrences family background and education问题2选项A.Children in the family needed consistent education.B.D. H. Lawrences father could be near to

10、 his family members.C.D. H. Lawrences father could be near to his family members.C.D.H. Lawrences father could be near to his family members.C. D. H. Lawrences mother could seek for her independence.D. D. H. Lawrence could accumulate enough materials to write about in his novels.问题3选项A.A mother who

11、was quite amiable.B.A wife who was considerate.C.An arrogant woman.D.A faithful wife.问题4选项A.they had to stay with the father who had to go everywhere to find a job in depressionB.the father could find better-paid jobs in the prosperity of economyC.the father wanted to be near with his own homeD.the

12、mother always wanted to change the location of their house问题5选项A.The relationship between D. H. Lawrences parents may not be so good.B.D. H. Lawrences mother was a woman of strong will.C.D. H. Lawrences parents may not be so good.B. D. H. Lawrences mother was a woman of strong will.C.D.H. Lawrences

13、parents may not be so good.B. D. H. Lawrences mother was a woman of strong will.C. D. H. Lawrences mother did not like her home at Eastwood.D. D. H. Lawrence was the first child in the family【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:D【解析】56.【试题答案】C【试题解析】主旨大意题。文章主要讲了Arthur Lawrence and Lydia Beardsall的生活,他们开始如何不停搬

14、迁,后来又为何在Eastwood定居。选项C项“D.H.劳伦斯的住所”,最贴近原文。A项“D. H. Lawrence”, C项“D. H. Lawrence的父母”和D项“家庭背景”,都不是文章的中心内容,所以不选A,C,D。57.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。文章第二段第二句For another, they now had three small children and Lydia may have wanted to give them the kind of continuity in schooling they had never previously had.(另一方

15、面,他们现在有三个小孩, Lydia可能想让他们在学校里有以前从未有过的连续性教育)可知A项“家里的孩子需要始终如一的教育”是原因;第二段最后一句When the family moved to Eastwood, Arthur Lawrence was coming back to his own families center: One of the reasons, for sure, why they stayed there.(当他们一家搬到伊斯特伍德时,亚瑟劳伦斯回到了他自己的家庭中心:当然,这也是他们留在那里的原因之一)可知B项“劳伦斯的父亲可以离他的家人很近”也是一个原因;文章

16、第二段提及Lydia开了个店,并且说Taking on the shop may have marked her own bid for independence.(对这家商店的收购可能标志着她自己争取独立)可知C项“劳伦斯的母亲可以寻求独立”也是一个原因;D项“D.H.劳伦斯可以积累足够的写小说的材料”在文章中未提及。58.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。文章的最后一句Her Kent accent doubtless made Midlands people feel that she put on airs.(由于Lydia有口音,所以当地人认为她装腔作势),故只有C项“一个傲慢的女人”符合题意。A项“


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