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1、高考英语交通安全类阅读理解常考核心词汇详解1.Traffic拼写和音标 traffic /trfk/词性n.不可数名词中文释义交通例句 Heavy traffic during rush hour can cause delays and frustration.(上下班高峰期的交通拥堵会导致延误和沮丧。)同义词 transportation, congestion (拥堵)搭配 heavy traffic (交通繁忙), light traffic (交通畅通), traffic jam (交通堵塞), traffic flow (交通流量), traffic regulations (交通

2、法规), direct traffic (指挥交通)拓展词组traffic light (交通灯) 例句 Always stop at a red traffic light.(红灯亮时一定要停车。)traffic accident (交通事故) 例句 The police are investigating the cause of the traffic accident.(警方正在调查交通事故的原因。)易错点点拨traffic 为不可数名词,表示“交通”的总称,不可加 “-s”。近似单词辨析traffic: 指道路上的车辆和行人的总称。transportation: 指运输,包括各种运输

3、方式,如公路、铁路、航空等。帮助串记的例句 Traffic regulations are designed to ensure the safety of all road users, including drivers, passengers, and pedestrians.(交通法规旨在确保所有道路使用者,包括司机、乘客和行人的安全。)2.Safety拼写和音标 safety /sefti/词性n.不可数名词中文释义安全例句 Road safety is everyones responsibility.(道路安全是每个人的责任。)同义词 security, protection反义

4、词: danger, hazard, risk搭配 road safety (道路安全), public safety (公共安全), safety measures (安全措施), safety regulations (安全条例), ensure safety (确保安全), for safetys sake (为了安全起见)拓展词组safety belt (安全带) 例句 Fasten your safety belt before driving.(开车前系好安全带。)safety first (安全第一) 例句 Remember, safety first! Dont rush an

5、d drive carefully.(记住,安全第一!不要着急,小心驾驶。)易错点点拨“安全地”用 safely (adv.),不要误用成 safe。近似单词辨析safety: 指免受危险或伤害的状态。security: 指采取措施防止危险或犯罪,例如保安措施。protection: 指采取措施防止损害或伤害,例如戴头盔保护头部。帮助串记的例句 The government is implementing new safety measures to reduce the number of traffic accidents.(政府正在实施新的安全措施,以减少交通事故的数量。)3.Accid

6、ent拼写和音标 accident /ksdnt/词性n.可数名词中文释义事故,意外例句 The accident occurred at a busy intersection.(事故发生在一个繁忙的十字路口。)同义词 crash, collision, incident (事件)搭配 traffic accident (交通事故), car accident (车祸), cause an accident (造成事故), prevent an accident (预防事故), be involved in an accident (卷入事故), report an accident (报告

7、事故)拓展词组by accident (偶然地) 例句 I met my old friend by accident at the supermarket.(我在超市偶然遇到了我的老朋友。)accident-prone (易发生事故的) 例句 That intersection is accident-prone due to poor visibility.(由于能见度差,那个十字路口容易发生事故。)易错点点拨“偶然地” 用 by accident,不要误用成 by the accident。近似单词辨析accident: 指意外发生的事件,特别是造成伤害或损失的事件。incident:

8、指发生的事情,可以是重要的,也可以是不重要的。帮助串记的例句 The driver was not paying attention and caused a serious accident.(司机注意力不集中,造成了一起严重的事故。)4.Injury拼写和音标 injury /ndri/词性n.可数名词/不可数名词中文释义伤害,损伤例句 The driver sustained minor injuries in the accident.(司机在事故中受了轻伤。)同义词 wound (伤口), harm, damage搭配 serious injury (重伤), minor injur

9、y (轻伤), head injury (头部受伤), internal injury (内伤), cause an injury (造成伤害), suffer an injury (受伤), recover from an injury (从伤势中恢复)拓展词组personal injury (人身伤害) 例句 The lawyer specializes in personal injury cases.(这位律师专门处理人身伤害案件。)injury time (伤停补时) 例句 The referee added five minutes of injury time.(裁判员增加了五分

10、钟的伤停补时。)易错点点拨injury 可数/不可数均可。表示具体的“一处伤”时可数, 表示“受伤”的状态时不可数。近似单词辨析injury: 指身体或精神上的伤害。wound: 指由武器或利器造成的伤口。harm: 指造成损害或伤害的行为。帮助串记的例句 Wearing a helmet can significantly reduce the risk of head injury in a motorcycle accident.(戴头盔可以显著降低摩托车事故中头部受伤的风险。)5.Vehicle拼写和音标 vehicle /vikl/词性n.可数名词中文释义车辆,交通工具例句 All

11、vehicles must be registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles.(所有车辆都必须在机动车管理部门登记。)同义词 car, automobile, truck, transportation搭配 motor vehicle (机动车), emergency vehicle (紧急车辆), commercial vehicle (商用车), park a vehicle (停车), drive a vehicle (驾驶车辆), a fleet of vehicles (车队)拓展词组vehicle registration (车

12、辆登记) 例句 You need to renew your vehicle registration every year.6.Driver拼写和音标 driver /drav(r)/词性n.可数名词中文释义司机,驾驶员例句 The driver of the car was responsible for the accident.(汽车司机对事故负有责任。)同义词 motorist (驾车者), operator (操作员)搭配 taxi driver (出租车司机), bus driver (公共汽车司机), truck driver (卡车司机), careful driver (谨

13、慎的司机), reckless driver (鲁莽的司机), licensed driver (持证司机), experienced driver (有经验的司机)拓展词组drivers license (驾驶执照) 例句 You need a valid drivers license to operate a motor vehicle.(你需要持有有效的驾驶执照才能驾驶机动车。)drivers education (驾驶员教育) 例句 Drivers education is essential for young people learning to drive.(驾驶员教育对于学习

14、驾驶的年轻人来说至关重要。)易错点点拨不要将 driver 和 diver (潜水员) 混淆.近似单词辨析driver: 指驾驶任何类型车辆的人。motorist: 特指驾驶汽车的人。operator: 指操作机器或设备的人。帮助串记的例句 Experienced drivers are more aware of potential hazards on the road and can react more quickly to avoid accidents.(有经验的司机更能意识到道路上的潜在危险,并能更快地做出反应以避免事故。)7.Passenger拼写和音标 passenger /

15、psnd(r)/词性n.可数名词中文释义乘客,旅客例句 The bus was full of passengers.(公共汽车上挤满了乘客。)搭配 airline passenger (飞机乘客), train passenger (火车乘客), bus passenger (公共汽车乘客), ferry passenger (渡轮乘客), fellow passenger (同行的乘客)拓展词组passenger seat (乘客座位) 例句 Always make sure your passengers are wearing their safety belts in the passenger seat.(始终确保你的乘客在乘客座位上系好安全带。)passenger ship (客船) 例句 The passenger ship carried over 2,000 people on its transatlanti


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