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1、高考英语读后续写心情描写素材一、惧adj. feared/fearful, frightened/frightening, horrified/horrifying, terrified/ terrifying, scared/scary, alarmed/alarming, panicked/panickingn. fear, fright, horror, terror, scare, alarm, panicv. fear, frighten, horrify, terrify, scare, alarm, panic害怕的动作有发抖(tremble/shake),吓呆掉(stand r

2、ooted to the spot/freeze),汗毛倒竖(ones hair stand on end),心脏狂跳(ones heart pounds/ races/ thumps),膝盖发软(ones knees feel weak),手心冒汗(ones palms sweat)神情-脸色苍白(ones face turns pale)。描写心理活动时,动词可换成squeeze(挤压,攫)。写害怕时,肢体动作能运用的相比其他心情要多些,可以更多的结合动作来写。例:At the sight of scaring scene, Laura felt her knees weak and pa

3、lms sweating, a surge of fright creeping over her heart. 看到那个可怕的场景,罗拉双腿发软手心冒汗,恐惧弥漫心底。(动作+心理)She was so scared that she stood rooted to the spot, trembling from head to foot. 她如此害怕,以至于吓呆在原地,浑身发抖。(动作)Fear choked his words, his heart pounding fiercely and his hair standing on its end.他害怕地说不出话来,心脏猛烈的跳动着

4、,毛骨悚然。(动作)二、哀adj. sad, sorrowful, gloomy, anguish, heart-broken, heart-struck, miserable, painful, blue.n. sadness, sorrow, gloom, griefv. sadden, grieve悲伤基本上没什么动作,会漂亮的哭就可以了。哭的动词除了cry,还可以sob(啜泣),weep(哭泣),choke(哽咽)将哭未哭:tears misted/ blurred ones eyes 眼泪模糊了双眼be on the verge of/close to tears 快哭了fight

5、back tears 抑制住泪水哭tears roll down ones cheeks 眼泪滑落脸庞be reduced to tears 流泪cry/ shed .tears 流下.的眼泪burst into tears/ burst out crying 放声大哭除此之外还可以记以下几个用法:with a sinking/ broken/ sorrowful heart 怀着沮丧/破碎/悲伤的心情sadness/sorrow/grief comes in waves 悲伤如潮涌be numb with sorrow/ sadness 难过地麻木了神态描写和心理描写运用通用的几个句型,就可

6、以进行句式变换了。例:At the sight of his leaving, she was numb with great sorrow, sheding the bitterest tears of her life. 看到他离去,她悲伤地不能自已,流下了一生中最痛苦的泪水。(动作+心理)Informed of the bad news, a great sense of sorrow took hold of her, reducing her to tears. 听到这个消息,她悲伤地哭了。(心理+动作)Grief coming in waves, she was on the ve

7、rge of tears, trembling from head to foot. 悲伤如潮涌,她浑身颤抖着,快哭了。(心理+动作)例:场景作业,续上集,被父母责备后,你痛苦不已。请尝试描写一下自己的悲伤。Seeing the disappointed face of my father, a surge of shame and sadness seized my heart. Tears rolling down my cheeks, I cupped my face with my hands, crying the bitterest tears of my life. I glan

8、ced around, trying to search for some comfort but none. 看到父亲失望的脸庞,我感到羞愧和哀伤。眼泪划过脸庞,我双手捂脸,哭出了这一生中最痛苦的眼泪。我环视四周,想要获取一些安慰,然而并没有。三、怒adj. angry, annoyed, furious, irritatedn. anger, annoyance, fury, rage, irritationv. anger, annoy, rage, irritate愤怒的神情主要是脸红(flush, burn, flame)和眼睛喷火(flame, burn)。身体的动作主要是浑身发抖

9、(tremble/shake),跳脚(spring up), 挥舞小拳拳(shook ones fist at sb.), 握紧小拳拳(clench ones fists), 咬牙切齿(lock/clench ones teeth), 在描写心理活动时,可用fire替换wave, sense, flood等等,面部表情可用cloud替换spread across。与喜悦的写法类似,动作描写,心理描写和神态描写可相互结合。例如:Boiling with anger/Filled with anger, Mac shook his fist at me. 吉姆怒火中烧,愤怒地对我挥舞着拳头。(心理

10、+动作)Lilys face flamed/ burnt/ flushed with anger, trembling from head to foot.莉莉气得面红耳赤,浑身发抖。(神态+动作)He clenched his fist tightly, a fire of rage burning in his heart. (也可用通用写法a wave of rage seized/ overwhelmed his heart)他握紧了拳头,一阵气愤。(动作+心理)His teath clenched and his eyes burning, a fire of fury cloude

11、d his face. (也可用通用写法a surge/flood of fury spread across his face)他紧咬牙关,双目冒火,一脸怒气。(动作+神态)例:场景作业,想象一下你成绩提高了十分,结果是作弊得来的。不幸的是,你父母知道了。请尝试描述一下父母知道这件事时候的场景。Arriving at home, my fathers furious face came into my sight. He directly looked into my eyes, anger choking his words. His eyes burning and his hands

12、trembling, he tried his best to contain his rage but still couldnt utter a single word.回到家中,父亲愤怒的脸庞映入我眼帘。他直接看向我的双眼,愤怒让他说不出话来。他的双眼冒火,双手颤抖,他努力抑制自己的怒火却仍然说不出一句话来。(注意,当你用第一人称描写时,他人的心理活动是不好描写的,所以多用神态描写与动作描写来体现他人的心理活动)四、喜adj. happy, delighted/delightful, joyful, pleased/pleasant, overjoyed, merry, cheerful

13、n. happiness, delight, joy, pleasurev. delight, please, cheer 建议各个词性至少掌握两个以上。在描写各类心情时,不能单纯的理解为心理描写,也要包括动作描写、神态描写、眼神描写(眼神描写可以归为神态描写,但是写法较多,之后都会拎出来讲)。喜悦的面部神情,主要描绘微笑,最简单的写法是共用的:A smile of delight spread across Lauras face.除此之外,还可以用一些好看的词组,让表达更生动:The smile on her face shone like a diamond. 或The smile on

14、 her face shone like a Christmas tree.她的微笑像钻石/圣诞树一样闪亮Her smile lit up the whole room. 她的微笑点亮了整个房间。喜悦的眼神,共用的写法是:His eyes were filled up with delighted tears. 或 Delighted tears welled up in his eyes.喜悦的泪水盈满了他的双眼。更多生动表达有:His eyes glowed/ beamed/ shone/ twinkled with joy.他的眼睛里闪烁着快乐的光芒。His eyes danced wi

15、th joy and sweetness. 他的眼睛里荡漾着开心与甜蜜。喜悦的心理描写除了常用的那个句式(a +n+of +n take hold of sbs heart),还可以积累以下两个句子:Joy danced all the way to her heart. 她满心喜悦.She was feeling on top of the world. 她感到开心极了。喜悦的基本动作只有蹦啊跳啊之类的,没有办法写成漂亮的动作三连,所以写动作时建议加上心理、神态和眼神。以加心理描写为例:方式1 (with + n)Laura danced and jumped with delight.方式2 (adj. + adj.)Delighted and overjoyed, Laura danced and jumped.方式3 (a + n. + of + n. take hold of.sb/ones heart结构)A wave of joy taking hold of Laura, she danced and jumped. 最后再补一个氛围组:Happiness welled up in every corner of the room. 快乐萦绕在房间的每个角落。Laughter lingered around the room.笑声萦绕在


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