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1、二战纪录片天启观后感篇一:纪录片: 【天启:第二次世界大战05】 ( 单词整理 )1. theGermans have threatened totheeasterngiant德军将要征服这个东方大国2. Everyday thousands of young Russian mensometimes withoutany weapons or militarytrainingareon river banks Those who back away from the Germanshells are ruthlessly executed by the每天都有数千名苏联年轻男性从河岸上岸,

2、有些人甚至没任何武器或未受过军事训练在战场上退缩的人会被3.On the7thNovember theanniversaryoftherevolution the soldiers holding Stalingrad and theSoviettroopsallalongthefrontlistentotheirCommanderChiefStalinmakethisastonishingdeclaration11 月 7 日革命纪念日守着斯大林格勒的被困士兵和前线的苏军听他们的总司令斯大林做出此一惊人的宣告4.Thecountryhasbeen.Onefourthofitsterritor

3、y lost but entire Soviet Union is away toprovide this new army with huge amounts of equipment国家遭到蹂躏失去四分之一的领土但全苏联上下正焚膏继晷提供这支新军队大量装备2016 全新精品资料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指导写作独家原创1/105.TheAlliesareabletoreducethethreatsubmarinesinthenorthAtlanticposed byby German performingprotective to Soviet ports such as Murmansk

4、盟军藉由派护航舰队到如莫曼斯克等苏联港口成功降低德军潜艇在北大西洋的威胁disembarkedbeleagueredravagedtoilingconvoy6.Everyone expectthe Alliesto do more to their大家都期盼盟军多做点事来减轻他们的困境“埃尔温隆美尔”8. The British Empire is in大英帝国岌岌可危9. As soon as arrival of Montgomery the son oforderedthe new program of strictrulesand disciplineto be imposed牧师之子

5、蒙哥马利一到战场立刻下令实施规定和纪律严格的新计划alleviate plightperil clergyman2016 全新精品资料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指导写作独家原创2/1010.Montgomerylauncheshisoffensivewithfollowed by a massive tank assault蒙哥马利发动进攻先以炮兵部队猛烈轰击大规模坦克袭击接着登场11. The battle turns into a charge just like inthe battle of Somme 1916 with heavy on both sides这场战争变成了刺刀战就像

6、1916年的索默战役双方都伤亡惨重of ground“绝不能让步” “半寸土地都不能弃守”yardbayonetcasualtiespreliminaryartillery barrage13.As in 1917American troops sailacrosstheAtlantic .The French writer Saint-Exupery who has inNewYork willreturnfrom the US withone of itsmilitaryconvoys如同 1917 年美军搭船横渡大西洋流亡纽约的法国作家圣埃克苏佩里将搭乘其中一艘护航舰返回法国14. Da

7、rlan is one of the Frances mostwhod even metHitler. He decides to switch达尔朗是法国最死硬的通敌者 , 他甚至见过希特勒, 他决定转变立场exiled diehard collaborators16. increasingly atmosphere of and all over2016 全新精品资料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指导写作独家原创3/10Europe children are saved by families在欧洲各地愈来愈险恶的围捕和告发氛围中勇敢的家庭拯救了一些儿童17.the Germans have

8、been enjoya restbitebehindthe lines before returning to fight the Russians inordertoeliminatetheirremainingpocketsofresistance德军在大后方稍事喘息他们之后要继续和苏联对战以歼灭剩余的反抗势力18. who are totally unaware of the danger justaround the corner他们浑然不知危险已近在眼前Amidstsinisterroundupsdenunciationscourageous brief looming just a

9、round the corner篇二:纪录片:【天启: 第二次世界大战03】( 单词整理 )1. Though the American opinions remain oppose towar,hedeclaresWe mustbethegreatarsenalofDemocracy.虽然美国舆论反对战争, 但他宣告“我们必须当民主国家的兵工厂”2. Their periscopes seek out British vessels.他们的潜望镜会找出英国船3. Grouped it packs using torpedos and cannons.2016 全新精品资料 - 全新公文范文

10、-全程指导写作独家原创4/10成群行动并以鱼雷和大炮为武器4. Hitlers delighted with the success of submaines,but Americas massive rearmament program worries him.希特勒勒很高兴他的潜艇屡战屡胜, 但美国的大规模重整军备计划令他担忧5. This is where the 9th panzer第九装甲师就设置在这里6.We were appalled.我们十分惊愕7. We didnt know that was the beginning of the genocide我们并不知道这是灭绝大屠

11、杀的开场8. The Italian army is in disarray in the desert.意大利军队在沙漠中乱成一团9.Hitlerdispatchsone of hisbestgenernalsoverto Libia, Genernal Rommel希特勒派他手下最优秀的隆美尔将军去利此亚alongwith his armor division, the Africa Core.另外还有他的装甲师非洲军团10.The British circulate his picture他的照片在英军之间流传2016 全新精品资料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指导写作独家原创5/1011.

12、 Hitler has secured his southern flank for the invasion of Russia希特勒已巩固南方可安心攻打苏联12. Hes been receiving information from his spies他的间谍不断传消息给他warning of imminents ofattack.警告他德军即将攻击苏联13. and Marshal Timoshenko the Peoples Commissarand Stalins Defense Minister seems to salute them with great respect.人民委员兼斯大林的国防部长铁木辛哥元帅看似态度尊敬的向他们行礼但他想避免开启两个战场German bombs在伦敦郊区一栋未遭德军炸毁的房子里16. Its pilot bailed out by parachute.飞行员已跳伞逃出篇三:纪录片:【天启: 第二次世界大战06】( 单词整理 )1. The American, British, Canadian and French armies are by the solid German defense a


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