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1、Unit 6Words and Expressions 1. (Para. 2) ironic: adj. humorously sarcastic or mocking *我如此拼命要守住的这个秘密,却被他们这么漫不经心的对待. (=How ironic is it to have something I tried so desperately to keep secret treated so casually.) * It is sadly ironic that in these modern times it still takes weapons to prevent war.

2、CF: sarcastic, satiric & ironic这三个词都是形容词, 都有“讽刺的”之意。sarcastic 指运用讥讽的、嘲笑的(方法、方式)。例如: Must you always be so sarcastic when I ask you anything? 每当我问你时,你有必要总是这样嘲笑吗?satiric 指喜好讽刺的、含有讽刺的。例如: Gullivers Travels is a satiric book. 格利弗游记是一部讽刺小说。ironic 指讽刺的、具有讽刺意味的。例如: It was ironic that he should have been in

3、vited to play for the Scotland team on the very day that he broke his legs. 具有讽刺意味的是他正好在跌断腿的那一天收到了要为苏格兰队踢球的邀请。2. (Para. 2) convert: vt. change the nature, purpose, or function of something* The room was converted from a kitchen to a lavatory.(=Many kinds of clean energy are converted into electricit

4、y, since they cause less environmental pollution.) CF: reform, convert & revise 这三个词都是动词,都有“改良”、“改变”之意。reform 指为除掉不完善、不圆满的东西而做的激烈变革。例如:The Chinese government has reformed the pattern of economic construction. 中国政府改革了其经济建设的模式。convert 指为了能适应新的用途或目的,而改变某一事物的性质或状态。例如:They converted the study into a nurs

5、ery when the baby was born. 婴儿出生时他们把书房改成了育婴室。revise 指先仔细考虑和检查,找出需要改正、改善的地方,然后进行必要的变动。例如: The dictionary has been completely revised. 这部词典已彻底修订过了。3. (Para. 3) distinguish: vt. 1) recognize the difference between (people or things) * People who cannot distinguish between colors are said to be color-bl

6、ind. *这对孪生儿长得很像, 无人能分辨出谁是谁.(=The twins are so alike that no one can distinguish one from the other.) 2) deserve to be noticed by doing sth. very well(=She distinguished herself by her patience and bravery.)* Peter first distinguished himself by winning a junior tournament at Wimbledon. 4. (Para. 4)

7、credit: n. 1) praise; approval; recognition (=He got all the credit for the discovery.) *事情是我做的, 她却受到称赞. (=She was given the credit for what I had done.)2) recognition by a college or university that a course of studies has been successfully completed* He received full credit for his studies at a pr

8、evious school.* Our music teacher will give us extra credit if we write a report on the performance.3) belief or confidence in the truth of sth.* 该商店改变了人们对网上购物的看法,赢得了大家的信任。(=The store has received credit for changing peoples opinions about buying over the Internet.)* We believe our good credit and p

9、roducts with high quality would win your trust.Collocation:be a credit to sb. 为增光 give sb. credit 对表示肯定 deserve credit 值得表扬5. (Para.4) apply: 1. vi. make a formal request(=Whoever has interest in it can apply for membership.)* If you do have difficulty in finance, you can apply for student loans.2.

10、vt. put to or adapt for a special use*他以极大的热情投入到新的工作中去。(=He applied himself to his new duties with great energy.) *We should not only know the theory but also be aware of how to apply it in practice.6. (Para.4) crave: v. have a strong desire for sth.* The tired old man craved for rest. * All the men

11、 present are not hesitant to give her the admirations she craves. 7. (Para.5) decent: adj. 1) proper; acceptable (=The hospital has no decent equipment.) *We must provide decent housing for the poor. 2) not likely to shock or embarrass others; modest *第一次见面时得体的衣着会给人留下好印象。(=A decent dressing at first

12、 meeting will leave a good impression.) . * That one isnt decent. You should wear an evening dress, not a pair of jeans. 3) satisfactory; quite good * A decent job, an affectionate wife and several lovely kids are all that a man dreams of and strives for. * 在那家公司工作挺不错.(=Theyre a decent firm to work

13、for.)8. (Para.6) disadvantage: n. the quality of having an inferior or less favorable position* 没有适当的公共交通工具是很不方便的.(=The lack of decent public transport is a great disadvantage.)(=His lack of education was a disadvantage when he looked for a job.) * But in the contest for really marketable skills, go

14、vernment will often be at a disadvantage.Collocation:at a disadvantage 处于不利地位,处于不利情况之下put someone at a disadvantage 使某人处于不利地位take someone at a disadvantage 攻其不备to someones disadvantage 对某人不利,对某人造成损害9. (Para.6) imply: vt. 1) express or state indirectly *The ads imply that by buying such products the

15、consumer will gain something else such as happiness, respect and love. (=I dont wish to imply that you are wrong.) 2) suggest as a logically necessary consequence*自由不一定包含着责任。(=Freedom does not necessarily imply responsibility.)* Would that imply the end of Chinas era of rapid growth? CF: indicate, imply & infer 这三个词都是动词, 都有 “暗示” 之意。 indicate 指以某种方式明确地 “指示”、“表示”。 imply 一般指通过非语言方式“暗示”、“暗指”等。 infer 指根据事实或推理进行 “推断”、 “推定(一个想法)”、“得到某事物的结论”之意。(Directions


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