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1、2022自考专业(国贸)考试(全能考点剖析)名师点拨卷含答案附答案1. 设A为5阶方阵,且r(A)=3,则线性空间W=x|Ax=0的维数是_.正确答案: 2 2. 在海运货物保险业务中,共同海损是属于()。 A.全部损失的一种B.部分损失的一种C.单独海损的一种正确答案: B 3. Whats the weather going to be like at the weekend ? _ . A.I dont think we have had much snowB.The storm wont last too long .C.Its going to be very cold and cl

2、oudyD.We are to be caught in a heavy rain正确答案: C 4. 计算行列式=()A.-180B.-120C.120D.180正确答案: A 5. 企业对其他单位的长期股权投资,即使其持股比例不超过20%,只要能对被投资单位的账务和经营政策施加重大影响,仍应采用权益法进行核算。()正确答案:正确6. We are making you our offer for leather shoes _. A. as followB.as followsC. as followingD.following as正确答案: B 7. 在涉外经济诉讼的级别管辖方面,第一

3、审重大涉外案件的管辖法院是_ A.基层法院的经济庭B.中级人民法院C.高级人民法院D.最高人民法院正确答案: B 8. 提单收货人一栏内填写了“Order”字样的提单称为() A.记名提单B.不记名提单C.指示提单D.限制提单正确答案: C 9. 与复式税则相比,单式税则() A.又称二栏税则B.只适用于享有最惠国待遇的国家C.被大多数发展中国家采用D.不利于实行差别待遇正确答案: D 10. 发盘必须明确规定有效期限,未规定有效期的发盘无效。 正确答案:错误11. 加速折旧意味着() A.缩短固定资产折旧年限B.加大前期折旧C.加大后期折旧D.提前报废固定资产正确答案: D 12. 当经济情

4、况恶化时,() A.新收订单增加、未交货订单减少B.新收订单减少、未交货订单增加C.新收订单增加、未交货订单增加D.新收订单减少、未交货订单减少正确答案: D 13. We _ the lessons _ of last month. A.finished, in the endB.had finished, to the endC. had finished, by the endD. will finish, at the end正确答案: C 14. His whole school education _ only 2 years because of his illness. A.a

5、dded upB.added up inC. added up toD.was added up正确答案: C 15. According to UCP 600, the confirming bank must negotiate and/or honor ( )A.if the issuing bank agrees to negotiate and/or honorB.if the applicant agrees to negotiate and/or honorC.if it has received a complying presentation from the present

6、erD.if the beneficiary has shipped the stipulated goods on time正确答案: C 16. 对外贸易体制改革的次序,国际上一般认为,第一步是()A.将关税水平降低,实现贸易自由化B.将配额、外汇控制等非关税手段关税化C.取消外贸中的国家补贴D.减少国家外贸干预正确答案: B 17. 一项固定资产以10000元价格出售,该固定资产累计折旧为18000元,发生清理费1200元。出售净收益为1000元,该固定资产的原始成本为() A.18000元B.19000元C.19200元D.258000元正确答案: D 18. 下面属于摩擦性失业情况的

7、是() A.刚毕业的学生在未就业前的失业B.非熟练人员遭受失业C.失业者由于受技能限制难以很快转变工作D.年迈的人找不到工作处于失业状态E.变换工作的人在就业于新工作之前的失业正确答案: AE 19. Tom kept quiet about the accident _ lose his job. A. so not as toB.so as not toC.so as to notD.not so as to正确答案: B 20. Under documentary collection, the draft must be ( ) A.sight draftB.time draftC.b

8、anker s draftD.banker s draft正确答案: D 21. The term of FOB should be followed by ( ) in a international trade contract. A.vB.named port of shipmentC.named port of destinationD.named place of destination正确答案: B 22. 资源条件较好的发展中大国,对外贸易的政策应选择()A.进口替代型组合B.出口导向型组合C.自由贸易型组合D.混合型组合正确答案: D 23. We cannot accept

9、any fresh orders _ heavy commitments.A.due toB.owing toC.becauseD.on account of正确答案: B 24. 在受方有充足的资金,并打算尽快摆脱对供方的依赖的情况下比较适宜用提成的支付方式。() 正确答案:错误25. The students in the class were _four groups before they started the game. A.divided intoB.separated intoC. divided fromD.separated from正确答案: A 26. 设随机变量 X的

10、分布律为. 记 YX2,则 P Y4 _.正确答案: 0.5 27. Will you _ playing basketball? A.join us inB. join toC. join us toD. to join us正确答案: A 28. 甲企业2006年5月1日从丙公司购入价款60000元,增值税10200元的原材料一批,甲企业开出并承兑同等金额的带息商业承兑汇票一张。该汇票期限3个月,年利率6%。汇票到期后的价值为()A.60000元B.70200元C.71100元D.71253元正确答案: D 29. I _ the movie, but now I hardly remember it. Can you remind me of its name? A.may seeB. can seeC. may have seenD. can t have seen正确答案: C 30. 进口附加税的征收目的主要有()A.应付国际收支危机B.维持进出口平衡C.防止外国商品低价倾销D.对他国实行歧视或报复正确答案: ABD


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