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1、诸暨市海亮外国语学校小学二部年级学科四年级英语备课人赵娟娟上课时间428课 题Unit4 At a farm B Lets learn.教学目标1. Enable students to listen, read and understand the words: hens, cows,sheep, goats, horses.2. Enable students to read understand and use the sentences: These areThose are.They are so . 教学重点1. To master the plural form of these

2、 words: hen, cows, sheep, goats, horses.2. To understand and use the sentences: These are . Those are. They are so .教学难点Be able to distinguish “these and those.”Be able to know the plural form of “sheep”. 教学课时Period 7教学准备CAI :教学过程预设备注或批注Step1.Organization&Warm-up.1. T: Hello, boys and girls. I know

3、you dont know me. Look, my name is Bessie. Im very happy to give you a lesson here. Are you happy? Ss: . T: Thank you! Today I will bring you to a farm. Whose farm? 点击课件出示麦克唐纳的农场。2. Lets sing. “Macdonald had a farm”Step2. Presentation. 1. Present “hen”T: Look, here comes another animal. Whats this?

4、CAI show a chick. This is a chick. Its so cute! The chick has two sisters. CAI shows the sentence: These are chicks.T: What are they looking for? Get students to listen and answer.Ss: Mum.T: Yes, they are looking for their mum. Whos the chicks mom? Listen. 点击课件播放母鸡的叫声,随之出现一只母鸡接着出现句子:This is a _. 学生如

5、果能说出单词hen, 就听音检测,然后让我学生根据已学过的单词pen, ten . 来拼出hen.如果不知道,就先听在跟读,然后根据学过的单词pen, ten推断出hen的拼写。 出示 hens的复数形式:Listen and repeat the words: hens. 填空These are hens. Listen and repeat the sentences. Wow! They are so _. 等学生说完后T:Do you like these cute hens? Lets act like hen. 师生:Act like a hen. Cluck, cluck, cl

6、uck. 2.Present “cow”.cow T: Listen! Here comes a big animal. What is it?课件出示一头牛同时出现句子This is a _. now, how等学生会读能拼出cow 时,课件上出现多头牛,教授单词:cows.并引导学生说出句子:These are cows. Then listen and repeat.T: Look at these cows. Wow! They are so_!让学生自由发挥,已发散学生思维。Drill: T: These are cows. Ss: They are so big! Change.

7、Ss: These are cows. T: They are so big!3. Present “sheep”T: Oh, listen! Who is coming? (课件播放绵羊的叫声。)Ss: sheep. (如果学生能说出,就让学生再听录音检测自己的读音是否正确。如果说不出sheep那就听录音跟读,然后根据单词fish, bee. 推断出sheep的写法。T: 点击课件出现三只绵羊,教师问: What are these? 教个别学生回答:学生有可能答: These are sheeps.教师接着问: How many sheep? Lets count. One sheep,

8、two sheep, three sheepSo , we should say these are sheep. Then listen and repeat.出现句型: Wow! They are so _.Drill: Girls: These are sheep. Boys: They are so cute!3. Present “goat”These are sheep. Those are goats.4. Use the similar way to teach horses.Step3 Practice.1. Lets chant. These are hens. They

9、are so fat. These are cows. They are so big. 2 Lets act. Four students a group. Act out the dialogue. One acts Macdonald, the farmer, the other acts the visitor. Other two students act animals at the farm.Step 4. Consolidation.Lets sum up. Macdonald has a big far. There are many animals. Look here!

10、These are hens. They are fat. . Look there1! Those are they are so Step5. Extension. 1. Lets find. Find the animals home. Animals in the zoo. Animas on the farm. 2. Good to know. Hes as strong as an OX. Hes as fast as a horse. Shes as gentle as a lamb.3. Homework. Find some proverbs and songs about

11、animals.以欢快的歌声开始课堂让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中进入学习状态,同时把学生带入本课情境At a farm由小鸡引出母鸡的教学,既不突兀又能使学生更好地掌握hen 的意思。以旧带新,做到新教材提出的见字能读,听音能写的理念,教会了学生方法,培养了学生的能力。比起教师简单的传授知识,这种方法更有效,它关注的是学生知识的习得。学生自己习得印象会更加深刻。They are so_.此处空白的目的是培养学生发散性学生思维。让学生自由发挥,说出自己想说的。Eg: They are so cute!/fat!/ pretty!.教师自编歌谣配上有节奏,朗朗上口便于学生记住句型。让学生在体验参与中运用所学句子,使语言的输出有情境可以依托。对本课所学知识进行一个小结,从词到句最后再到篇章。便于学生明白和区分农场动物和野生动物。了解谚语的同时还学到了单词OX 与lamb.上网找一些有关动物的言语和歌谣与同学分享,知识从课堂延伸到了课外,同时又扩充了教学资源。 最后在歌曲中结束课堂让学生有一种意犹未尽的感觉。板书设计: hens sheep hens cows horses goats-These are _s. - Wow! They are so _.作业设计或布置: Draw a farm for yourself then describe it to your friends.1


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