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1、西南石油大学2015届本科生毕业设计(论文) 毕业设计(论文)任务书 2015 届 机械工程及自动化 专业题 目: 热回式液氮车加载器的设计 子 题:全套图纸,加153893706学生姓名: 班级学号:指导教师: 职 称:所在系(教研室):机电与信息工程系下达日期:2014年7月4日 完成日期:2015年4月19日 摘 要 本课题来源于当今社会热回式液氮车加载器的创新和更新换代基础之上,通过设计出新型的热回式液氮车加载器,从而来满足当今社会热回式液氮车加载器更新换代能力不足的缺陷。 液氮泵车是氮气作业的关键设备,能将低温低压液氮转换为一定温度压力的高压氮气,并将高压氮气注入井筒中实现油气进一步

2、开采,液氮泵车能满足当前石油天然气开采作业中与氮气相关的各种特殊工艺作业需要,如氮气压裂、氮气酸化、泡沫酸化、氮气驱替(挤注、循环)、氮气排液等。 热回收式液氮泵蒸发系统研究的技术关键是回收柴油机尾气废热、液压系统、润滑油路油热和柴油机机身废热,并依据现场氮气作业工作要求,对所回收的热量进行恒量控制,或者依据回收热量所驱动工作机的特点,进行基于负载变化的回收能量总量控制。热能发生器采用水力涡轮形式,该涡轮机构经分动箱与柴油机连接,其作用是当工作机负载减少时,通过涡轮机构对柴油机进行加载,同时,对涡轮机构中的循环水进行加热,回收其能量,达到在实现能量补偿的同时,对涡轮机构消耗的能量进行回收的目的

3、。在热回收系统中,热能发生器是一个关键部件。目前,国内还没有相关产品生产。为此,我们开展了热能发生器的研究工作。 本文运用大学所学的知识,了解热回式液氮车加载器的工作原理,在此基础上,设计一款热回式液氮车加载器。通过查找相关资料,了解热回式液氮车加载器的内部结构和工作原理,构建了热回式液氮车加载器组成结构的总的指导思想,从而得出了该热回式液氮车加载器的优点是高效,经济,并且运行效果好,运行平稳的结论。关键词:热回式液氮车加载器;油汽;效率;高效1 AbstractThe environment of global economic development, China industries a

4、ffected by other countries advanced technology at the same time, foreign enterprises and brand spread to more and more Chinese has become an opportunity. Cap pressing machine in industry through a variety of ways have been working with the relevant technology, and constantly improve their own streng

5、th and core competitiveness, and narrow the gap with developed countries. In the new market demand, update the sleeve pressing machine is a pressing matter of the moment. The production of pipe pressing machine equipment manufacturing enterprises to fully tap the potential of the market, vigorously

6、develop the sleeves of large low cost pressing special machinery and equipment, plays a positive role in the evolution of automatic assembly, the assembly of mechanical equipment. There is a large pipe equipment on equipment safety index has strict requirements of production. In the production equip

7、ment of enterprises, give full consideration to the possible problems in the operation of the equipment, so as to reduce the noise pollution caused by vibration or improper operation of equipment phenomenon. and manufacturing of domestic pipe pressing equipment with global appeal, economic, security

8、 and stability of the theme consistent. Increase and production pipe pressing equipment of new energy saving.With the development of science and technology, interdisciplinary mutual infiltration, mutual exchanges between the various industry, extensive use of new structure, new materials, new techno

9、logy, the sleeve pressing machine is large, efficient, reliable, energy saving, Recently, the use of machinery industry, bearing and shaft sleeve shaft were investigated, found that the shaft, bearings and bushings in the machinery industry is one of the key parts. Come very naturally in the assembl

10、y of the installation is also very simple. In the installation if the use of artificial pressure with not only the labor intensity is too large and the size of each other is not easy to ensure the shaft, bearing and shaft sleeve, so the design of a special press be imperative. Graduation project thi

11、s time is a tube axial compressive loading machine. This paper introduces the theoretical calculation to design sleeve pressing machine structure, working principle and main parts of the strength check and the advantages of the sleeve, pressing machine is efficient.Key word: pneumatic manipulator; c

12、ylinder; pneumatic loop; Fout degrees of freedom.1 目 录摘要IAbstractII第一章 绪论1 1.1 课题的来源与研究的目的和意义3 1.2 热回式液氮车的工作原理4 1.3 Solidworks设计基础4 1.3.1 草图绘制5 1.3.2 基准特征,参考几何体的创建6 1.3.3 拉伸、旋转、扫描和放样特征建7 1.3.4 工程图的设计10 1.3.5 装配设计11第二章 热回式液氮车加载器的总体方案的设计和布局11 2.1 热回式液氮车加载器的总体方案图13 2.2 热回式液氮车的工作原理15第三章 机械部分的设计计算17 3.1

13、主轴的设计计算19 3.2 轴承的设计计算20 3.3 主轴的强度校核24 3.4 轴承的强度校核26第四章 该加载器中部分重要零件的三维建模28 4.1 主动轴的三维建模29 4.2 轴承的三维建模29 4.3 内轴套的三维建模30 4.4 热回式液氮车加载器的三维建模31第五章 三维软件设计总结31结论32致谢33参考文献34 1 第一章绪论1.1课题的来源与研究的目的和意义由于机械工程的知识总量已经远远超越个人掌握所有,一些专业知识是必不可少的。但是过度的专业知识分割,使视野狭隘,可以多多参加技术交流,和参加科研项目,缩小范围,提升新技术的进步和整个块的技术,提高外部条件变化的适应能力。



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