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1、每日一句Has the cat got your tongue?为什么哑口无言;怎么不说话了。人们常用这句话促使沉默的对方开口说话。例旬: Why won t you tell me why you got home so late ? Has the cat got your tongue?为什么不告诉我你为什么这么晚才回来?你哑巴了吗?Get it off your chest 。 一吐为快例句:You will feel better if you get it off your chest.一吐为快之后你会觉得舒服多了.It cost an arm and a leg.非常昂贵东西昂贵

2、到必须用一只手臂跟一条腿才能换得,表示这东西可是花了我大笔钞票的!例句 :How could you afford it ? it looks like it cost an arm and a leg. 你怎么 负担得起?它看来很昂贵啊!Running around like a headless chicken。 忙得不可开交;极度忙碌。例句 :I have been running around like a headless chicken all day.我今天一整天忙得不可开交once in a blue moon千载难逢; 绝无仅有。例句 :This is a chance on

3、ce in a blue moon.这是个千载难逢的好机会。in the dog house 失宠;倒霉。从字面上就是说你使某人很生气,以致你不得不在屋子外面跟自己家里的狗睡在一起,因为做错了事,受冷落,受惩罚。例句 :I bet John is in the dog house because he forgot your birthday. 我打赌 你现在一定不理约翰因为他忘了你的生日。A fish out of water 不自在,感到格格不入从字面上解释就是:没有水的鱼, 如同觉得很不自然和周围的人或环境格格不入。例句 :I felt like a fish out of water

4、at the party because I knew no one. 在这 个聚会上我感到浑身不自在,因为我一个人也不认识。Hold your horses 耐心些; 别着急;稍安毋躁.例句 :Hold your horses! We dont have to rush to the shop now. Its 7-11. 别 着急,现在我们不必赶着去商店,那是 7-11便利店。All skin and bones 皮包骨.是指那些很瘦的人.例句 :Example: Henry taken off forty pounds and now hes all skin and bones.亨利已

5、经减掉了四十磅,现在真是非常瘦了。”To count your chickens before they hatch打如意算盘.直译为鸡蛋未孵出,先别数小鸡。 意思是就是别高兴太早了,别打如意算盘。Similar : To make assumptions.例句 :John, never count your chickens before they hatch! 约翰,另打如意算 盘!Easier said than done说来容易彳起来难.例句 :Stay calm and talk with confidence when making a speech. Easier said th

6、an done.演说时保持冷静要有自信,说来容易做起来难。I smell a rat.来表达自己感觉什么事情不正常、奇怪、不对头的意思,就象闻到死老鼠的味道一样.例句:Why is the teacher looking for me? I smell a rat.老肺为什么在找我?我觉得事有蹊跷。Keep it under your hat .别告诉任何人,保密(相似:Keep a lid on it )例句 :Ill tell you, but you must promise to keep it under your hat.我 11r告if你但是你得彝誓别告诉任何人.Take 40

7、winks . 打盹(相似:Take a nap )例句 :Scientists have shown that individual brain cells take 40 winks when we are tired - even while the rest of the brain is awake. 科学家发现人在疲惫时部 分脑细胞会打上一小会儿盹。Off color .脸色不好的.身体不适(相似:under the weather )例句:Are you feeling OK ? You look a little off color .你还好吗?你的脸色看起 来很差。Let y

8、our hair down . 放松,不要拘束.例句 :On such occasions, it s hard for you to let your hair dow. 在那样的场合很难放松自己。A little bird told me. 听说,某人告诉我.字面意思是一只小鸟告诉我说,其实 就是说某人告诉我,但是不想透露消息来源.Similar: I heard it through the grapevine.例行:A little bird told me that the singer was married.听说这歌手已经结婚了.”A Pain in the neck.是说某人(

9、某样东西,或者是某种处境)很讨厌.例句 :I dont want to be a pain in the neck, son, but Ive reminded you a dozen times already to clean up your room. 儿子,我并不想让你讨厌,但是我 已经提醒你几十次了,要你把房间整理乾净。Im all ears.我洗耳恭听.从字面上看,它的意思是我浑身上下都是耳朵,就是洗耳恭听例句:I m all ears when you are ready to tell me what cute Sam said about you.当你准备好告诉我可爱的山姆对

10、你说什么时,我洗耳恭听!Half baked.(想法、计划等)思虑不周的.例句:His plans are always half baked, so no one listens to him anymore. 他的 计划总是半生不熟的,所以在也没人听他说。Pop the question . 求婚 , 相当於 to propose .例句 :A man is often too bashful to pop the question.男人往往不好意思求婚。Head and shoulders above the rest.表示能力、品质、行为超出 之外,胜于 相当於 In a class

11、of his/her own .例句 :Jeremy is head and shoulders above the rest in his team. Jeremy 的能 力远远超出了其他队友。Rocket science. 指艰难的事(常用於否定句).例句 :I cant believe you are having trouble with the DVD player . I mean, its not rocket science!我不敢相信你不知道如何使用 DVD拨放器,这不是很难弄 懂的东西。Cut and dried.已成定局的,单调乏味,事先预备好的.例句:Apple spo

12、kespeople are expert vendors of cut and dried answers to reporters questions.苹果发言人擅长用早已备好的老套答案应对记者的提问。Do wonders . 大有好处.例句:This book can do wonders for your English.这本书对你的英语大有好处。Down and out. 穷困潦倒.同义词:Dirt poor , Flat broke.例句:He looks unshaven, shabby, and down and out.他看上去胡子拉磴、衣衫褴褛、穷困潦倒。Rack your

13、brains. 绞尽脑汁.rack本身是指中世纪的一种绞刑工具, 之后有了 其动词形式,表示引起巨大痛苦也可以说wrack your brains ,意思是一样的。 例句:He wrack her brains to solve that complicated problem.他绞尽脑汁在想解决这个复杂问题。Burn yourself out.筋疲力尽,累怀.例句:Youll burn yourself out if you go on working at this rate .如果你继续这样干下去的话,你会筋疲力尽的。neck and neck.并驾齐驱,旗鼓相当.Neck and ne

14、ck 这个表达出自于跑马。在赛马场上,马匹凭一个颈位之差取胜,叫做 The horse wins by a neck 。假如 两匹马neck and neck ,那就是并驾齐驱”的意思了。引伸开来,这个表达可以 指在种种激烈的竞争中双方 势均力敌,旗鼓相当In the same boat.处境相同 .例句 :Tim kicked the ball and hit the window. But we were all in the game sowere all in the same boat. Lets all go together to apologize. Tim踢的球把那玻璃窗给打

15、破了但我们都在一起踢球,所以我们都有责任。我们得一起去道歉.Drag on.拖延;困难地度过.例句 :The meeting dragged on a whole day.会议拖拖拉拉开了一整天。Drop by .顺道来访,非正式拜访.例句:She and Mary will drop by later .她和 Mary 一会儿要来坐坐。Theres no place like home . 金窝,银窝,不如自家的草窝 .See the light 领悟,恍然大悟.例句 :After struggling for a year , Mary saw the light and went back to school. 在挣扎了一年后,Mary终于明白过来,重回校园。Out of the blue ,完全出于意外;出乎意料地.例句:At the last minute John came out of the blue to catch the pass and score a touchdown. 临终场时, John出人意料地跑过来抢到了球而且底线得分。Fair and square , 正大光明的.例句 :The game is absolutely fair and square.游戏是完全光明正大的。Wet blanket ,使人扫兴的人或物.


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