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1、2022年考博英语-辽宁大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Illicit love is the root of many divorce actions.问题1选项A.UnrealB.UntrueC.UnlawfulD.Loquacious【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。illicit意为“法律不许可的,非法的”;unreal意为“假的,不真实的”;unlawful意为“非法的,违法的”;loquacious意为“话多的,健谈的”。句意:婚外情是许多离婚诉讼的根源。2. 单选题She looked closely at the picture for a long time

2、( )every detail in it.问题1选项A.jeopardizingB.visualizingC.dissectingD.scrutinizing【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。jeopardize意为“危及,损害”;visualize意为“使形象化,想象,构思”;dissect意为“解剖(人或动植物),仔细研究”;scrutinize意为“仔细检查,细致审查”。由空格后的“every detail(每一个细节)”可知D选项更为恰当。句意:她近距离看了这幅画很长一段时间,仔细观察了其中的每一个细节。3. 单选题Those who are _ of all common sense

3、 would be easily taken in by tricks that are frequently exposed by the wise.问题1选项A.deprivedB.devoidC.strippedD.snatched【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。A选项deprived“贫困的,穷苦的,严重匮乏的;(人)丧失的,被剥夺的”;B选项devoid“缺乏的;全无的”;C选项stripped“剥去的”;D选项snatched“一把抓起;夺去;抓紧时间做;反败为胜”。根据固定搭配be devoid of“缺乏;没有的;毫无的;没有”可知句意为:那些缺乏常识的人很容易上当,而这些花招

4、往往是由智者揭露的。所以B选项正确。4. 单选题The Space Age( )in October 1957 when the first artificial satellite was launched, by the Soviet Union.问题1选项A.initiatedB.originatedC.embarkedD.commenced【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。initiate意为“开始,发起,创始”,指首创某事,但并不意味着将某事进行到底;originate意为“起源于,来自,产生”;embark意为“上船,着手,从事”一般开始指新的、困难的会令人激动的事;commence

5、意为“开始发生,开始,着手”,尤指重大的事件及历史时期的开始。句意:1957年10月苏联第一颗人造卫星的发射开启了太空时代。5. 翻译题Confucius said, “Since the age of 15, I have devoted myself to learning; since 30, I have been well established; since 40, I have understood many things and have no longer been confused; since 50, I have known my heaven-sent duty; s

6、ince 60, I have been able to distinguish right and wrong in other peoples words; and since 70, I have been able to do what I intend freely without breaking the rules.”The average life expectancy at the Spring and Autumn Periods and Warring States Periods was, according to some research, about 19 yea

7、rs. Confucius lived 72 to 73 years, a rare god of longevity in deed. It was even hard for those with power and leisure to reach such an age. Therefore, Confucius could be very well learned, far from what an ordinary person could expect at his times.The statistics in 2001 shows that the world life ex

8、pectancy is 62.27 with the Japanese taking the lead to be 79.66 while China gaining a position surpassing all developing countries by its 69.98. However, the Chinese have not yet reached the age to do what they intend freely without breaking the rules. Thus, rules are hard not to be broken.Calculate

9、d in the terms Confucius set for us in learning, those of us who have been learning English for ten years still have a long way to go before reaching the time to be established. To have no confusion, one has to spend 25 years. To truly understand the purpose of English learning, one has to do it for

10、 35 years. It takes 45 years if one wants to distinguish right and wrong in other peoples words, and 55 years to manipulate English language freely without breaking the rules.【答案】【参考译文】子曰“吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。”根据一些研究,在春秋战国时人的平均寿命大约为19岁。孔子活到了72到73岁,是少有的寿星。在那时,即使是那些有权且生活闲暇的人也很难

11、达到孔子的高寿。所以,孔子的修行是很高的,在当时,非一般人所能企及。2001年的统计数据显示,世界人口平均寿命为62.27岁,其中日本人的平均寿命最高,达到79.66岁,而中国人以平均寿命69.98岁而超过所有发展中国家人口的平均寿命。然而,中国人还没有活到随心所欲而不越出规矩的年龄。因此,不逾矩很难。若以孔子志学的时间推算,我们学习英语10年,还远远不够,因为还没有到而立之年。要想没有疑问,得学25年;要想真正懂得学习英语的目的,得学35年;要想辨别他人英语的好坏,得学45年;要想随心所欲且不逾矩地运用英语,得学55年。6. 单选题Once I was unaware of the crit

12、ical points involved, my choice would be bound to be relatively _.问题1选项A.arbitraryB.irrationalC.indispensableD.negligent【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项arbitrary“任意的;武断的;专制的”,是由偶然、一时兴起或冲动而非由必然、推理或原则决定的;B选项irrational“不合理的(即与理想状况相比有差距);无理性的;荒谬的”;C选项indispensable“不可缺少的;绝对必要的;责无旁贷的”;D选项negligent“疏忽的;粗心大意的”。句意:一旦我不知

13、道其中的关键点,我的选择必然是相对_。如果不知道关键点,做出选择前心里就不会有一个理想答案,所以选择就会相对随意,所以A选项正确。7. 单选题He claimed that he would compile an English masterpiece if he could find a(n) _ to deal with the less essential parts.问题1选项A.accompliceB.collaboratorC.confederateD.cobber【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项accomplice“同谋者;共犯”,指在犯罪行为中帮助另一个人;B选项coll

14、aborator“合作者;协作者;合著者”,指在做好事中帮助另一个人;C选项confederate“同盟国,同盟者;帮凶;美国南部邦联支持者”,常指国家或政府层面的结盟;D选项cobber“伙伴;朋友”,不常用,属于澳洲俚语。句意:他声称,如果他能找到一位_来处理不太重要的部分,他将编写一部英语杰作。此处填“合著者”一词更符合句意,所以B选项正确。8. 单选题The novel contains some marvelous revealing( )of rural life in the 19th century.问题1选项A.glancesB.glimpsesC.glaresD.gleam

15、ed【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项glance“瞥闪,扫视,匆匆一看”;B选项glimpse“瞥见”;C选项glare“怒目而视,瞪眼看;发出刺眼的光”;D选项gleamed“闪烁;隐约地闪现”。句意:这本小说包括对19世纪乡村生活的一瞥,绝妙而富于启发。glimpse“瞥见”,是glance的结果。“take a glance at .”(看一看)的结果便是“get a glimpse of .”(瞥见了),此句中,小说提到的是19世纪的乡村生活,是结果不是看一看的动作。因此B选项正确。9. 翻译题If we want to foster a culture of conservation, well have to work at changing a host of things, from ads to zoos, from how we put food on our pl


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