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1、2011年12月英语四六级、英语三级考试翻译攻略与四级考试中翻译与写作题型相关。1. 绝对不能忽视以前词汇语法的单项选择题,尽量在以前的词汇题中挖掘新四级翻译考点例:The author was required to submit an abstract of about 200 words together with his research paper.上面这道题是2004年1月份四级考试的一道词汇单选题,同学们不难发现,句中的submit(提交)这个考点词在2006年6月的新四级的翻译题中再次出现,这足以说明以前的词汇语法题目的考点与新题型中的翻译题考点具有延续性与继承性。这种考点延续

2、的例子很多,由于篇幅所限,就不一一列举,以下举几个典型例子,以前词汇题考点,在未来的翻译中很可能考到的,抛砖引玉,希望引起考生重视。例1:He gave a pledge to handle the affairs in a friendly manner 。来源:上考试大网校,考试轻松过关【考点探究】 本题为2003年6月四级考试的词汇单选题,handle the affairs in a friendly manner (以友好的方式处理事务)是一个核心表达,很有可能在翻译中考查。因为在这句话中,出现了考点叠加的现象:第一,give a pledge to do sth (承诺做某事);第

3、二,handle(处理)这个核心动词的用法;第三,in 。.manner(以。.方式)这个重要短语;考生一定要清楚,在复习词汇单选题的时候,出现考点叠加的地方一定要高度重视,容易命题。例2:You will not be particular about your food in time of great hunger【考点探究】be particular about your food(对食物挑剔)这个核心短语很可能成为翻译考点。除了这个表达外,还可以用be selective about your food 进行替换,这就反映了表达的多样性。2. 多背搭配,同时利用经典搭配多造句子,完善

4、语法结构。同时可以提高自己的写作平,一举两得。3. 强化重点语法知识。如倒装结构、虚拟语气、比较结构、定语从句、状语从句、非谓语动词等。4. 深度分析已考翻译试题,全面掌握挖掘潜在考点,学会举一反三。以上是对四级翻译冲刺部分复习的几点建议,寥寥几句,希望对广大考生有所帮助。主题:低碳生活 问题解决性作文 1. 低碳生活受到人们的普遍欢迎 2. 低碳生活方式非常有好处 3. 我们应该如何去做 范文 Nowadays, there are a considerable number of individuals who prefer to lead a low-carbon lifestyle w

5、hich find expression in the fact that more and more commuters are using public transportation system in their daily life. Low carbon lifestyle can endow us and our society with numerous benefits. Firstly, it goes beyond doubt that low carbon lifestyle contributes a lot to the environmental protectio

6、n and it is a favorable way to slow down the rate of climate change of our earth, which also means a lot to our health. We are supposed to undertake the responsibility to lead a low-carbon lifestyle, which is of great significance. And there is a diversity of measures we can take so as to lead such

7、an environmental-friendly life. For one thing, we are expected to minimize the use of private cars, which emit a large amount of greenhouse gases. For another, we are supposed to cultivate the public awareness of energy conservation for energy in the world today is decreasing rapidly. For instance,

8、we can turn off electrical appliances if not necessary as well as using renewable materials. Furthermore, at our leisure, we can seek opportunities to plant more trees which can absorb carbon-dioxide. In brief, low-carbon lifestyle is nothing but the best choice for us and only in this way can we fo

9、rm a harmonious relationship with the environment.12011年12月英语四级作文话题预测范文:食品污染Food Contamination From time immemorial, food contamination has become a common phenomenon in China, ranging from poisonous milk power to the plasticizers in huge quantities of Taiwan-manufactured beverages and food exported

10、 to the mainland. The public has experienced so many crises of food contamination that only the most deadly cases would create some sensations, which soon pass into oblivion with the quick occurrence of new ones. Food contamination is indisputably detrimental. The poisonous milk power has bereaved m

11、any young couples of their innocent and lovely new babes. Some contaminated foods lead to irreversible and chronic diseases. Some affected individuals, though without visible aftermaths, may suffer from lingering psychological trauma. However, the hazards produced by food contamination are more mora

12、l than physiologicalwith contamination cases cropping up here and there, the credibility of the entire society has been ruined and people find nothing and nobody to be trustworthy. Technically, food contamination is caused by the introduction of illegal additives and non-edible chemical substances i

13、nto the manufactured food. Morally, it results from the sheer drive for profitability by gluttonous merchants who use cheaper, and often harmful, substitutes, all at the expense of the physical welfare of the public. To address the problem, some appeal to the moral conscience of the businessmen. But

14、 the high frequency at which contamination cases have happened makes this moral appeal feeble and futile. The ultimate solution lies in lawthe profit-minded businessmen would not have a penitent heart unless they are driven to bankruptcy and taken into jail! 【参考译文】 食品污染 已记不得从何时起,食品污染在中国已成为一种司空见惯的现象,

15、稍前有毒奶粉事件,稍近则有台湾制造并输入至大陆的大量饮料与食品中的塑化剂。民众在经历了如此之多的食品污染危机之后,以至于只有最为致命的个案才会激起一些涟漪,但随着新危机的快速涌现,此前的危机很快就被人淡忘。 无可辩驳的是,食品污染危害极大。毒奶粉已夺走了许多年轻夫妇们的无辜、可爱生儿。有些遭到污染的食物,可以导致不可逆转的慢性疾病。有些受有毒食品影响的个体,虽然并无显著的后遗症,也会遭受久久挥之不去的心理创伤的折磨。但是,食物污染所造成的危害与其说是生理层面上的,还不如说是道德层面上的。随着污染个案此起彼伏,层出不穷,整个社会的诚信已被摧毁殆尽。人们发现,任何人,任何事,都不值得信赖。 从技术

16、上讲,食物污染是由于非法添加剂或非食用性化学物被引入到所制造的食物中。但在道德层面,它则源自利欲熏心的商人对利润的不择手段的追逐。他们采用成本更为低廉、且往往是有害的替代品,罔顾民众的身体健康。为了解决这一问题,有些人诉诸于商家的道德良知。但是,食品污染事件如此高频率的重复发生,已使这一道德诉求苍白无力,徒劳无效。终极的解决之道只有一个,那就是法律。满脑子想着如何赚钱的不良商家是绝不会心存忏悔的,除非将他们逼至破产的境地,或令其锒铛入狱! 【值得熟记的句式与短语】 1. From time immemorial已记不得从何时起,自古以来 2. a common phenomenon一种司空见惯的现象 3. poisonous milk power有毒奶粉


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