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1、2022-2023年考博英语-外交学院模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题Nicks new novel proves he isnt just a flash in the( ).问题1选项A.skyB.panC.houseD.dark【答案】B【解析】考查固定短语搭配。a flash in the pan“昙花一现,转瞬即逝,多用来形容某事持续时间短”。句意:尼克的新小说证明他并不是昙花一现。因此B选项正确。2. 单选题You cant help but hear commercials; every few minutes the program is interrupted to gi

2、ve you one advertising( ).问题1选项A.so on and so forthB.more or lessC.something or otherD.sooner or later【答案】C【解析】考查短语辨析。A选项so on and so forth“等等”;B选项more or less“或多或少”;C选项something or other“什么的(表示模糊概念),常用于口语”;D选项sooner or later“迟早”。句意:你不由得去听一些广告,因为每隔几分钟节目就会被打断,给你一个广告什么的。C选项符合句意,因此C选项正确。3. 单选题He enjoye

3、d the dessert so much that he accepted a second( ) when it was offered.问题1选项A.loadingB.pilingC.helpingD.sharing【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项loading“装载;装货;装载的货”;B选项piling“地桩;打桩;桩材;打桩工程”;C选项helping“(食物的)一份”;D选项sharing“公用,共享”。句意:他非常喜欢甜点,所以当有人给他第二份时,他接受了。因此C选项正确。4. 单选题Could you( )me to the railway station, please

4、?问题1选项A.showB.directC.leadD.indicate【答案】B【解析】考查固定短语搭配。根据题干可知考查direct sb. to“指导某人去”。句意:你可以告诉我火车站怎么走吗?因此B选项正确。5. 单选题In appealing the case again, you will just be kicking against the( ).问题1选项A.pricksB.ballsC.gunsD.winds【答案】A【解析】考查固定短语搭配。A选项pricks“(v.)戳;扎破;(使)感到刺痛;(眼睛)发酸;(使)内心痛苦;驱使;(使)耳朵竖起;(n.)扎;戳孔;沮丧;赶

5、牛棒;笨蛋;穿刺;针刺感;卑鄙的人”;B选项balls“(n.)球;(v.)把捏成球状”;C选项guns“(n.)枪支;枪状物;持枪歹徒;(v.)用枪射击;加大油门快速前进;向开枪;开大油门”;D选项wind“(n.)风;呼吸;气味;卷绕;(v.)缠绕;上发条;使弯曲;吹号角;绕住或缠住某人”。根据固定搭配kick against the pricks“以卵击石;徒劳的抵抗”可知该题选pricks。句意:你再提起上诉,那是在以卵击石。因此A选项正确。6. 单选题Dont get mixed up in any( )business.问题1选项A.funnyB.mistyC.foggyD.beh

6、ind【答案】A【解析】考查固定短语搭配。A选项funny“有趣的,好笑的,滑稽的”;B选项misty“模糊的;有雾的”;C选项foggy“有雾的;模糊的,朦胧的”;D选项behind“在的后面;朝后面”。根据固定搭配funny business“见不得人的活动,不规矩的事,不道德的行为”可知该题选funny。句意:不要卷入任何不道德的行为中。因此A选项正确。7. 单选题He is a dead ringer( )his father.问题1选项A.toB.forC.withD.after【答案】A【解析】考查固定短语搭配。Ba a dead ringer for“容貌和酷似,看上去一模一样的

7、人”。句意:他的容貌与他爸爸酷似。因此A选项正确。8. 单选题Just as the authors book on eels is often a key text for courses in marine vertebrate zoology, their ideas on animal development and phylogeny( )teaching in this area.问题1选项A.preventB.defyC.replicateD.inform【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项prevent“预防,防止;阻止;妨碍,阻止”;B选项defy“藐视;公然反抗;挑衅;使

8、落空”;C选项replicate“复制;折叠;重复;折转”;D选项inform“通知;告诉;报告;告发;告密”。句意:就像作者关于鳗鱼的书经常是海洋脊椎动物学课程的关键文本一样,他们关于动物发展和系统发育的观点也影响着这一领域的教学。因此D选项正确。9. 翻译题加拿大移民条例虽不把英籍香港华人与其他英国殖民地人民一视同仁,然加拿大比美国较为关心香港移民却是千真万确的事。1962年,加拿大方面鉴于香港难民众多,在各方呼吁下,自动提出愿意接受香港方面100个家庭单位来加。多伦多明星报(Toronto Star) 在3月23日的社论中还讥讽其为一种姿态罢了。其实,移民局早已着手调查,寻找符合条件并愿

9、意赴加的家庭。还有一些组织和机构,如“教会联合总会”(General Council of the United Church)于9月开会时曾大声疾呼加拿大应该容纳香港难民10000名。11月21日第一批来自香港的家庭抵加,至年底计有62个家庭单位,合共人数139名由港抵加。11月16 日,贝尔宣布调查中国移民舞弊案结束。移民局长表示那些在加华人如愿归化入籍,手续将加以简化。反对党派、舆论界、加拿大华人团体一致拥护移民局的这项宣布。【答案】It is true that Canada is more concerned about Hong Kong immigration than the

10、United States, although Canadas immigration laws do not treat British Hong Kong Chinese as equals to other British colonists. In 1962, in view of the large number of refugees in Hong Kong, Canada voluntarily offered to accept 100 family units from Hong Kong under the appeal of all parties, which has

11、 been satirized as a practice of formalism by Toronto Stars Editorial on March 23th. But the truth is the Immigration Authority has already undertaking investigation, looking for qualified families who are willing to Canada. Other institutions and organization, such as the General Council of the Uni

12、ted Church, have clamored in meeting Canada should accept 10000 Hong Kong refugees General Council of the United Church in September. On November 21th, the first batch of family from Hong Kong arrived in Canada. An estimated 62 family unit from Hong Kong, total number of 139 following till this year

13、 end. On November 16, Baer announced the end of Chinese Immigration Fraud investigation. The immigration minister says the process will be simplified for those Chinese in Canada who want to become naturalized. Opposition parties, opinion makers and the Chinese Canadian community all supported the an

14、nouncement.10. 单选题What will( )lead to?问题1选项A.the policy of the governmentsB.this policy of the governmentsC.this policy of a governmentsD.the policy of a governments【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。双重属格的第一个名词不可以使用表示确定特指的the,但可以使用this。第二个名词词组则不可以用表示不确定特指的a,只能用the。句意:政府的这一政策将导致什么?因此B选项正确。11. 单选题She didnt( )matters; sh

15、e just told him he was useless.问题1选项A.worsenB.complicateC.decideD.mince【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项worsen“更坏的;更差的;更糟,更坏”;B选项complicate“使复杂化;使恶化;使卷入”;C选项decide“决定;解决;判决;决定,下决心”;D选项mince“切碎;矫揉造作地说;装腔作势;碎步走”。句意:她没有把事情复杂化;她只是说他没用。因此B选项正确。12. 单选题We tried to settle the problem with them as soon as possible, but they seemed


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