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1、句法部分北京外国语大学1. In a coherent piece of writing, words and clauses are tied together in some ways. Use the following text to discuss what are some of the ways of tying together words and clauses to make a coherent piece of writing. (30 points) (2009)With the careful dress of a bank manager and a flat,

2、classless accent, John Major is impossible to pigeonhole on either right or left of the Conservative Party. He has made remarkably few enemies in his rapid rise, although his easygoing charm reputedly conceals “a bit of temper”, and he can be caustic. Nevertheless, he numbers Labour MPs among his lo

3、ng-standing friends.II. Answer the following questions.1. What is the aim of IC (immediate constituent) analysis? Make an IC analysis of the following sentence by means of either brackets or a tree diagram. (2010)My mother said Mary liked the handbag 2. What is your comment on the following paragrap

4、h? Rewrite it and explain why you want to rewrite it that way. (2010)One winter morning when Father left the Riding Club on horseback, Fathers horse fell with Father. Not only did the stupid animal fall but the animal landed on Fathers foot. Father pulled Fathers foot out from under, got the horse u

5、p, and went on to the Park for Fathers ride. But Father found later that one of Fathers toes had bent and that Father couldnt straighten the toe out.3. Suppose you are teaching an Englishspeaking person Chinese. How would you help him/ her interpret the following sentences, esp. the relationships be

6、tween the noun phrases at the beginning of the sentences and the verbs? Could you classify the sentences into different groups and suggest strategies for interpreting each group? (2008)(1) 钱你先垫着。(2) 这件事你可以写一部小说。(3) 报纸我包书。(4) 小王我已经告诉他了。(5) 我结婚的都送这个。(6) 动物园跑了一只熊。(7) 谁都了解这个情况。(8) 哪个地方都买不到适合我穿的衣服。北京第二外国

7、语学院I. Complete each of the following statements.1. The branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of sentence is called_. (2010, 2008)II. Fulfill the following requirements.1. Bloomfield introduced the IC analysis, whose full name is _ analysis. (2010)A. Internal ComponentB. Innate Capac

8、ityC. Internal ConstituentD. Immediate Constituent2. A grammar which consists of a set of statements or rules which specify which sequences of language are possible, and which impossible, is a _ grammar. (2010) A. systemicB. generativeC. descriptiveD. functional3. Clarify what “American history teac

9、hers” means by using IC Analysis. (2010)4. Tell whether each of the underlined parts is endocentric or exocentric. 1) the professor who enjoys bragging of his publications (2010) 2) the issue in question (2010, 2009) 3) He left because he was tired. (2009) 4) a bridge damaged beyond repair (2008) 5)

10、 the matter open to argument (2008) 6) the professor who plagiarized (2007) 7) the design out of the question (2007) 8) the year to follow (2007) 9) the man who did come (2007)5. Analyze the sentence “The boy chased the dog.” by means of IC. (2009) Analyze the phrase “more beautiful flowers” by mean

11、s of IC. (2008) 6. Distinguish between the two possible meanings of the phrase “small childs cot” by means of IC analysis. (2007)III. Determine if each of the following statements is true or false.1. The two words borrow and lend are antonyms but the two sentences “Jan lent some money to Jack” and “

12、Jack borrowed some money form Jan” are synonymous. (2010)2. Tense and aspect are two important categories of the verb, and they were separated in traditional grammar. (2007)IV. Answer each of the following questions briefly.1. How do you understand syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations? (2010)2. Wh

13、at is syntax? (2009)首都师范大学I. Match the terms with their definitions.1. syntactic categories e. words grouped together sharing similar features (2010)II. Give short definitions with illustrations and/or examples.1. coordination rule (2009)北京航空航天大学I. Define the following terms in linguistic studies.1.

14、 cohesion (2010)2. syntax (2009)3. adjunct (2007)II. Briefly answer the following questions.1. What are endocentric constructions and exocentric constructions? Exemplify the two notions. (2009)2. What are the main concerns of syntax? (2007)北京师范大学1. Explain why the sentence John saw a girl with a tel

15、escope is ambiguous, and explain the ambiguity by drawing two or more syntactic trees for the sentence. (2007)2. What are syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations? Explain each of them with an example. (2007)南京大学I. Which of the following sentences are ambiguous? For those you find ambiguous, paraphrase them so as to illustrate why they are ambiguous.(1) This is my colleague, Frank.(2) Are you tired of cleaning yourself? Let us do it.(3) In the film, Pat was a witch.(4) He promised me to come next week.(5) Patent medicines are sold by frightening people.(6) Dog for sale: eats anything


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