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1、缩写技巧缩写要做到两点:-是缩短篇幅;二是要作适当的改写。 摘录法。抓住原文的中心和要点,以摘录原文重要语句为主,适当增加衔接语言,连缀 成文。 删除法。删除细节、举例、描述、解释和重复的部分。 概括法。采用归纳总结的方法把原文中有关说明性、交代性的相关段落连缀成简明扼要 的几句话甚至是一句话。写作指导:缩写的具体操作方法就五个字:删、留、缩、合、改。“删”:即删掉一些与中 心无关或关系不大的内容。“留”:即原文中的主要内容,重要情节或关键词句留下。“缩 指原文中不必要的修饰词,限制词删掉,把句子缩短。“合:即把原文中有关的语段进行 合并。“改”:把原文中不是重要内容的地方用概括的语言写出来,

2、并进行适当的转换。不同体裁短文的处理记叙文讪叙文的概要,一般包括讪叙文的六个要素(who, when, where, what, how, why),找出这 六个要素,然后用自己的话将这六个要素串联起来。Yesterday Matt was sick. I picked up Archie from the sitter and Eloise from school and decided to nin to Target for a few things. I had hoped to be in and out quickly.I found a line with just one pe

3、rson ahead of me and began organizing my items on the conveyor. After placing my items, I looked up to see that the person ahead of me was an elderly woman. She was paying for her items with change and wanted (o purchase each separately. I was frustrated with this woman and the inconvenience she had

4、 placed on me.But then I watched the young employee with this woman. I watched him help her count her change, ever so softly taking it from her shaking hands. When she asked if she had enough to buy a reusable bag, he told her she did and went two lines over to get one for her and then repackaged he

5、r items. Never once was this employee angry. He was nothing but patient and kind.As I was watching him, I saw that Eloise was loo. She was standing next (o the woman, watching the employee count the change. I realized I hadnt been inconvenienced at all. That my daughter was instead witnessing kindne

6、ss and patience and being taught (his valuable lesson by a complete stranger.When the woman was finished, the employee began ringing up my items and thanked me for my patience. I then thanked him for teaching us patience and kindness by his treatment of that elderly woman. When he was finished I pus

7、hed my cart through the store trying to find the manager. I wanted her to know of (he employees kindness and patience and how much i( meant to me. After (racking her down and sharing (he story with her, we left Target with a cart full of consumable items, but what is more, a heart full of gratitude

8、for such an invaluable lesson.If you are ever in the Glendale Target, give Ishmael a smile and a nod.The world could use more people like him.Summary【写作指导】要写好记叙文的概要,先要找到以下两个问题的答案:(1)谁做了什么?(2)结果如何? 如果是夹叙夹议文,还要加上这个故事给人们的启示或教育意义。就该题而言,本文的概 要应该包括:作者购物的时间、地点、结果以及从本次购物中得到的启示,最后用自己的语 言串联起来。One possible ver

9、sionThe passage (ells us an experience of shopping.(要点 1) One day, the author with two children went to Target for shopping.(要点 2) While waiting in line, she found an old lady was troublesome, but the young employee treated her patiently.(要点 3) Seeing that, the author was touched by his kindness and

10、 patience and she thought her children would learn a lot from this experience要点 4)说明文说明文的概要写作一般有三种参考模板:(1)描写某事物的性质功用。即“对象+性质 功用+利好” :(In the passage)the writer us, especially its., from which we know.(2)针对某个问题提出解决方法或措施。即问题+解决方法”:The passage tells us., including.(3)介绍某现象及其原因和结果。即现象+原因+结

11、果” :(The author/wriler said/talks about). .of., because/bul.。It is an interesting fact to note that the celebration of Christmas in India is held in a different manner in the various parts of the country. The way Christmas is celebrated in the North East is completely different from the way Christma

12、s is celebrated in the South West.Let us take a look at what are the various ways of celebrating Christmas in India. Generally the Christians who live in (he plains decorate mango (芒果)or banana trees at Christinas time.Some of them also decorate their houses with mango leaves. However, in some of th

13、e other parts of India, a lot of people use small lamps as Christmas decorations. These small clay lamps are placed on the edges of flat roofs and on the tops of walls.During Christmas in India, most of the Churches are found decorated with poinsettias(-品 红)and lit with candles fbr the Christinas Ev

14、e service. One of (he most famous locations for celebration of Christmas in India is Goa.In fact not only people from different parts of India, but also people from all over the world flood to this place to be a part of foreign fiesta(嘉年华).If you happen to live in a good luxury hotel in Goa, then th

15、e mood for the fiesta will be altogether different.In an expensive hotel, you can expect that expensive Christmas trees will be decorated with stars and toys, plastic fruits. In fact, the best time to explore any place in India during the festivals is the evenings. This is because all bulbs illumina

16、tes (照亮)the dawn making it look more beautiful.Interestingly, Hindus and Muslim population majorly occupy India, and yet, Christmas is celebrated with a large amount of people in this country. Christmas in India is declared as a national holiday and people of their religion enjoy it along with the Christians.Summary【写作指导】本文是一篇说明文类的文章,其框架结构为:首尾两段呼应,突出说明本文主要介绍的 事物一一印度的圣诞节。中间部分都是介绍印度人过圣诞节的种种方式:装饰物、嘉年华游 玩活动、与来白世界各地的游客一起


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