pride and prejudice

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《pride and prejudice》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《pride and prejudice(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Pride and Prejudice CHAPTER 6Group member: 孙艳、李雪、张艳、徐明全Word 文字处理:孙艳资料搜集:李雪Chapter课后分析:徐明全问题搜索:张艳Main characters: Elizabeth, Charlotte, Mr. DarcyRelationship: Elizabeth & Mr. Darcys first meet Elizabeth NO WithoutFriends Good Admiration FeelingCharlotte Mr. DarcyElizabeth & Mr. Darcys the next meetEl

2、izabeth NO Friends Good Admiration FeelingCharlotte Mr. DarcyEliza & CharlotteWomens attitudes towards loversCharlotte: .A woman had better show more affection than she feels女人最好还是把爱慕比实际所感多表露几分 .Jane should therefore make the most of every half hour in which she can command his attention. 简应该时刻留神,一有

3、机会就加以利用。 .First, she should be secure of him, and then fall in love with him. 先把他抓稳,再从容恋爱。 .its better to know as little as possible of the defects of the person with whom you are to pass your life.对那个要长相厮守的人,最好尽量少了解他的缺点。Charlotte is an impertinent, ill-bred woman. She thought women marry to wealth

4、and glory than marry to a husband. Compared with the traditional women in old China, she had the essence of traditional womens characteristics.Marriage in old china: The three obedience and the four virtues(三从四德)Obey your father when you are single. 未嫁从父,Obey your husband when you are married. 既嫁从夫,

5、 Obey your son after your husband passes away. 夫死从子。Women in old ChinaCharlotteDifferencesNot knowing males AppearanceShow more affection to the femaleCharacteristicsObey their fathers completelyObey your husband when you are married.Securing of him comes first, and then comes love.Obey your son aft

6、er your husband passes away.Similarities Knowing as little as possible of the defects of the person with whom you are to pass your life.Conclusion: Charlotte is an expert to help you how to marry a wealthy man. Someone get interested in marrying a wealthy man can consult her.Eliza: .Dont agree with

7、Charlottes thought . If I were determinate to get a rich husband or any husband, I can adopt it.如果一心想嫁个有钱人或是随便什么样的丈夫,我可以采取这个办法。 .Jane is not acting by design简的为人处事就是不愿使心眼儿Eliza is: loyal to true love, concerned, respects her and others. Eliza & Mr. DarcyMr. Darcy (情感变化)Feeling line:(At first) Scarce

8、ly allow Eliza to be pretty. (Now) 1. Intelligent by the beauty expression of her eyes 2. Figure to be light and pleasing 3. Easy playfulness Mr. Darcy with grave propriety requested to be allowed the honor of hand, but in vain.I have been meditating on the very great pleasure which a pair of fine eyes in the face of a pretty woman can bestow.Eliza looked archly, and turned away?But Mr. Darcys mind was more agreeably.Mr. Darcy?Question: Why Eliza turned away when Mr. Darcy invited her to dance?


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