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1、广东岭南职业技术学院成人教育学院毕业补考考试试卷课程名称英语精读试卷类别C卷考试形式闭卷试卷总分100分考试时间100 分钟适用层次成教命题教师罗家英适用年级/专业/班级非英语专业班级: 学号: 姓名: 题号一二三四五六总分评卷人复核人得分得分一、Grammar & Structure(本题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)Directions: There are 15 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each of the statement by choosing the appropriate answe

2、r from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. You have to act _ if you are to save his life. A) lastly B) immensely C) firstly D) immediately 2. Im sorry Im late. I was held up in a traffic _. A)

3、block B) crush C) group D) jam 3. I first met Lisa three years ago. She _ at a radio shop at the time. A) has worked B) would have worked C) is working D) was working 4._ everybody knows about it, I dont want to talk any more. A) Although B) Even C) Since D) However 5. _ is known to everybody, the m

4、oon travels round the earth once every month. A) It B) As C) That D) What 6. The house _ roof was damaged has now been repaired. A) whose B) whos C) that D) of which 7. The boy _ to his teacher for coming to school late. A) apologized B) pardoned C) forgave D) excused 8. Im sorry I am late. I never

5、_ the taxi would take so long to get here. A) thought B) planned C) waited for D) expected 9. Dont _ that you can succeed without hard work. A) intend B) suppose C) guess D) seek 10. He _ from among his friends as he is 2 meters tall. A) sent out B) turned out C) stood out D) made out 11. He accepte

6、d his friends _ to swim across the river in the depths of winter. A) charge B) challenge C) position D) claim 12. It wasnt as good a dinner _ she had promised us. A) what B) which C) as D) all 13.Do it now, _ it will be too late. A) otherwise B) therefore C) doubtless D) however 14. It looks _ it is

7、 going to rain. A) that B) as C) as if D) on 15. Man must stop _ the earths atmosphere. A) filling B) wasting C) polluting D) giving off得分二、Filling the blanks(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given

8、in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. step by step have no use for look around head for in the end turn one s back on a couple of move on to on earth get together1. Having finished his work ahead of time, Philip was happy to leave his office and _ t

9、he airport to enjoy his holiday.2. When a policeman saw the bus driver running a red light, he called to him to _ and walked towards the bus.3. At the meeting, there were many different suggestions for our holiday, but _ we decided to take Georges suggestion and went to the seaside again. 4. She wil

10、l complete her book soon and _ some new and exciting work. 5. Not until yesterday did I know that the Whites live just _ doors up from me. 6. A foreign language cannot be learned quickly; it must be learned _. 7. Why dont we _ some day and have a real girls night? 8. If you _ the book anymore, you c

11、an give it to me. 9. _ in your garden or school- plants and flowers are growing everywhere. 10. When Mary kissed him for the first time, Jim said he was the happiest man _.得分三、Reading Comprehension(本题共25小题,共40分)Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfi

12、ll. After reading each passage, you should write the correct choice on the Answer Sheet. Task 1 (每小题2分) Animals in the desert have a problem getting water and keeping it. Insect-eaters get their liquid from their food. Most desert dwellers (居住者) avoid the drying heat as much as possible. Spending th

13、eir time in burrows, where the damp earth and coolness cut down the amount of evaporation from their breathing. With the exception of the coyote (丛林狼), which is apt to have its home in the shelter of rocks or in dense vegetation, nearly all mammals (哺乳动物) have burrows of one sort or another. All birds seek whatever shade they can find. Reptiles (爬行动物) have an added reason for avoiding the desert sun. They are cold-blooded creatures which lack the protection of fur, feathers, and other cooling devices. They can be killed by a relatively short exposure to full sunshine. Ma


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