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1、电信技术员英文简历模板英文简历对很多求职者来说也是比较重要的,尤其是想在外企发展的话,今天跟各位分享电信技术员英文简历模板,以供参考!电信技术员英文简历模板name: gender: maleage: native place:english: working experience: above 3 yearsthe telephone number: email:career objectivetarget functions: java engineertarget cities: shenzhenself evaluation1, clear thinking, independent

2、analysis and problem solving ability.2, the work is earnest, responsible, willing to communication, willing to mutual aid, willing to learn, bold innovation, willing to share, personality, cheerful.3, have good learning, communication and team cooperation ability.4, the software has a good understan

3、dingskill expertise1. skilled myeclipse platform, skilled in weblogic or tomcat service programming,2. for struct, hibernate, spring technology framework application proficient,3. familiar with javascript, xml, ext, dwr, jquery, jxl, commons - fileupload, freemarker technology,4. database main use o

4、racle5. to a c + + languages also familiar with6. have the standard developing document writing abilitywork experienceproject name: china telecom online business hall (hainan, sichuan)cycle: since november XXsoftware development to _11_our environment: oracle + windows xp + jdk1.4.0 + eclipse + svn

5、development tools: eclipse + oraclethe use of the technical: struts + spring + hibernate (ssh) frame + log4j + ajax + jspproject description:1, the system business information browsing, business consulting, business acceptance with online capture to expend, online shopping experience and convenient.

6、2, system foreground for customers to provide comprehensive telecom customer service function, background management system for province branch company and family and individual client channel management personnel, online business hall operation center to provide complete business data statistical a

7、nalysis function.3, the system use oracle database is, the more popular struts + hibernate + spring structure.4, for the convenience of management, the system of spring struts and configuration files using multiple module integrated manner, mainly according to the function module distribution.educat

8、ion experienceXX/9-XX/6 shanghai maritime university教你如何应对名企面试中那些难以应付的英文考试题目人力资源专家说,名企为面试设计那些难以应付的英文考试题目,就是为了在泥沙中淘出真金。因为,这些题目既能检验求职者的语言能力,也能考验他们的逻辑思维能力、抗压能力、应变能力,甚至是运筹帷幄的能力,所以结果经常是少数人脱颖而出,大多数人止步于此。其实,貌似高深的题目都是万变不离其宗,大多围绕着四大核心问题展开。考题围绕四大核心问题A性格测试Personality Questions包括失败问题(Failure Questions)、自知问题 (Se

9、lf-awareness Questions)、道德问题(Ethics/Sensitivity Questions)、趣味问题(Fun Questions)攻克这类问题需要应聘者有一个正确的自我认知,最忌逻辑混乱,自相矛盾。B 简历问题Resume Questions包括决断能力(Decisionmaking Rationale)、团队能力(Teamwork)、领导能力(Leadership)能够体现个人决断能力和领导能力的事例无非是各种社会实践经验和实习经历,在面试准备中,求职者尤其要注意总结简历中所提到的相关经验,能够举出实例最好。C 沟通测试 Communications Questio

10、ns比如”;请在2分钟内教会我一项技能”;、”;向我推销桌上的台灯”;这类问题。一般来说,这种问题是最难应付的。面对变化多端的题目和场景,应聘者唯一能做的就是坚持自己的立场。一旦陷入面试官设计的陷阱,你的沟通和推销能力就打了折扣。D 商业问题 Business Questions考官会询问你的商业兴趣、商业知识。国内的很多应届毕业生和跨专业求职者最欠缺的就是相关的商业知识,短期恶补,粗通常识尤为重要。在准备英文面试时尤其要注意积累商业领域的特殊词汇或表达。做好五项准备 从容面对根据这些问题,求职者必须将自己的简历浓缩成一篇突出重点的自我简介;必须准备一个成功领导团队或证明自己创造能力的案例,以及一个失败教训的案例,这个教训不能是生活中的污点,最好是一个令人难忘的经验教训;准备一下个人兴趣的描述.


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