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1、英语感恩演讲稿五篇 使用正确的写作思路书写演讲稿会更加事半功倍。在日新月异的现代社会中,演讲稿的使用频率越来越高,为了让您在写演讲稿时更加简单方便,以下是精心整理的英语感恩演讲稿5篇,欢迎大家分享。 Goodevenng ear eacers and fllwpatcipants. I a very lad tmae aspeehhee. I hope you wl enjoyt. How tmefles!No I am snior igh oo tudentnd bem an indepedt and be gr. WnI go out or alk,brthn thefr andres a

2、i, I always ell myslf:all that Ihav w houd e oe m fami, espcally my prens.t they whocreatemne fe. hn I was a child, Iwas very ghty Even thoughI ws grl, what dd soed I had thsame charcterstics as sme boy livn ea yhose.At ta time, I pred topla wate d clim trees. Tere as no dobt thatI dropped into he a

3、erad wtted my clothes. On hag the wrd, m otr ooke ome in a ury drssed m i a can rss, nd the sh gve me a oodbeatig. ddntve eaction utcy aslly asI cn. OrigallyIhop heywouldchag r ind and he iht no ler beat me. Hev, t ws jut my swet dream.I was still baten by hr frquntly beause o myba habit andbehavor.

4、 father alo coldd mehard,hichas d tois adempe. o th mpressin y aets made one was vrri d thelo er teper eaily, itsemd s if I wno ther daughr an the did lvem l.Atr y littlbrohes irt, myleangdlot. My brtherwas o a augt by; he alwyikdtomak trouls.Sometms h boke a ple, owlromething.H pointed to yuhatit a

5、 wod Mymotheroften atd somene o didthat, so I hdn choice btto torte al scdan bet for hm Theefoe,Iwa ed u ith him, andwe oenurrelediteac er. Finall ymotheraugh m a lesson and emided me w tht I ws theelr siste; sodk care of m a try bepaient with . he eason dnt cnvinc me. On the cntary,I tough ehad pre

6、ferne fmy oter, it ma ncmfrtale. n reliy, experinceda ot inmy chidhod. fferd fom m dseases,hich brought lot of trobes for mparnts, u ey anaged to cur me an dihir best ol meenjoy h righunshineas ohrs.Howevr,hat Igt ft ws ot th appinessfro tei cr, bt t siof y ierable life. How foihIwaWhie I wa stdin t

7、h Junior gh Scoo, hat imresse e mos wa he qarewitmy othr. At thatmomet,fathr orkedn a remotpac for m tuition a exenses the whoe fmil.ws ina boardig schol so tt cou only ohome ve heeeked Wha a preous opportny I hdNeverths, los i.Ater I returned home, still ureled witmy moheI complained ta he i wrng t

8、o me nd could nt nstad y elngatuly hd nerskeit, I s kep aay inseaI hated her prerenc fr myothr Later n, on my grde 2, ee tohae raiz had don somethingrong ithe past.I a veryegetf,an ecde to chang it.As et, Iprms sftha I mus study hrd live toteir execins.I made e bes ofmy prtiea sentit on my ty. Atl,

9、I enerd ntoa Jiaoling Snior High Scho. During my three yeas in he scho, I really stuied dilint,andIhad never fgottn ths words f ecouragemnt myparents gv me. Whenevr I ws frustted, I cld aws gette cofot fm i e thouhI couldnt sca temisortune. One dy, my moterhad ar accent e mmet I heard h ,y hadspunSh

10、 had beenin ospita for ntm bt oldnt se er ad even loo aftrher ince my ahe didt llow e do s.Ibme mself all te meevr sine.I wished I hadreplaed hr o ber tepai hotl the ne sesio was coming, I threw into aiemm I the end, I made my id to q te scoo.my fath urged me o gooschool didnt agee.The result astht

11、my thr ad my headteacher mangedt prsude me togon wit my tudy. From then on, I undestood the rel aning of fe. I treasred every canc,parin no ffortto y study. y moher wa treed fora eriod f ti and finally sh ecovered.A tone hngin up n yh ar was utdown.Withm fforts tomasermo knowlege, I waadmtted to g t

12、o thenerity. On hearing the exciting news, parentsiled happily. In ord, y ie as ll of s nd dwns, but it diot let me down. Nw, enog Ican se my pares becauseofthe long istance, Iinsi aling my aetsup tce a week,cattg with thm. Without thm, my utue wouldin darne. O ThanksgivinDay, I want to sa “ lv you” to thein a lud voce. I o than l heprents for the gret fforts theke. In thmeantie, wish he be happy. We ar e tnwe a epes t ourpn


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