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1、2022年考博英语-西安建筑科技大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题It is anticipated that this contract will substantially increase sales over the next three years.问题1选项A.apparentlyB.slightlyC.considerablyD.steadily【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。substantially“实质上;充分地;大幅地”;A选项apparently“显然地;似乎,表面上”;B选项slightly“些微地,轻微地”;C选项considerably“相当

2、多地;非常地”;D选项steadily“稳定地;稳固地”。句意:预计该合同将在未来三年内大幅增加销售额。根据句中“increase sales增加销售额”可知substantially在这里的意思为“大幅地”,因此C选项相当多地正确。2. 不定项选择题Whats your earliest childhood memory? Can you remember learning to walk? Or talk? The first time you (71) thunder or watched a television program? Adults seldom (72) events m

3、uch earlier than the year or so before entering school, just as children younger than three or four (73) retain any memory of specific, personal experiences. A variety of explanations have been (74) by psychologists for this “childhood amnesia”(儿童失忆症). One argues that the hippocampus, the region of

4、the brain which is responsible for forming memories, does not mature (75) about the age of two. But the most popular theory (76) that, since adults do not think like children, they cannot (77) childhood memories. Adults think in words, and their life memories are like stories or (78) one event follo

5、ws (79) as in a novel or film. But when they search through their mental (80) for early childhood memories to add to this verbal life story, they dont find anything that fits the (81), its like trying to find a Chinese word in an English dictionary.Now psychologist Annette Simmons of the New York St

6、ate University offers a new (82) for childhood amnesia: She argues that there simply (83) any early childhood memories to recall. According to Dr. Simmons, children need to learn to use (84) spoken description of their personal experiences in order to turn their own short-term, quickly (85) impressi

7、ons of them into long-term memories. In other (86), children have to talk about their experiences and hear others talk about (87): Mom talking about the afternoon (88) looking for seashells at the beach or Dad asking them about their day at Ocean Park. Without this (89) reinforcement, says Dr. Simmo

8、ns, children cannot form (90) memories of their personal experience.问题1选项A.listenedB.heardC.touchedD.felt问题2选项A.recallB.interpretC.involveD.resolve问题3选项A.largelyB.reallyC.merelyD.rarely问题4选项A.proposedB.witnessedC.canceledD.figured问题5选项A.afterB.onceC.untilD.since问题6选项A.magnifiesB.maintainsC.containsD

9、.intervenes问题7选项A.accessB.attainC.reflectD.refer问题8选项A.regulationsB.forecastsC.narrativesD.descriptions问题9选项A.the restB.othersC.the otherD.another问题10选项A.outputsB.filesC.flashesD.detains问题11选项A.frameB.landscapeC.footstepD.pattern问题12选项A.explanationB.arrangementC.emphasisD.factor问题13选项A.isntB.werentC

10、.arentD.wasnt问题14选项A.anyone elseB.someone elsesC.someone elseD.anyone elses问题15选项A.forgettingB.rememberedC.forgottenD.remembering问题16选项A.wordsB.casesC.sensesD.means问题17选项A.himB.themC.itD.theirs问题18选项A.usedB.spentC.takenD.chosen问题19选项A.habitualB.mutualC.prettyD.verbal问题20选项A.subordinateB.consciousC.p


12、动词辨析。A选项recall“召回;回想起,记起”;B选项interpret“解释;翻译”;C选项involve“包含;牵涉;使陷于”;D选项resolve“解决;决心;分解”。由空格后“events much earlier than the year or so before entering school”(早于入学前一年左右的事情)可知,此处对应的应该是回想的意思,回想起自己入学之前的事情。句意:成年人很少能回忆起入学前一年左右发生的事情。因此A选项正确。第3题:考查副词辨析。A选项largely“主要地;大部分;大量地”;B选项really“实际上,事实上”;C选项merely“仅仅

13、,只不过;只是”;D选项rarely“很少地;难得;罕有地”。由空格前后语义,以及此句话与前面的“Adults seldom recall events much earlier than the year or so before entering school”应该是并列的关系,所以空格处对应的是很少的意思。句意:就像三、四岁以下的孩子很少能记住任何具体的个人经历一样。因此D选项正确。第4题:考查动词辨析。A选项proposed“提议;计划;提出”;B选项witnessed“目击;证明”;C选项canceled“取消;宣布作废”;D选项figured“是的重要部分;认为;计算”。由空格前“

14、A variety of explanations”(多种解释)可知,解释是被心理学家提出的,所以proposed符合语义。句意:心理学家对这种“童年失忆症”提出了各种解释。因此A选项正确。第5题:考查固定搭配。固定搭配not until“直到才”。A选项after“在之后”;B选项once“一次;曾经;一旦”;D选项since“自以后”。由空格前后“does not mature _ about the age of two”可知,表达的是一个递进的关系,所以not until符合题意。句意:一种观点认为,大脑中负责形成记忆的海马体直到两岁左右才成熟。因此C选项正确。第6题:考查动词辨析。四个选项均为原形动词的第三人称单数形式。A选项magnifies“放大;赞美;夸大”;B选项maintains“维持;继续;维修”;C选项contains“ 包含,容纳;控制,克制”;D选项intervenes“干涉;调停;插入”。由空格前“the most popular theory”(最流行的理论)可知,是流行理论包含了后面的具


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