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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上PLC在恒压供水控制中的应用 内容摘要 生产及生活都离不开水。但如果水源离用水场所较远,就需要管路的输送。而将水送到较远或较高的地方,管路中是需要有一定水压的,水压高了,才能将水输送到远处或较高的楼层。产生水压的设备是水泵,水泵转动的越快,产生的水压越高。传统的维持水压的方法是建造水塔,水泵开着时将水打到水塔中,水泵休息时,借助水塔的水位继续供水。水塔中的水位变化相对水塔的高度来说很小,也就是说水塔能维持供水管路中水压的基本恒定。但是,建造水塔需要花费财力,水塔还会造成水的二次污染。本设计是针对居民生活用水和消防用水而设计的。由变频器、PLC、压力变送器组成控制系统,


3、,提高了系统的可靠性。关键词: 恒压供水; 变频调速; PLC; 组态王监控系统AbstractProduction and life are insepatable from the water.But if the water far away from the place of water,it needs the transmission pipeline.The higher the water to distant or local,is the need for a certain pipe water pressure,high water pressure to move w

4、ater to higher floors or the distance.The device is a pump produced water pressure,waterpump rotating faster,the higher the pressure generated.The traditional approach is to maintain the pressure build towers,water pumps turned on the water hitting the towers,the water pump breaks,the water level co

5、ntinues to supply with water tower.Water tower water tower in the height of water level change is relatively small,meaning that water supply pipes in the water tower to maintain water pressure is almost constant.However,the construction of water tower takes a financial and towers also cause secondry

6、 pollution of water.So,can not be achieved through constant pressure water supply towers then?Certainly,that is introduced into the design of PLC used in constant pressure water supply.Water consumption,the increase in the quantity or inprove the water pump rotational speed to maintain constant wate

7、r pressure in the pipe network,water and it takes hours to make the opposite adjustment.This is the PLC control constant pressure water supply of the basic ideas. This is designed for residential water and fire water designed.By the frequency conveter,PLC,PID regulator and composition of the control

8、 system to regulate the pump output flow.Formed by the three water pump motor pump,water closing the fire control network,the frequency converter or power supply,water supply systens under pressure to control the inverter export pump motor speed and switch the system running.The most reasonable cond

9、ition to ensure the on-demand water supply.Design and implementation of this thesis,data transmission through ZUTAIWANG circuit remote network monitoring system.Elaborate on the system design and software implementation,and system reliability of the measures taken are described.This paper introduces

10、 the basic principles and the constant pressure water supply system constitutes the basis described PLC in the Water Supply System in the role.From the systems overall design and the actual needs of the beginning of life close to reality the need for,and strive to make sure that the system is stable

11、,easy to operate to solve to reality the need for,and strive to make sure that the system is stable,easy to operate to solve the practical problems,to ensure the water supply safe,fast and reliable.Constant pressure water supply to ensure the water quality supply safe,fast and reliable.Constant pres

12、sure water supply to ensure the water quality to the host PLC control system for the rich control the system,improve system reliability.Key words: water supply of constant pressure; variable frequency and speed regulation; PLC; ZUTAIWANG monitoring system目 录 一、引言 1 1.1 恒压供水产生的背景和意义 1 1.2 恒压供水系统的国内外研

13、究现状 1 1.3 本文的主要研究内容 1二、PLC控制的恒压供水系统及工艺要求 2 2.1 恒压供水系统的组成 2 2.1.1 压力变送器 2 2.1.2 变频器 2 2.2 PLC在恒压供水中的主要任务 3 2.3 PLC控制的恒压供水系统工艺要求 3 2.3.1 PLC控制的恒压供水系统 3 2.3.2 系统控制的工艺要求 4 2.3.3 设计总体方案思路 4三、PLC控制的恒压供水系统的硬件设计 5 3.1 PLC系统选型 5 3.2 控制系统的I/O点及地址分配 5 3.3 变频器 6 3.3.1 变频器的基本结构 7 3.3.2 变频器的分类 8 3.3.3 变频器硬件选择及参数设

14、置 8 3.4 压力变送器 9 3.5 电动机 10 3.6 电气控制系统原理图 10 3.6.1 主电路图 10 3.6.2 控制电路图及PLC硬件接线图 10四、PLC控制的恒压供水系统的软件设计 11 4.1 由电动机功率原因而选择工频接入星角启动 12 4.2 多水泵同时运行时的换泵过程 12 4.3 系统流程图设计 13 4.4 程序的结构及程序功能的实现 14 4.5 西门子PLC编程软件简介 15 4.6 程序调试 15五、组态王组态软件的设计 15 5.1 组态王组态软件系统介绍及构成 15 5.2 使用组态王组态软件控制系统实验仿真的基本方法 16 5.3 使用组态王组态软件

15、开发应考虑的问题 16 5.4 恒压供水系统人机界面设计 16 5.5 组态运行环境及调试 20六、结束语 21专心-专注-专业一、引言1.1 恒压供水产生的背景和意义随着变频器调速技术的发展和人们对生活饮用水品质要求的不断提高,变频恒压供水系统已逐渐取代原有的水塔供水系统,广泛应用于多层住宅小区生活消防供水系统,然而,由于新系统多会继续使用原有系统的部分旧设备(如:水泵),在对原有供水系统进行变频改造的实践中,往往会出现一些在理论上意想不到的问题。本设计介绍的变频控制恒压供水系统很好的解决了旧设备需要频繁检修的问题,既体现了变频控制恒压供水的技术优势,同时有效地实现节水、节电、节省人力,最终达到高效率的运行目的。1.2 恒压供水系统的国内外研究现状目前在国内外变频调速恒压供水控制系统的研究设计中,对于能适应不同的用水场合,结合现代控制技术、网络和通讯技术同时兼顾系统的电磁兼容性(EMC)的变频恒压供水系统的水压闭环


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