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1、 2014专四语法练习51. The mother sat by the window_the hole in her coat.A. healing B. resuming C. mingling D. patching52. The owner of the auto plant refused to raise the workers wages, saying that it would _the profit.A. cut off B. cut short C. cut into D. cut up53. Her _ to executive manager is an acknow

2、ledgement of her hard work and unusual talent.A. profession B. occupation C. resignation D. promotion54. We had to learn to work with others and many of our own ideas had to be_for the good of the whole.A. thrown away B. compensated C. brushed aside D. neglected55. The old couple were not rich thems

3、elves, but they hated to turn away anyone who were_ food and shelter.A. at the mercy of B. on the point of C. with the exception of D. in need of56. The clumsy movement of the giant panda amused all the_.A. visitors B. witnesses C. watchers D. spectators57. He wanted very much to run for a second te

4、rm, but owing to poor health, he was _to give it up.A. driven B. permitted C. rebuked D. compelled58. You can _different kinds of people, dictionaries or encyclopedia to find out what you wish to know.A. contact B. contain C. consult D. convert59. Part of the lake has been polluted. You can see the

5、water is covered with _oil.A. a coat of B. a story of C. a film of D. a pad of60. Applications have poured in_assignments to remote regions of the country.A. requiring B. begging C. requesting D. awaiting61. In his_to further his knowledge of the universe, man has now begun to explore space.A. endea

6、vor B. expedition C. trail D. chase62. After a careful examination, the doctor_a new medical and a two-day rest for the patient.A. described B. inscribed C. prescribed D. transcribed63. The little girl wore a very thin coat. A sudden gust of cold wind made her _.A. shake B. sweat C. shiver D. swing6

7、4. The grooms hand_the soft mane of the horse.A. struck B. provoked C. fondled D. remarked65. If the right kind of extracurricular activities is organized, those children who have a(an)_of energy will have a chance to develop their talents much more quickly.A. consumption B. exploration C. exhaustio

8、n D. excess参考答案:51. 答案 D【参考译文】 妈妈坐在窗边补衣服上的洞。【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。【详细解答】 “heal”含义为“治疗”,“resume”含义为“恢复”;“mingle”含义为“使混合”;“patch”含义为“补”。根据句意,D最合适。52. 答案 C【参考译文】 车厂老板拒绝涨工人工资,说那会减少公司利润。【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。【详细解答】 “cut off”含义为“切断”;“cut short”含义为“中断”;“cut into”含义为“侵犯(利益)”;“cut up”含义为“切碎”。根据句意,C最合适。53. 答案 D【参考译文】 她

9、被升为执行经理是对她工作努力且有非凡才能的确认。【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。【详细解答】 “profession”含义为“职业”;“occupation”含义为“职业,工作”;“resignation”含义为“辞职”;“promotion”含义为“提升”。根据句意,D最适合。54. 答案 C【参考译文】 我们不得不学会与他们一起工作且很多个人想法要为了全局利益而抛弃。【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。【详细解答】 “throw away”含义为“扔掉”;“compensate”含义为“补偿”;“brushaside”含义为“不顾”;“neglect”含义为“忽视”。根据句意,C最合适。55.

10、 答案 D【参考译文】 那对老夫妻自己并不富有,但他们不却不愿拒绝帮助那些需要食宿的人。【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。【详细解答】 “at the mercy of”含义为“在支配中”;“on the point of”含义为“正要时”;“with the exception of”含义为“除之外”;“in need of”含义为“需要”。根据句意,D最适合。56. 答案 D【参考译文】 大熊猫笨拙的举动逗笑了所有的观看者。【试题分析】 本题是近义词辨析题。【详细解答】 “visitor”含义为“参观者”;“witness”含义为“见证人”;“watcher”含义为“看守人”;“specta

11、tor”含义为“观众”。根据句意,D最合适。57. 答案 A【参考译文】 他很想参加第二轮竞争,但因为身体不好,他不得不放弃。【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。【详细解答】 “driven”含义为“出于不得已的”;“permit”含义为“同意,允许”;“rebuke”含义为“排斥”;“compel”含义为“迫使屈服”。根据句意,A最合适。58. 答案 C【参考译文】 你可以通过查询不同的人,字典或百科全书来找到你想要知道的。【试题分析】 本题是形近词辨析题。【详细解答】 “contact”含义为“接触、联络”;“contain”含义为“包含”;“consult”含义为“查询,咨询”;“conve

12、rt”含义为“转变,转换”。根据句意,C最合适。59. 答案 C【参考译文】 湖被部分污染了。你可以看见水面上覆盖着一层油。【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。【详细解答】 “a coat of”含义为“一层涂层”;“a story of”含义为“一层楼”;“a film of”含义为“一薄层”;“a pad of”含义为“一层垫层”。根据句意,C最合适。60. 答案 C【参考译文】 要求赴边的申请不断涌来。【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。【详细解答】 “require”含义为“需要,要求,命令”;“beg”含义为“乞求”;“request”含义为“请求,要求”;“await”含义为“等候”。

13、根据句意,C最合适。61. 答案 A【参考译文】 试图发展对宇宙的了解,人类已经开始探索太空。【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。【详细解答】 “endeavor”含义为“试图”;“expedition”含义为“远征”;“trail”含义为“追踪”;“chase”含义为“追逐”。根据句意,A最合适。62. 答案 C【参考译文】 在仔细检查后,医生给病人开了一种新药和两天休假。【试题分析】 本题是形近词辨析题。【详细解答】 “describe”含义为“描述”;“inscribe”含义为“题写”;“prescribe”含义为“开处方”;“transcribe”含义为“抄写,译”。根据句意,C最合适。6

14、3. 答案 C【参考译文】 那个女孩衣服穿得太薄,一阵冷风使她全身发抖。【试题分析】 本题为词义辨析题。【详细解答】 “shake”含义为“摇动,抖动”;“sweat”含义为“出汗”;“shiver”含义为“颤抖,哆嗦”;“swing”含义为“摆动”。根据句意,C最合适。64. 答案 C【参考译文】 马夫的手抚摸马的软鬃毛。【试题分析】 本题为词义辨析题。【详细解答】 “stick”含义为“刺”;“provoke”含义为“挑逗”;“fondle”含义为“爱抚,抚弄”;“remark”含义为“觉察”。根据句意,C最合适。65. 答案 D【参考译文】 如果能组织更好的课外活动,那些有余力的孩子就有

15、机会更快地发展自己的能力。【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。【详细解答】 “consumption”含义为“消费”;“exploration”含义为“探险”;“exhaustion”含义为“竭尽”;“excess”含义为“额外的”。根据句意,D最合适。41. Everyone must have liked the cake because there wasnt even a _ left.A. crutch B. chip C. chop D. clip42. Mary _when she found her husband drunk again.A. blew her top B. became abnormal C. was affecte


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