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1、 外国语大学网络教育学院经管专业毕业设计(论文)商务谈判技巧在实践中的具体运用姓 名: 杨文灿学 号: 131113360004专 业: 工商管理指导老师: 论文提交日期: 2015年01月02日外国语大学网络教育学院学士学位论文诚信声明本人X重声明:所呈交的学士学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。论文所涉及的项目为本人亲自负责或者参与实施的项目。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。本人完全了解本声明的法律结果由本人承担。学士学位论文作者签名:日期:年月 日 / 目 录目 录I摘 要IIAbstractIII第一章 绪论

2、11.1研究背景及其研究意义1第二章 商务谈判的概论22.1商务谈判的概要22.2谈判的五性质2第三章 商务谈判前的准备33.1确定谈判态度33.2充分了解谈判对手33.3准备多套谈判方案43.4建立融洽的谈判气氛43.5设定好谈判的禁区43.6语言表述简练43.7曲线进攻53.8谈判是用耳朵取胜,而不是嘴巴5第四章 恰当运用商务谈判的策略6第五章 掌握商务谈判中的要领7第六章 商务谈判的把握86.1开局策略86.2报价策略86.3讨价的策略96.4 还价策略9结 论10参考文献11致 谢12摘 要市场经济的不断发展和对外开放的进一步扩大,越来越多的企业参与了国际竞争,而国际商务谈判就成了企业



5、面,变为同心协力的一体,在高效率和协调人际关系上达成协议。关键词:商务谈判;原则;要领;策略AbstractThe continuous development of market economy and the further enlargement opening to the outside world, more and more enterprises to participate in international petition, the international business negotiation has bee an indispensable enterprise

6、international petition is an important activity. With the rapid development of our countrys economy, especially after joining the WTO, more and more business negotiations business in our country. Negotiations both sides want to maximize profits and interests between the conflict. How to successfully

7、 carry out business negotiations? This article through to be prepared for the negotiations, to master work main point of the negotiation skills such as the use of appropriate negotiation strategy, make the negotiations both sides a win-win situation. Business negotiations are people in all kinds of

8、economic business, to make the two sides (or parties) tend to agree to discuss the consultation. Negotiate business content not only includes products, include such as capital, technology, information, services, such as modity supply and demand negotiations, technology import and transfer negotiatio

9、ns, investment negotiation, etc. Through business negotiations, the purpose is to change the relationship between each other and exchange views, in order to achieve cooperation seek mon process. This is a very plex process, both to determine their respective rights and interests, and to consider oth

10、er whaley aspects, therefore, business negotiation is like a game, fighting in the heart, but will also teamed up together, this is contradict to be united again already, in the interests of both the individual and the whole. How to be in an impregnable position, is the pursuit of the goal of every

11、trade. The negotiations the two sides should fully recognize the negotiations should be mutually beneficial, is based on the two sides (or parties), the process of seek mon interests. In the process, each party are eager to meet the needs of their direct and indirect, but at the same time must consi

12、der the need of each other, because only in this way can we ultimately successful negotiations. Negotiations in the mutual reciprocity and mutual benefit is first determined their own needs, to explore the need of each other, then together with each other to find a way can meet the needs of both sid

13、es conditions and feasible; Meet our needs and predict each other need should be in the center of the whole negotiation, regard each other as part of the solution, both to each other to moderate, and adhere to the principle to the other side, facts and reasoning, by opposing each other, to work toge

14、ther, to reach an agreement on the high efficiency and coordination relationships.Key words: business negotiation; Principle; Main point; strategy 第一章 绪论1.1研究背景及其研究意义随着我国对外开放力度的不断加大和深入,以及加入WTO后,贸易争端日益激增,商务谈判活动的地位日益突出,它几乎渗入了商战的每一个角落,通过谈判手段解决双方间的矛盾和冲突,化干戈为玉帛,以期望实现“双赢”更显得愈发重要。如果想在商务谈判中取得胜利,那就必须知道如何运用一些

15、商务谈判技巧来说服谈判对手。商务谈判活动是在经济活动中,谈判双方通过协商来确定交换有关的各种条件的一项必不可少的活动,它可以促进双方达成协议,是双方洽谈的一项重要环节。商务谈判是人胶相互调整利益,减少分歧,并最终确立共同利益的事行为过程。如果谈判技巧掌握不合适,不但会使双方发生冲突导致贸易的破裂,更会造成经济上的损失。在商务谈判中,应善于收集与谈判内容有关的信息,善于进行认真分析思考,抓住问题的本质,然后将自己所要表达的内容,运用恰当的方式与策略将其准确、简练的表达出来。其次,了解选择谈判时间、地点的技巧,它们在谈判中也占有重要的地位。最后,谈判策略的把握。第二章 商务谈判的概论2.1商务谈判的概要商务谈判是人们在各类经济业务中,为使双方(或多方)的意见趋于一致而进行的洽谈磋商。谈判的业务内容不仅包括产品,还包括资金、技术、信息、服务等,如商品供求谈判、技术引进与转让谈判、投资谈判等。通过商务谈判,其目的是改变相互间的关系并交换观点,以期达成协作的求同过程。这是一个较为复杂的过程,既要确定各自的权利与利益,又要考虑他方的惠利方面,因此,商务谈判犹如对弈,在方寸上厮杀,但又要共同联手合作,这是既矛盾又统一的,既个体又整体的利益所在。如何才能立于


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