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1、微语境续写指导创设微语境快速续写亲情家庭主题类文章 课堂任务目标:五感四句快速展开细节描写巧妙结尾,结构完整,升华主题 心 (所感:感受、感想、感情) 眼 (所看:看见、眼神、眼光) 头 (所想:想象、回想、想起) 体 (所动: 肢体、动作、动词) 嘴 (所说:语言、微笑、声音) 收获感悟,体验认知; 借物抒情,情景交融; 概括总结,简明扼要; 展望未来,趋势方向; 首尾呼应,浑然一体 Step 1 四肢动作词块准备亲情家庭 细节描写 主题升华 9 / 9学科网(北京)股份有限公司1. be too weak to do the whole job(was) 不能做全部工作,太虚弱了2. co

2、uldnt bear to look at sth(could) 不忍看某物3. bravely take responsibility (took) 承担责任4. admit your mistake(admitted) 承认你的错误5. have a quick breakfast(had) 吃早餐6. wear a bright yellow dress (wore) 穿一件亮黄色的连衣裙7. clean the kitchen (cleaned) 打扫厨房8. pick me up at my house (picked) 到我家来接我9. We deeply apologize fo

3、r our actions. (aplologized) 道歉:我们为我们的行为深表。10. We wait carefully for Dads decision. (waited) 等待爸爸的决定11. squeeze the breath out of him (squeezed) 呼吸不过气来12. take a few deep breaths (took) 呼吸几次13. take a long breath (took) 呼吸一口气14. become stricken with cancer (became) 患癌症15. aviod each other(avoided) 回

4、避彼此16. avoid doing sth(avoided) 回避做某事17. pretend to pick up a stone (pretended) 假装捡起一块石头18. explain his problem to sb(explained) 解释他的问题19. start to cry (started) 开始哭泣20. lean against his mothers shoulder (leaned) 靠在他母亲的肩膀上21. pull us to his side (pulled) 拉到他身边22. take me aside (took) 拉我一边23. calm do

5、wn as soon as possible (calmed) 冷静下来24. go through all the hardship (went) 历尽艰辛25. gently touch his head/ shoulder(touched) 摸摸他的头/肩膀26. pat me on the shoulder (patted) 拍拍我的肩膀27. burst into applause (burst) 拍掌声28. hold his breath (held) 屏住呼吸29. cant help doing(could) 情不自禁做某事30. go to the kitchen to p

6、repare dinner(went) 去厨房准备晚餐31. go home for lunch(went) 去家吃午饭32. have my lunch ready for me(had) 让我的午餐准备好33. lie to sb(lied) 撒谎34. tell sb a lie(told) 撒谎35. get out of control (got) 失去控制36. receive a wonderful gift (received) 收到一份精美的礼物37. count the money in his pocket (counted) 数一数他口袋里的钱38. slowly li

7、ft my head (lifted) 抬起我的头39. remind sb of sth (reminded) 提醒某人某事40. remind sb of how much I loved my Mom (reminded) 提醒某人我有多爱我的妈妈。41. tell sb a joke that (told) 玩笑42. hold her hand tight (held) 握紧她的手43. My heart sinks (sank.) 心往下一沉。44. learn to do(learned) 学会做45. shake our heads (shook) 摇摇头46. give me

8、 the best hug (gave) 拥抱47. run to her and hug her tightly (ran) 拥抱入怀48. his mom sweep him into her arms with her eyes wet. (swept) 拥抱入怀,泪流满面49. I reach out and put my arms around her. (reached) 拥抱入怀,伸手50. hug him more tightly (hugged) 拥抱他51. hold me in a tight embrace (held) 拥抱我52. hold the boy in h

9、er arms (held) 拥抱在怀里53. have the opportunity to do sth(had) 有机会做某事54. have sth around(had) 有某物在身边55. be fortunate to do sth(was) 有幸做某事56. be in company with(was) 与.为伴57. plant my feet resolutely on the ground (planted) 站立天地58. stand outside the room (stood) 站在房间外面59. stand beside them smiling widely

10、 (stood) 站在他们旁边微笑60. stand in my way (stood) 站在我路上(挡路)61. find a pen in my pocket (found) 找到一支钢笔62. be so absorbed in his work(was) 专心于他的工作63. turn back(turned) 转身64. turn to sb for help (turned) 转向某人求助65. walk out of the room(walked) 走出房间66. prevent sb from doing (prevented) 阻止某人做(被阻止)67. sit down

11、straight on his chair (sat) 坐在他的椅子上68. sit beside her on the playground (sat) 坐在她旁边69. make the right choice (made) 做出正确的选择70. do something wrong(did) 做错事71. have some trouble with sth(had) 做某事上有点麻烦72. have some trouble (in doing sth) 做某事有困难73. do a full-time job(did) 做全职工作74. make dinner (made) 做晚餐

12、75. do so many things for me(did) 做这么多事情76. with his head down() 低着头77. with our heads drooping() 我们低垂着头 随意描述某人做什么事(忌单一,喜欢系列内容)。如;父亲拍我的头。 My father came over, reached out and patted me on the head._ Step 2 心理感受和情绪词块准备1. honesty and responsibility are good things. (were) 诚实和责任是好东西。2. Something have g

13、one wrong. (had) 出事了。3. with a sincere heart() 带着一颗真诚的心4. wind is colder than I expected. (was) 风比我想象的要冷。5. look good in her red dress (looked) 感到穿红色连衣裙很好看6. get more confident with her word(got) 感到都更加自信7. My face burns with embarrassment. (burned) 感到尴尬而脸红。8. She now could do nothing but feel the re

14、gret burning in her heart.(could) 感到悔恨在心中燃烧,她现在什么也做不了。9. every word disappears from my head. (disappeared) 感到每个字都从我的脑海中消失了。10. encountered my mothers encouraging eyes and a decision was made.(encountered/was) 感到母亲鼓励的目光,我做了一个决定。11. with her constant encouragement() 感到她的不断鼓励下12. understand the pressur

15、es on her (understood) 感到她所承受的压力13. there is something strong growing in my heart. (was) 感到心里有一种强烈的感觉。14. she is wild with joy. (was) 感到欣喜若狂。15. I could see that the excitement was gone(could) 感到兴奋感已经消失了16. sense her pain (sensed) 感受她的痛苦17. sense my unease (sensed) 感受我的不安18. gather his courage (gathere


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